As London riots spread further accross the UK I can't help thinking the parents are partly to blame! Control your kids!
Not really a subject regarding step-parenting but parenting nonetheless...These disrespectful youths are tearing our country apart and need some serious discipline! On the news today children as young as 11 were seen amongst the rioting....why the hell do these parents allow their young children to be out at that time of night and be involved in this?! Our country is in financial ruin as it is and now these little shits are going to cost us tens of millions to repair the damage and claim on insurance for those who's cars and houses were destroyed. Not to mention the amount of money lost due to looting! The parents of these children need to rane them in and give them a good kicking!
Cameron should send in the army now it's going way too far!
Vent over! Thankyou for listening lol.
Exactly! Parenting has been
Exactly! Parenting has been on a downhill slide for the last 45 years or so.
Free ranging, instant gratification/pacification model rules the day with bioparents competing to see who can be Junior's "bestest" friend.