Just some more complaining about step life
Something that really gets my goat. BM always planning events for SD in our time. Right now dh could care less because he has bigger things on his mind with his dad doing from cancer, so i let it go, but I'd love to vent about it here.
So back on Thursday before Good Friday sd had the day off of school for teacher in service, which meant dh got sd for that weekend on Thursday... except that meant no body would be there to watch her little 6yo brother. So bm called and told dh she needed sd13 to stay home to watch him. I get it, we're reasonable. Even though bm could have hired any neighborhood kid who has watched him before... but what ever. Dropping it.
Then this weekend, dh gets sd again but instead of picking up on Friday dh agreed for BM to drop with him after pictures that BM scheduled, these could have been done any other weekend, why would she schedule it on dh's time? Because she's BM.
Dh is just being a push over right now because his dad is dying, and he doesn't want to stress about BM and her antics. I get it, i just wanted to share this loveliness with ya'll.