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Looking for an honest opinion

Miss Jewels's picture

Hi everyone,

I was just hoping to get your feedback on my current dilemma. I'm sure many of you deal with this occasionally or perhaps even on a regular basis.

My BF's son (8yo) has an upcoming xmas concert at school. Of course BM will be there, quite possibly with her BF. I have a civil relationship with BM. I am most definitely nice with her but i do not go out of my way to engage in conversation with her. If she speaks with me, i am pleasant with her and have no problem in conversing with her. It simply doesn't interest me to be buds with her.
She has no boundaries and this has been an issue in my relationship with my BF from Day 1. She calls and texts my BF for every and any reason that crosses her mind and she'll show up at our house unannounced at times to drop stuff off for the kids. We JUST got the kids last night for the week (50/50 custody) and she's already texted my BF several times since last night and called him 3 times. She spoke with 8yo and then asked him to pass the phone to "daddy". This was last night. Today she called this morning just to talk to my BF. She called again about 1/2 hour ago. I guess i can't really blame her. It's my BF that never put any boundaries in place and although i have brought this up many times to him, nothing has changed. Anyhow this is not my dilemma at the moment.
My BF is expecting for us to sit with BM at this xmas concert and i REALLY don't want to. Truth is i do not feel comfortable nor do i find it necessary. I don't want to sit with her, paint my fake smile on and make small talk with someone i couldn't give 2 shits about. Do i HAVE to sit with her? Do you think i should have the option? Or should i just shut my mouth and go along with what my BF wants? I have not discussed this at all with my BF yet.
Part of me feels that i have the right to sit wherever i please since i am not there for her. I am there for my BF's son. The other part of me feels like i should just shut my mouth and go along with what my BF wants and is accustomed to. If he is accustomed to sitting with her at functions, should i just go along with it? Do i have the right to speak up and tell my BF I don't feel comfortable in doing so. Good or bad, i am hoping for some input.


emotionaly beat up's picture

The child's Christmas concert is probably not the best time to start digging your heels in. You've had plenty of occasions by the sounds of it to,start setting your own boundaries, for example BM popping in unexpectedly when you have SS. All the phone calls to BF etc., I wouldn't be using the child's concert to start something. If you are uncomfortable then just don't go. Explain to your boyfriend why yue uncomfortable, and politely bow out without fighting with bf over it or demanding your way over it.

What I don't really understand is this. You say you don't have any real issues with BM. You are not bff's but there is no open hostility either. Why would you want to start open warfare with her. Why would you want to bring that into your life.
It's a Christmas concert, it will be an hour or two, you don't need to go out for drinks afterwards, you don't need to be chatty with her during the concert, you're supposed to be watching the concert. If no one is making you feel unwelcome or unwanted, why start something that could lead to friction between you and her.

Your boyfriend is going to see that his ex wants to get along with you, happy to have you attend the concert, and you are the one causing problems and refusing to sit with her and her boyfriend. Why?

I know the vast majority of stepmoms here will tell you you're right, stuff her etc. the vast majority seem to think that sm and BM should never get along. That their husbands/boyfriends need to hate the ex. It doesn't have to be that way. People grow apart, divorce and can be mature enough to get on with their lives without hating the ex. If children are involved this is particularly important.

I think you attending the concert and changing the seating arrangements from the usual mom and dad sitting together which seemingly has gone on for years, to her and her bf sitting in one part of the room and you and bf another is unnecessary, and unfair to SS. It will be picked up on by BM and it will create tension. SS will feel that. As will everyone else. Why do you want to be the cause of that.

You and your bf need to discuss boundaries, phone calls and whatever else is worrying you and work it out between you. But SS concert is not the time or the place.

Disneyfan's picture

Tell him ONCE that you're not sitting with BM.

My mom has a saying~ I can show you better than I can tell you. Don't waste time discussing it over and over again. Say what you're going to do, mean it and stick to it.

When you get to concert, sit where you want and let BF decide where he will sit.

Standing your ground on this will show him that he can't talk you into doing anything concerning BM that makes you uncomfortable.

momagainfor4's picture

having been in this situation a few times with my ex and his wife as well as with my SO and sd, bm I can honestly say that I think that you are linking the situation about boundaries to this one event. It doesn't really need to be like that.

For one thing, this is a separate event that is solely for the purpose of going to support ss in his endeavors.

I personally understand you not wanting to sit with them. I usually let it play out on it's own. When both my daughters graduated (one from high school, the other from college) we just played it by ear. Actually, my ex just sat with his wife across the stadium from us and didn't try to sit anywhere close to us. I didn't try to sit close to him either. It is too hard to save seats to me at that sort of thing.
Possibly at the same thing you're going to it will be hard to save seats as well, so maybe that serves as an excuse.. just sit where you have a seat available.
One time we went to a dance recital for sd and we sat with my SO's family and bm's family sat on the far side away..but just by chance. We didn't go out of our way to sit with them.
We went to a church function and they sat up front. We sat in the back. My SO went to a church function and sat with their family. I wasn't too cool about that as bm's spouse was out of town. Rent a spouse night.
Like you said.. it's my SO's responsibility to keep the boundaries in place!!

I don't see a reason to present a united front. SS obviously knows they aren't together. Who does she thinks she's kidding.

As the first commentor stated.. this is not the time to dig in your heels. Just go with the flow if you can but you need to sit down aside from this situation and have a long talk with your bf about your expectations and his expectations.

If the guy doesn't care to change it or to adjust the boundaries, they will never change. Now you resent the bm but eventually you'll resent ss, too.
And like you pointed's your bf's fault. Not theirs. To be the devil's advocate here.. he will most likely respond that it's all worked well so far and why the big change up? it was all good before you got in the middle of it. you need to be prepared to hear this as some point!!

Good luck!! Don't sweat the small stuff!!

Miss Jewels's picture

Thank you for your opinions. Much appreciated.

Emotionaly beat up, i think it's one thing to be nice & civil with BM but why should i feel obliged to sit side by side with her at an xmas concert (or a soccer game etc)? It makes me uncomfortable and i don't find it necessary at all. What's the harm in saying hello (because i'm sure we'll bump into her there), make small talk and go our own way to take our seats? Personally, i think it's good enough.
My BF would be the first one to say something about me sitting beside one of my exs but because they share children, it is ok to disregard my feelings so that he can keep the peace with his ex and not rock the boat. I guess i just don't agree with that at all.

Anyhow, i may just take your advice and bow out. Kinda shitty for 8yo but if it is more important that my BF sit with his ex, then truthfully he can do so without me there. Plain & simple.

BadNanny's picture

Perfect! You sit next to her Wink make sure you push your way through first haha - and look past her and constantly exclaim to her BF "awww, isn't Skid just the cutest?!" Haha Go fuck with them! Haha

emotionaly beat up's picture

I agree. If I your not happy or you are uncomfortable, don't go. But tell him the truth, don't make excuses , don't blame anyone. Just tell him it makes you uncomfortable and you feel,awkward about sitting next to her, then see what he does about that.

Ultimately your boyfriend needs to be the one who sets boundaries here. You need to have input as to what you do and don't feel comfortable with. None of this is SS fault, though any drama at the concert, and he would be collateral damage. None of this is BMs faults. She owes you nothing, she doesn't have to like you or respect you, but your boyfriend, well he damn well should be putting her well and truly in her place if she doesn't. Your boyfriend needs to listen to how you feel here, and respect your feelings. You need to be honest with him about your feelings. But as I said before, this Christmas concert is not the time or place.

derb84123's picture

we dont even sit with BM, well none of us ever speak to eachother (not our doing)... BM likes to pretend we dont exist, even at exchanges. Yeah the kids can't feel that hostility or anything! She just hates DH and me bc he got residential custody- she still feels the kids were wrongfully "taken". ANYWAY. I agree with everyone else, You dont have to sit with her, if DH makes a deal about it, dont go. The kid doesn't care if you are sitting together, he cares that he sees your smiling face.

This issue aside, you really need to get with DH on these boundaries. You are not happy, and that is not acceptable.

Orange County Ca's picture

Not having read the other responses this may be a duplicate. Your BF is not going to change. He has made this clear by simply ignoring your stated concerns. His child and his mother are more important to him and who can really argue with that?

Be very glad you're not in the middle of WWIII with this woman. Just read the other threads on this web site to see what you're missing. I would make it clear that you're not sitting directly next to this woman.

Normally gentlemen will sit on the outside of the two woman with them so the women are protected from strangers sitting next to the group. Tell your boyfriend that he is to sit with either his ex or her boyfriend on one side and you on the other. (You would prefer a stranger on your opposite side as opposed to having her next to you).

Or if you want to have some fun sit with a stranger on one side and her boyfriend on the other. But don't be surprised if his leg keeps rubbing up against yours.