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It got worse this afternoon!

Timetogiveup's picture

It never ends! First I dealt with ghosts, then a cat an d this morning the illiterate half-wit step mom; I have HAD enough this week!

Nope…it ain’t over with. I picked Stink (SS16) up from school, he dropped his backpack and went in the backyard. I never watch what he does out there because I am afraid too. I forgot he was out there and went out to put some stuff in recycling. OMG….I am sorry I did that!!
SS was out there skipping around the backyard, twirling, swinging his arm, leaping into the air……he was acting like a frigging tart. Instead of running in and getting my camera, I stood there watching in horror! This seemed to be going on forever, he finally noticed me, stopped and just grinned at me. I asked him WTF are you doing???? He put his feet it the Ballet First position , did a deep pile, raised his arms over his head in the shape of a heat…..leaped up, twirled, landed, swung around and in a high pitched, girly voice he said…”Catching Butterflies” and continued skipping.

This is f’ing creepy.

I said WTF and slowly backed up into the house.

Words cannot explain my horror. DH will be home later tonight, every time I tell him this shit, he tells me I “blow things out of proportion.” Even when I down play things, he jumps all over me.

I want to get this kid gelded so he can’t breed. He really scares me.

Timetogiveup's picture

Today I had a talk with the therapist about trolling us. The kid has a High IQ…he isn’t stupid, he is a bit lazy, coddled, sheltered and has been playing dad for years. He has played her and played his other shrinks too. She said the repetitive behaviors (flapping, twirling and saying crap) is a part of his Asperger’s BUT a lot of his behaviors aren’t. He was only formally diagnosed 2 weeks ago…trust me…he has been f’ing weird since the day I met him. He is almost 17, I not DH or BM took him to the eval and I made the decision to let the doctor tell him. His behavior has been taking a dump since. We think he is starting to act like what he perceives Asperger’s is, she pointed out he knows it bugs the shit out me. DH is in total denial...the kid can be acting like a total tart right in front of him and he either doesn’t see or thinks he’s only a kid.

The therapist told me told that she thinks he will NEVER live on his own. DH is in denial. BM hasn’t been told. Me….I have health conditions that are stress related….we are working on disengaging me for the sake of my life.

The kid may have a high IQ but acting like a looney will get him put in the looney bin….at this point I don’t care as long as there take him far away from me.

I wonder HOW the kid thinks this crap up….WHY would any sane 16 yo boy skip and twirl around the backyard???

Timetogiveup's picture

I always called him retard boy....hehehe!

The therapist said the same thing some of it is and some of his behaviors aren't. He is on the internet ALL the time....we thing he is learning how to be an Aspie. Next week, we will be starting group therapy...he has never been in group before so she is really going to watch him. SHe told me today, she doesn't have much hope.

Right now, my I don't give a shit meter is really high....I really wish I had it in me to care enough to do something but I'm done for now. I have to work on ME because I some stress triggered health issues that could do serious damage to my cardio system if this continues.....I get so worked up over this.....I am going to try to laugh the next time.

You want to laugh.....he took my dog's Halloween tutu. UGH. My puppy gives him the evil eye and will not go with in 10 feet of him!

Timetogiveup's picture

Arizona.....can you understand WHY I have panic attacks? LOL!

ThatGirl's picture

Yep, I think he's definitely messing with you. Since you were the one that had to take him for his eval, he's decided you're the one who's labeled him "crazy," even tho that's not at all the case. It's just how he sees it. So he's going to play it for you, and tone it down when anyone else might see. It's probably best to just ignore him when he's being deliberately weird.

smommy1's picture

I don't understand what's wrong with someone dancing around the back yard. Especially when they're alone.

pastepmomof3's picture

Okay, so now i'm really curious - what is he like at school? Does he dance around and pretend to be a fairy and catch butterflies? I think your DH needs to be involved in the evaluation of DH. It sounds like SS is putting on this act for you and if DH is not in the equation, than it seems understandable why this is occuring. I think i'd tell BM about this diagnosis and let her and DH figure it out. You've done much more than many people would in trying to get SS the help he needs. In the meantime, acknowledging and encouraging or enabling the behavior may not be the best route, but neither is getting upset and stressing yourself out. I think you need to keep the camera and video camera nearby and just get the footage you need and let DH come up with his conclusions.

Timetogiveup's picture

He is really smart...he tests out in the top 1/2% on the school testing.

Frickin' weird is a good term.....really werid. That's the only way to explain this kid.

When I first met DH, I knew there was something wrong. It took 8 YEARS for me to convince DH he needed therapy. He did have therapy before. He went once and BM refused to allow it to continue. He went for a few months when it was CO'ed but both DH and BM decided to stop it when the CO'ed was lifted. He went back this year when he starting playing with himself in public. I found the therapist, she does interactive equine therapy and she does a lot of work with Aspies. Two or three weeks ago, we had the offical eval done by the clincal psych. It took 6 months for DH to think about it, then DH and I went to a consult first. Then DH had to think about it some more. DH saw SS out walking one day.....SS was flapping with weird body movement, doing the facial gestures and talking to himself. The kid was going this since the day I met him, the behaviors became worse as he aged....DH always said that's normal for a kid and he'll out grow it. Anyway for some reason, DH came home pretty rattled after seeing this, I think it was because the kid was talking down a pretty busy street flapping away....this was when DH said....maybe we should have the eval done. DUH!!!