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Captain k's picture

Hi there never been on a forum before but wanted some views from other people.
Just split from my partner of 2 years due to a few problems one being money, I moved in to her house with her 3 children & her eldest child's boyfriend also moved in whilst I was living there which wasn't my decision. I paid half for food,rent,gas & electric, but didn't pay for water or tv. After living there a while she wanted me to pay half for all the bills which I considered abit unfair, the boyfriend who lived there didn't pay anything and is of an age to work part time but is very lazy & can't be bothered to work or even help out around the house.
Should I have been paying half for everything? How do others pay when moving in to a situation like this?

asheeha's picture

this is a personal question. if she has one view and you have another and you can't come to an agreement then it's better that you parted ways.

herewegoagain's picture

Good for you for leaving. Geez, I love these women. They have 3 kids and you are supposed to pay 1/2 of what? Sure.

knucklehead's picture

Wow. Your "share" was really high...

My DH pays half of the house, and I have 3 bios at home (all minors.) I have asked and asked, and no, he WANTS to pay half. Go figure. But I didn't "expect" him to.

Kilgore SMom's picture

Let me get this right. The adults are
your girlfriend
SD (Who moves her boyfriend in)
SD boyfriend
Then 2 children

If SD is old enough to have a live in boyfriend then she is old enough to get a job and pay rent. Just my opinion.
So you moved into girlfriends house knowing she has small kids. So you take on that responsibility. I can see where she is coming up with half.
But then you come to the fact that you may have the earning of $20 per hour and your girlfriend may earn $8 per hour. So you see where thats not fare.
The bottom line is that the SD and her boyfriend. If their old enough to live together they should pay something. Say $200 a month to gro. and $200 to bills. They should be made to get jobs.
Then you and your girlfriend subtract that from the bills then ya'll pay the rest.

Let me tell you this, years ago I had this same problem. I made $10.81 per hour about $300 bring home every week my boyfriend brought home $2000. per week and we were still halfing the bills. It really hurt my feelings because theres no way I would ever make that kind of money. So if I wanted anything extra to bad. Yet he could go buy what ever he wanted. I'm a proud women I'm not asking anyone for anything. It hurt my feelings that I was having to pay out over half my pay check to bills and he was only paying a tiny percentage. What I'm saying is that it needs to be a fare amount depending on what ya'll both make.
I hope this made sense. I'm not good at explaining what I mean.