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Just at a total loose.. so many questions.. please

StepDT's picture

Well, I'll start by saying I am new to the site so please bare with me... I am a young SF of 3 stepchildren SS6 SS12 And SD13...I have only been "SF" for about 3 years hut have been friend of family for about 6 years ...wen me and m wife starting seeing each other there was a series of events that led to the post BF of the oldest 2 coming from Florida to VA where we live, an taking the kids without wife's knowledge or permission (they were still married at the time) BF had nothing to do with them prior to this... the BF cut all contact between kids and my wife and moved to Michigan... after a year with no contact we saved up enough money to make a surprise trip to Michigan and try and see the kids.. which was done successfully..the kiddos wanted to come back to va for the remainder of the summer which was like 3 weeks.. of course we were okay with it and my wife managed to get bf to allow this... after being here about a week I took the older kids for a walk with our dog and they completely opened up to me concerning physical and emotional abuse that was going on at BF's.. I talked to
my wife about this an the kids asked if they could stay with us... my wife called BF and he denied everything but said ty could stay... long story short he showed up at our door unannounced with the cops and ripped the kids from us.. and took them back to Michigan... after having the kids back for less than 2 weeks BF called my wife and said "I can't deal with the kids shit anymore come get the." We are both very happy to be picking them up Tuesday of next week... but BF is telling the kids horrible untrue things about me and telling them I am nothing to them yadda yadda not sure what to do... my ss12 asked to call me dad but idk because our age gap is rarely close... but we have a great relationship.. also do I continue to just sit back and let him run his mouth or do I say something? Help needed please!

StepDT's picture

Well unfortunately BF has custody at this point... we areworking on that now.. He made it VERY clear we can come get them if we ask for no money... which is cool by me.. but being new to all this I'm unsure of some of the legal aspects.

stepmonster_2011's picture

How old are these kids? I see the SS is 12?

Is it not possible that they lied to you? Told you a story about abuse, and then when they got back to dad's told a similar story to him about YOU?

If these kids are truly in danger - the CPS investigation should find it.

And did you open the investigation in your state or in MI?

I'd be very wary of just showing up to take the kids - last time dad agreed to let you keep the kids he came to get them with the cops right? That doesn't sound like the actions of a cooperative parent. Make sure you have a written agreement giving mom temporary custody and then get the paperwork rolling on permanent custody. Don't take the kids without that.

IF you think they are in danger at dad's house - call the COPS. They will go in a check on the kids, and get them out of the home and keep them safe until you can get there.

StepDT's picture

Yes SS is 12 SD is 13 and the allegations of abuse towards the father was most definitely not a lie, due to proof of physical abuse... also the BF will be signing paperwork before we get them.. and if there was abuse allegations I am sure the father would have done something... I just don't see them playing both sides like that... he was never been a cooperative person to deal with.. just want the kids in a happy safe home.. not where they spend all day everyday locked in a room.. what kin of childhood is that?