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its my Bday and ill cry if i want too

doglover1's picture

Not really cry but im kinda pissed off today. I remember looking at the calendar months ago and thinking yey we dont have skidys on my bday. BF and i can be alone and have a nice evening together. Well BM is in rehab so that all changed. CRUD. I cant find a sitter and BF's sister would do it but she is watching skids every day for us for close for little pay (she is off for the summer and has a son herself). I just cant ask her ,,she has been to kind allready. So i work till 6 (yey im supposed to be working now) and then home to BF and skids.

ITs kinda tough cus we dont have any alone time. Skids stay up half the nite and SD8 knocks on the door every 10 minutes. Its a little frustrating if you know what i mean!
BF has talked with her about this but not much really changes.

Just wanted to vent that . I got 3 more weeks to go.

frustratedinMA's picture

I am sorry..

Happy Birthday!!!!

Not that I would want this, but to salvage the day, do you think that you could all go out to eat?? Perhaps???

Also, ask your DH to declare to the skids its your bday and you are not to be distrubed.. I remember on my mom's bday and on Dad's we (my sister and I) tried to be on our best behavior and pamper them (as much as a child can)

Colorado Girl's picture

Get drunk.

They won't bother you so much.

"For every ailment under the sun....There is a remedy, or there is none;
If there be one, try to find it; If there be none, never mind it." ~ W.W. Bartley

doglover1's picture

funny..ill definately have a few. Im gonna talk to Bf about kids leaving us alone. We put the dogs in there cages at nite...and they like them. Can you buy those for kid?

bellacita's picture

i feel your bday fell on fathers day this year AND for an added bonus visitation wkend. my SS was supposed to be home from his moms in time to watch SD but didnt get home until after 10 on sat nite so we coudlnt go out bc we didnt have a sitter. all the while FH had been promising to get a sitter so we could at least have dinner. very frustrating when it doesnt work out.
we are going out tomorrow instead to celebrate...better late than never! maybe u can arrange for a sitter another nite?
i know how u feel...for me its hard not having kids and being restricted like that.
happy bday anyway!!! celebrate urself w ur favorite wine!

doglover1's picture

yes i will and im sure we'll get a chance to go out or be alone. Its so strange the way parents are today. I remember when i was a kid. I would be grounded in my room if i did only 1/2 of what these kids get away with these days.

cnd62107's picture

i am sorry. that really sucks! i know the feeling though. it seems like every time my boyfriend and i have days off together (which very rarely happens) and i plan something, he ends up getting his daughter. and the bad part about it is he doesn't get to see her that often so he's not going to turn down the opportunity no matter what we had planned. argh!

i feel kind of selfish for thinking that way, but it just seems to happen EVERY time!

ColorMeGone2's picture

Lock the door, ignore the knocking and insist on getting your annual birthday bang. You'll feel better.



everythinghappens4areason's picture

I agree, lock the door after you grab a bottle and have a few good strong shots!!! Things will become much more managable then!!

Happy Birthday!


stepwitch's picture

should be special. Your birthday was a special event. That was the day that God brought you into this world. I think that all birthdays should be celebrated.


Thank you Disney for portraying a positive image on all stepmothers!!!!

doglover1's picture

Accually it wasnt to bad...skids and bf got me a cake and flowers and cards..I had some drinks at the house. Got laid this morning while they we sleeping. IM cool with that.

Also today after work i took SD8 with me to get our nails done. It was great. She had a great time . SHe doesnt whine when its her and I . But when BF is around is sounds like a hound dog. WHats up with that.

stepwitch's picture

Thank you Disney for portraying a positive image on all stepmothers!!!!