Message for "TheDude," and posssible apology
Apparently someone took umbrage with me for using the "t" word to refer to "TheDude" yesterday. It is good to know that the rights of everyone on this board are zealously protected, even folks who have only been here for a few hours, and whose intent seems questionable. In hindsight, I should have written something more like this:
"Folks, be careful in responding to "TheDude." We have seen a number of people come on here to create trouble. They set up an account, leave an inflmatory post, and then disappear. Everything that "TheDude" wrote fits in with this pattern. By responding to him with outrage, you are probably just giving him what he wants."
Now the one caveat is this: if one of the other posters (i.e. not "TheDude") thought that I was calling them a t****, then I truly apologize. There are a couple of posters on here that I have traded barbs with in the past, but I believe that honest disagreement is a part of a robust message board. I would never call such people names, even if I disagree with them. If that happened, my bad.
I think that I can write it
I think that I can write it out, as long as I am not using it to call someone a name: troll.
LMFAO! Me too.
LMFAO! Me too.
Me too! What does that say
Me too!
What does that say about us? LOL
hey now, I was called that
hey now, I was called that and I didnt get a public apology all she did was take down her blog. That isnt fair. And she called me a bitch too...errrr
I remember that!! I didn't
I remember that!! I didn't know she called you a bitch!! yikes!
HAHAHAHA! I thought it was
HAHAHAHA! I thought it was twat too! LOL!
Titty? (I'm trying to account
Titty? (I'm trying to account for the appropriate # of "*'s" LOL!.)
Ok, I guess I am lame, what
Ok, I guess I am lame, what is the "T" word?
I have 3 kids so I know the "s" word, the "f" word, the "b" word (to my kids that would be stupid, fart and brat LOL) I cannot for the life of me think of a "t" word.
Dear Lord....if Troll is a
Dear Lord....if Troll is a dirty word, then I and my serious pirate/truck driver mouth are in terrible trouble.
I've been called worse
I've been called worse
Did anyone ever hear back
Did anyone ever hear back from our friend, "TheDude?"
oh that poster. She pops in
oh that poster. She pops in every few weeks, tries to stir up trouble then disappears, same with stepmomfromhell, and a few others.
i don't see what the big deal
i don't see what the big deal with the "T" word is anyway. a rose by any other name is still going to be red and smell the way it smells, right?
teehee! i realized that after
teehee! i realized that after i specified red. or pink. or white! i guess that means T's can come in all shapes and sizes, but a T is a T!
Paul, I'm going to jump on
Paul, I'm going to jump on board and copy your apology to all, as I also suggested we not feed the "T." It seemed blatantly obvious to me and I thought it silly that everyone was getting so worked up over his post. If anyone was offended by my comment before it was moderated into oblivion, I apologize.
i wasnt' offended. you are
i wasnt' offended. you are absolutely right. i have a big problem with feeding, and i hate it. i need to stop. i hate giving jerks what they want, yet when it comes to a T, i keep on doing it. i'm making a public promise to myself right now to not do that to the next T post or comment i see.
I was not rude to the T. My
I was not rude to the T. My monkey, however, has a mind of his own.
I got dinged for calling him
I got dinged for calling him the same word. I got the email and honestly couldn't figure out who I "name called". I didn't even remember doing it. Apparently I used the term idiot, as well. Anyhow, my apologies, as well. I honestly meant it more as "he's trolling the site " and that he must think we are all idiots for not realizing we could just take away the XBox, rather than "billying", but rules are rules and I'll be more careful.
I am now inspired to change
I am now inspired to change my name and pic to a troll. Can I call myself a troll? If you never see my again the answer is no!!
Hey Paul, if it walks like a
Hey Paul,
if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck...