I'm Sick and Tired of my SD
Hi, I'm new to this site and so glad I found it. I'm so sick of my SD. I've been married for 13 years and my husband has raised both of girls since they were born. They both have different mothers and live in the same city. I have had baby momma drama since we started dating. When I first got married they were so disrespectful to me and my husband told me not to disrespect the mothers of his children that if I do he wouldn't have sex with me again. Guess what he meant it because we haven't had sex in 10yrs. Now that his youngest daughter just turned 17yrs old she is constantly bad mouthing me to her mother but denies it. When her mother confronts my husbands and say all sorts of things about me to my HUSBAND, and he never says a word or defends me to her. I ask him why he never defends me and just let her bad mouth me, his reply is that he can't stop her from saying what she wants to say. I then tell him that if he allows her or anyone to talk about his wife they will fill that it's ok and they have the authority. He doesn't see it that way. Well last year my SD cause so much confusion in our household until I wanted to leave my husband because I didn't want him to choose between his daughter and me. One day his daughter got very disrespect toward him she moved in with her mom. The tables was reversed, she started telling us bad things about her mom and how her mother hates me. I always turned the conversation into something positive about her mom. Last week she became disrespectful to her mom and her dad told her to spend the night with us until she cools off. It is going on two weeks and she is still her, I have a feeling she has moved back home. I'm upset that when I get off of work that I don't want to come home. I want to leave so bad. PLEASE HELP !!!
OMG... I think that you have
OMG... I think that you have more problems then just your SD... you and your husband have not been intimate in TEN YEARS?! I do know know if this is too far down the path, but I would get to a counseler ASAP... if not with your husband, thats okay, make the appointment for yourself...
The way you are being treated is so dissrespectful, and I am very sorry. Your husband should defend you NO MATTER WHAT. He has given the power to the BM's and the children, and taken any respect away from you. It seems to me that you KNOW the answers, I hope though, that you are able to go through with them. This post has made me so sad... you do not need to be treated that way. Take care, and God bless you...
Thank you so much. Yes I know
Thank you so much. Yes I know exactly what I'm going to do. What held me back from not leaving him in the past, I was afraid what everyone would say, but now I don't care I have to make myself happy because obviously my husband isn't doing it. Once again thank you.