I think I must be so weak.
Hi Guys
How are we all.
I think there must be somthing wrong with me as as soon as my skids mum goes off on one I can't seem to cope. I get angry upset can't get what she's said to as and others out of my head. I try so hard to forget it and get on with my own life but it just goes around and around my mind and I get more and more worked up about what she says how she tells people we are awful and her and her bloke are good etc etc etc I know I shouldnt take any notice but I can't help ut.
The latest thing is when one of the girls got home from ours last nite she played up big time. Which resulted in her texting us to come and get her threatening her 5YEAR OLD that she has to go and live with daddy and blaming us that she's only like it when she comes back from ours.
1. thats not true she is a loving child but is very stuborn (which she gets of her mum)and always plays up at home not just when she returns from ours.
2. She doesnt play us up half as much."so how can this be our fault"
3. She's told me that at home her other sister is the favourite."this cant help"
4 and to top it off her mum tells her if she carrys on like this she doesnt want her.
Of course there mum loves it because when she threatens her with living with daddy she says no and crys. So mum feels she has one up on us but come on what five year old doesnt want to live with her mummy its got nothing to do with who she loves most.She loves it at ours and 9 times out of ten is good she has her moments but it gets nipped in the bud before she has a paddy.
I know I am over reacting but it just hurts the mother makes herself out to be this hard done by mother who got left with 2 kids, when she had the affair. Now has met a bloke tells the girls to call him daddy and makes there self out to be the happy little family. When if any body gets it hard it us not them and some times I just want to let them all know what she has done what lies she has told and how she has made our life a living hell so they all know what she really is.
I'm so sad arnt I lol xx