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Just a rant

angelkiss's picture

I'm 25, my fiance is 37 and has a daughter who is 8 but acts like she's 2. She wines about everything under the sun, something as little as eating the last french fry or my son getting the first french fry will send this kid into a 20 minute long tear-fest.. She expects to be waited on hand and foot. Screams when she doesn't get things exactly her way (my son wanting to watch his Disney movie on van dvd, for the whole 20 mins we are moving) She is always underfoot, I turn around and she is there! I am thankful that she likes me but I can't even take a shower without her banging on the door (it's gotten so bad that I lock the masterbedroom door now just to shower)
Luckily, we only see her 2 days a week but on those 2 days I DREAD it! and I mean d.r.e.a.d! I fake sick to just go into my bedroom and hide out.. I dread doing ANYTHING with this child because it can never go smoothly without some sort of fit (i.e. crying, wining or hollaring match between her and her father) I mean, for goshsakes, in line to get ice cream she will pout and stomp around with people watching if they are out of the kind she wants. I have my own child, who is 6 and if he ever did that, my hand would be on his ass. I'm scared that my son will pickup on the way she acts and think "she can do it and get away with it so why can't I?" because we only have her 2 days, her father won't show her any sort of dicipline what-so-ever and goshforbid if I ever did, I would NEVER hear the end of it from her "mother".. I love this man but the 2 days a week are killing me!

snoopyinoz's picture

You and fiance need to sit down and set rules. NOW! what is he going to do when she gets older? and pulls some stunt and winds up in jail? THere is NO reason why you should have to suffer along with your child. Does BM dicipline? (I'm guessing no?) there needs to be something set in place before she gets totally out of control

lpollard8985's picture

There has to be some sort of discipline. Your fiance' needs to set some boundaries and the tow of you should decide how you are going to co-parent. It is important that the child sees the two of you as a united force and not as one against the other. Good Luck!!