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I share my birthday with SD

LibertyGirl's picture

I have a somewhat unique situation - although so would LOVE to hear from someone with the same situ who has dealt with it probably. I share my birthday with my DP's SD. it's in April.

Because the BM hates me, because she thinks I'm "stuck up" based on two meetings, she has decided I am to be excluded from the children's birthdays (they are 12 (D) and 11 (S)). I am not allowed to go. We've attempted to compromise in the past (i.e. all go out together) and she veto'd it. We took the kids out that evening but DP was miserable. We split up for 9 months not soon after, basically because of the fall out which was awful - DP felt guilty etc.

Last year (2013) he went off on his own to have dinner with them. (he also always does this on DS birthday but clearly that's not as painful for me!) I decided I would have a massage during the time he was away & organised a lovely dinner with my friends which he then wanted to come to. So I said yes (he eats a lot so was happy with two dinners :D).

but the BM had a go at him!!! saying he wasn't spending enough time with his daughter on her birthday. So when he got to my dinner he was quiet and sad, and guilty, and had scheduled daddy/daughter time for the next day, (Saturday) which he hadn't told me about. So twice I had to "go away".

Now this year (2014) when it rolls around it's a Saturday. BM works Saturday night, so presumably she'll want their family time during the day and we'll have to have the kids in the evening as it's SD birthday.

Help! What do I do??? Should I spend my birthday far away with my own family (mum and sister) seeing as it's a weekend? DP says he doesn't want that either. Or what if BM takes the evening off, I'm just at her mercy really. Sad

But I'm a bit stuck. Help! Maybe I just need some clarity.

At counsellors before we've agreed to "move" my birthday to a different day, which I kinda did last time in 2013 (we went away for the weekend, which was my present that I asked for, in about June), only for guilt trips about him going away to arise.... this always happens to be honest whenever he goes away with me. I see what it does to him and I do feel for him, but I think he thinks the only way to get around the BM and kids guilt trips is to respond to them and do what they want.

Bit of background:

We have the kids every weekend by the way, and every other weekend we have them from Friday. He also has them Monday night all night and Thursday for an hour (which ends up being two with pick up and drop off) because BM goes to Zumba that night. We get social time every other Friday and Tuesday and Wednesday nights, I'm usually knackered tho as I work hard and have a long commute. Help! As I've said elsewhere, he's begining to make noises about having social time away from me - as in it comes out of our time not kid time (unlike what BM does where she takes it out of kid time all the time)

Delilah's picture

What do you mean about birthday "family" time? Your DP goes out with BM and the skids to celebrate sd's birthday or he takes them out by himself?

He should NOT be having ANY family time with BM, as they no longer are "family". Wehn you divorce while you continue to have a bond through the children, this does not and should not include any "family" events especially when there is a new partner on the scene (i.e. you). Why are you putting up with that and why do you *have* to go away?!! Just because BM demands something does not mean your DP should bow down to it. What's the next demand? That you and DP never marry, and he listens?!!

Your issue is with DP. Your BM may be a silly bint who thinks she should run the scene with your DP and skids, however your DP allows her to lead him by the balls. Your DP is a grown man and a father, he has rights and should enforce them to ensure he can have access to the children and then BM can DEMAND to her merry black heart but doesn't mean DP should listen. In fact I advocate that unless he wants to destroy your relationship, that he mans up, tells BM to butt out and he will be arranging HIS time, stop allowing his guilt and BM's manipulation to affect the time he DOES spend with you for your birthday and other occasions. The fact he is sad/guilty during the quality time together is ridiculous, as he is ruining YOUR special moments. He needs to pull it together and you need to stop enabling him to continue acting in this manner.

So if he tells you or suggests you "go away" you can refuse, it is your right. If he wants BM to pull his strings then thats HIS choice but that choice is not yours, you are entitled to make a different one. If DP decides to spend time with his ex, then you need to reconsider your status in his life, he should NOT be pretending to be family when its a lie and it disrespects what he has with you. Do not invite him to your birthday celebrations unless he can behave and at least put a decent face on! JIMPO.

LibertyGirl's picture

Well we are engaged, she kicked off about that - she had a massive go at him that he was giving her the things she never had (they never got married). Our engagement is all about her, if you please!!!! She first of all wanted to come to our wedding then didn't - I think it was potentially an opener to saying the kids couldn't come, but we haven't set a date. I wasn't going to let that happen.

As to why I am putting up with it - well we broke up over it basically in 2012 then got back together Jan 2013 and since then we have got engaged - he asked me. I dunno, it always feels like a fait accompli - he's not going to change this way of doing things because it's what the kids want so it just seems like like it or lump it.

So you think one way out is just not to include him on my birthday? I suppose that could work.

I've asked him to man up before, but she made it a heartache for everyone including the kids - shouting at him, calling me all sorts of names under the sun. To be fair on him he did stand by me, and we had SD and SS for our own celebration it was the guilt and recriminations that got to him, I guess I don't want to put him through that again (and actually I don't want SD & SS to see that again either) Also we didn't get any dinner that year as she'd already fed them, so we didn't have any dinner on my birthday.

LibertyGirl's picture

hey read down the thread for other replies, I'm not getting the hang of replying to people right yet Smile

Thanks for the advice tho, to be honest it's great just having fresh eyes on this.

also JIMPO ? Can't think what the P is? Smile

Disneyfan's picture

If the birthday celebrations occur during mom's scheduled time, yhen she has a right to exclude. Your DP should have parties during him time and exclude BM.

It's time for this guy to man up and stop letting BM control him.

LibertyGirl's picture

Cool, it's usually been on BM time to be honest. So do you think it's OK for BM to exclude me (and invite DP) if it's on her time? and DP to do the same if it's on his time and exclude her?

Just checking I've got it all right.

LibertyGirl's picture

"What do you mean about birthday "family" time? Your DP goes out with BM and the skids to celebrate sd's birthday or he takes them out by himself?"

He goes out with BM and the kids. He says this is what the kids want - the "nuclear" family.

SS has said he wants BM and DP back together before. SD is more pragmatic, but she does like to have them all together on her/my birthday, but BM won't have me around.

The counsellor (which we've stopped seeing) said why not do it on a different day, which we tried - but still with the guilt trips. It drives me up the wall.

Going to read both your replies again now, just wanted to clear that up - it's mostly it's because it's what the kids want. We tried the other way and there was a lot of fall out, we ended up breaking up a) he resented me for forcing the issue and b) I just felt overwhelmed with all the drama - I want something that works for us as a couple, and I do want the kids to feel valued and appreciated too, but this is ridiculous

B22S22's picture

But your SS needs to understand that the "nuclear family" no longer exists.

And your DP needs to stop acting like it does! Do you think that will make it any easier for your DP's kids to accept you? And please realize that the BM is probably playing on this to the hilt...

Sorry, but I'd take about 3 steps back (then turn and run) from your DP -- this doesn't have a chance in hell of turning out OK if you have to contend with the cow of a BM, DP's xtreme guilt, and the kids still longing for their intact family. You will always be on the outside looking in. And miserable.

Just curious, but how are other holidays handled? What if the kids start whining about wanting their "nuclear family" around at Christmas? Is DP going to follow the BM's dictate and leave you at home alone?

LibertyGirl's picture

No, Christmas is split - they will be with us Christmas Eve and then dropped off with her at 3pm. I can come with in the car if I like . Birthday is an issue because of what DD wants. I just feel like a heel when I put my foot down. (pun not intended :D)

Seriously tho, I made that point to him that I don't want to be home alone on Christmas, but tbh I don't think it was ever set up any different (they were apart for 5 years before he met me 3 years ago) so there is no difficulty. The problem seems to be trying to change the set up in the way things "have always been done". He said last night when we were talking that he sees the kids much less now he has me. I said he's the DP that I've seen the least - because it's true - we don't have much couple time alone when we aren't knackered.

All the advice is making me think. So other DPs wouldn't do this then - they create different time and celebrations and don't celebrate with the nuclear family? Thing is I prob would be willing to compromise and share my birthday and DD originally went along with that..... Hmmm.

She works NYE tho so he usually has the kids on NYE. We talked about it last night and I said "No" because I'd like to go out and celebrate it with him. He said he'd sort it out.

I was miserable without him when we split up - I went out with others, but it wasn't the same to be honest. I think from therapy I learned that you have to give to your partner and let yourself be vulnerable. Also learnt to try and be flexible. I'm not sure that he has learnt the same lessons. I think he just went to therapy to show willing.

Recently we've had some successes, i.e. when she asks for extra hours, i.e. us looking after SKs outside her normal time, he has learned to negiotate back to take time back, so for instance we had last Sat day to ourselves, because she'd asked us to have them on Thu night. I guess I'd like some more flexibility to ask for things too, like moving Thursdays to earlier in the evening so it suits us not BM, but he is quite stubborn about some things.

Delilah's picture

He goes out with BM and the kids. He says this is what the kids want - the "nuclear" family.


WTF?!!! I wanted to win the lottery as a child...doesn't mean that happened though.

JIMPO = Just in my personal opinion.

Wow :jawdrop: So not only is DP controlled by his ex, but also his children?!! You are in for hell imo if you marry this man without him sorting this baggage out before you lock yourself into a relationship with him!

It only gets worse when you get married, I am just telling you the truth. Also who said "it's like it or lump it"?!! It seems to me like you fear splitting with him again and therefore will do anything to avoid upsetting him when he stonewalls you with excuses - i.e. "its for the children's sake...they want it...BM will make it difficult to see my children if I do that, do you want me to miss out on seeing my kids...?!!"

The fact this man has children does NOT give him an automatic free pass to do what he wants, when he wants, then he rolls out the justification - the children. He can and will use them to excuse anything, and it is only just beginning because your skids are learning from their mother how to treat dad = make selfish and unreasonable demands and dad caves. They are also learning from dad that if THEY replicate the same behaviour they get what they want = daddy being a pushover. They will wield this power like professionals while your DP falls over himself to protect his cherubs and while you factor in around the bottom.

No way in hell should DP be marrying you while he is STILL encouraging his children's and BM's fantasy that they are a "nuclear" family. Why did they break up then if they are sooooo intent on playing out their F'ed up delusion?!! No way should you put up with him going out with his EX!

You really need to read up about how bad other SM's have had it when faced in a similar situation. I know one SM, who has had YEARS of therapy with her now DH, because he did the same thing with her and would also run off to BM's every xmas day leaving SM on her own!

You have an uphill struggle but it sounds like you are in deep denial that your marriage will survive. Your happiness certainly will not, as your resentment creeps up and BM causes a scene about anything.

I have a BM like yours and they never ever stop. Mine married, had another child. Made her worse. Now she used SS's little sister as a reason to prevent access and make DH jump through unachievable hoops. Not permitted to do that, nor this and it has to be done HER way. My DH put his ex's demands before mine and it nearly destroyed us. I wish I had listened to those warning bells, the red flags, because your dating time is precious. Those are the moments where you assess your partner's suitability for your needs, the fit with your life and what he brings to YOUR table of dreams. You test drive before you buy. No one person should make all the compromise, the sacrifice, as thats a complete power imbalance. If he is unable to prove he is able and willing to compromise, recognise HEALTHY behaviour and boundaries, have an awareness of his own actions and the consequences of those on you and try and redress that, then there is no hope. He is so locked in his fantasy world, you are on the outskirts of his vision and only factor in when its convenient for him. If he was concerned about his children to THAT degree, then he would think of the long term implication of these piss poor decision and become their father, not their friend. This is about what's easy for him, what HE wants. Not what is right.

LibertyGirl's picture

Tried to sort it out through therapy and we had a lot of sessions. We also have a book "Getting the Love You Want" and we are working through the exercises one a week. . we haven't set a date to get married yet. - but I do hear what you are saying.

"Also who said "it's like it or lump it"?!!"

Well me really, after the birthday disaster in 2012 and the mood he was in in 2013, I just wonder if it's best just spending my birthday with my mum and sister, who don't have all this drama around them? At least I will have a nice birthday.

" It seems to me like you fear splitting with him again and therefore will do anything to avoid upsetting him when he stonewalls you with excuses - i.e. "its for the children's sake...they want it...BM will make it difficult to see my children if I do that, do you want me to miss out on seeing my kids...?!!"

I'm quite a strong person I just find there isn't really a way out. If I upset him, then we have an argument and either of us leaves. Last time he left and I just let him and he stayed at his parents and didn't want to get back together. That was in April 2013.
Stonewall is probably the right word. He does get upset when I am sad.

He says a lot he has a right to say no these days, so I guess thats part of it - I mean he does have a right not to do what I want, really? That leads me onto when do i get to say No - I suppose I should try it next time the BM dumps the kids on us? See what he says?

Is the only solution to walk away?

I've come on here to understand how other SM handled it. I feel quite alone sometimes, as most of my friends either don't have kids or have their own. I'm getting too old to have mine.

We aren't married. Not really sure I'm in denial (ha, that sounds like denial :D). I am definitely making noises to DP about how there is a scene or a negotiation about everything and how it's wearing me down. He did say he wanted to create some boundaries with BM, maybe I should take him up on how he is going to do that.

"This is about what's easy for him, what HE wants. Not what is right."


Aeron's picture

Oh jeez. Honey, think long and Hard before you marry this man. If he is still this affected by guilt trips, your life with him is going to be miserable.

It is not normal or healthy for him to still be doing "family" events or celebrations with BM and excluding you. Even if that is what the kids want. Even if it s the kids birthday. Their parents split up, if DH wants them to still function as a nuclear family, he needs to get back together with their mom, not play pretend for special occasions. He gets an invite for a celebration from BM? He turns it down if you aren't invited. He celebrates with the kids on His time.

He needs to get some help to deal with this guilt and stop letting it run his life and your life too.

You are engaged to this man but you feel like you are "at the mercy" of his ex. Are you really comfortable with having your household run by another woman? Because if he is this easy to manipulate by guilt, that is exactly what is going to happen.

He didn't think she was important enough to marry. She wasn't important enough to stay with. Why is he placing so much importance on what she says? Why is he giving her the power to make him miserable and influence his behaviors?

If she refuses to let the kids go to the wedding will be still want a wedding? Do you want kids of your own? Because you know that will be him "replacing" his current children. So to make them feel better, will he ignore any other children he has? Or will he just be a miserable bastard toward you and them all the time? If you do have a family with this man, how will you do birthdays and holidays then? Will your children be invited to these family events with BM while you are still excluded?

He may have never married her but it sounds like he still is treating her like she's his wife and he's treating you like the dirty mistress he's betraying his "real" family with.

LibertyGirl's picture

"Oh jeez. Honey, think long and Hard before you marry this man. If he is still this affected by guilt trips, your life with him is going to be miserable."

I am worried about this.

"You are engaged to this man but you feel like you are "at the mercy" of his ex. Are you really comfortable with having your household run by another woman? Because if he is this easy to manipulate by guilt, that is exactly what is going to happen."

I'm not at all comfortable

"He didn't think she was important enough to marry. She wasn't important enough to stay with. Why is he placing so much importance on what she says? Why is he giving her the power to make him miserable and influence his behaviors?"

Because he can't handle her. Because it makes him feel bad to engage with her. Sometimes I think he blames/resents me for causing the "trouble" or asking for him to spend time with me. He definitely feels torn and I want to be empathic towards him that it is difficult to be in the middle. He does tend to reference either that he isn't making me happy or that he feels torn being in the middle. Tho therapist said always trying to make people happy doesn't make for happiness. At the end of the day tho, he can I suppose look to this as a learning process and try and do better or he can continue as he is.....

"If she refuses to let the kids go to the wedding will there still be a wedding?"

I dunno. Maybe we should talk about this. I suppose so because I think he's doing it for me.

"Do you want kids of your own?"


"Because you know that will be him "replacing" his current children. "

How do you mean?

"So to make them feel better, will he ignore any other children he has? Or will he just be a miserable bastard toward you and them all the time? If you do have a family with this man, how will you do birthdays and holidays then? Will your children be invited to these family events with BM while you are still excluded?"

I guess I won't care as much as I will have my own child. But I have asked him this question. He said that his focus would be on the smaller more vulnerable child.

"He may have never married her but it sounds like he still is treating her like she's his wife and he's treating you like the dirty mistress he's betraying his "real" family with."

I know, I've said this before. We discussed my feelings with the therapist and she told me to consider how me and DP feel rather than what the kids or BM think. So with that frame of reference I can see that we are the new family but don't know what this all means.

Aeron's picture

She's a high conflict BM. She likes to guilt and manipulate your SO. If you and he have a child she will revel in guilting him that he has replaced his other children. She pulled the guilt card that he didn't spend enough time with his darter on her birthday because he went out later that night with you. What do you think she's going to say to him and the step kids when there's a baby in the picture?

In my personal experience, it will be Daddy doesn't love you as much/at all. He loves the Baby. She will peck at SO, guilting him over how much time he spends with the baby and Not with the other children. She'll accuse him of replacing the older children. If he misses any visitation or time with them if oh, the baby were to be sick, in the hospital, if You are sick or in the hospital and he's unable to leave you and/or e baby - he will be the worst father in the universe according to her.

That's what I mean.

And if he wants to take Your kid(s) to "family" events so that he and BM can pretend to be an intact family for the step kids and include Your kids but not you, you think that wont bother you?

I'd personally not be very empathetic to him being in the middle. There should be a middle to be in. If there is, it's because he's created a middle by not setting proper boundaries with BM.

If he "can't handle her", if he's getting engaged and married for just you, if his Actions are saying he is still part of this other family, I think you are going to have a very difficult, and probably rather unhappy marriage. If you think he resents you Now for causing trouble, I warn you that I t will not get better unless is able to completely reframe his whole way of thinking. You having reasonable expectations of him and your home life should not cause resentment of you because he chose to have children with a crazy person or because he is afraid of conflict.

You don't to answer , but consider the finances too. Does she guilt him into giving her money above CS? Because if he can't handle h and ends to the guilt, expect him to be paying for cars and university and weddings and possibly houses and vacations whether you can afford it or not. Ad if you make a ruckus about how it affects your other children, your household, retirement, etc - expect to be labeled "the problem" and be resented and accused of hating his kids.

I'm sorry, this just sounds like a really bad situation to be walking to. You sound like a very nice person and in step situations, that unfortunately often pans out to being taken advantage of and being treated like dirt. If he is unable to put the new families needs above his guilt and his ex's demands, he is not in a place to be married. He's not ready, he's not in a place in himself to be in a committed relationship with anyone else. It sounds like he's too committed to his other family to be committed to yours. Sorry.

LibertyGirl's picture

I don't mind answering about the money - tbh tho it has worried me in the past it doesn't so much any more. I don't think she asks for more, it's him that sometimes does odd things that we can't afford (admittedly when we were broken up) like buy two laptops (which the kids just monopolise all weekend) and agree/push DS into going on a ski-ing trip - BM was of the opinion they couldn't afford it but he thought she (DS) should have the things he never had.

In the end I talked him into asking his parents if they could give it to her as a Xmas present, as we couldn't afford it out of our budget.

But in general the BM isn't bad about money (she's never really had any, and I think she has other issue), it's the SKs that see him as a source of money and he's a bit odd about money himself.. But overall they are working on giving pocket money and when DS says you'll have to buy me a car to DP, I asked her straight out why she didn't want to buy one herself? We've also talked about opportunity cost etc. I'm pretty grown up about money having had some hard times myself, so it's not such a trigger issue for me

University isn't such a pain here in the UK - the new scheme means the kid pays for it out of future earnings and also DP expects them to have jobs like we did. Both of them have been talking about jobs they'd like to do when old enough to earn cash - I'm far less worried about that then I am about the time / boundaries issue.

(Also to tell the truth I'm saving my own cash, I do alright for salary, I don't pay anything and we don't really share finances other than paying our fair share for bills - I'm just more relaxed about it as an issue)

LibertyGirl's picture

Yes, that was my perception. DP got some feedback from work colleagues that they didn't include partners for the first few years. I guess I find it tough that I am good enough to be around at the weekends but not on my/her birthday!

LibertyGirl's picture

Perhaps this is the answer. Perhaps we can take a day off work in the week after and have a nice dinner just the two of us on a different day. I might then go and spend my actual birthday with my own family - mum and sister Smile

Tho there is a lot of food for thought about what to do about the rest of the relationship.

sbm014's picture

I have never had a joint birthday with my parents since the divorce and SS hasn't either. I think that you truly need to consider is this a relationship you want to put yourself in this marriage if he is willing to play happy family in my eyes.

BM has her own time and own party and we have ours. In our CO it state that the opposing parent who does not have custody per the general custody outline gets the child from 6pm - 8pm on the child's birthday other than that they must do stuff on THEIR time.

LibertyGirl's picture

We don't have a custody order, it never went through the courts as they weren't married. They don't even use the CSA (child support agency here in the UK) - it's all "sorted out between the two of them".

I sometimes think things would be a lot easier if they did have one and these things were laid down in stone. DP has said he wanted to create boundaries but I don't know how strong this need is.

gsdatl's picture

Ok, I have to comment here because I have and am living what you are living right now. I have been with my DH for almost 9 years. He told me that it was a "one family" mentality. So I was expected to be with them for everything from birthdays, holidays, and after event activities (i.e. concerts, etc.) So I did all of it, and the ex wife and ex mother in law were nasty mean, but I was long suffering. My thoughts and ideas were always negated and I was identified as a "bitch" if I asserted any desire to do anything other than the ex's wishes. I did hope that they would all see how committed to this I was by "doing it right" and their way, and being a good "step mother" for DH's girls. The few times I tried to push back but was squashed with the "my counselor said that we can't make the girls choose and we have to have one family. I won't make them choose me or their mother", so I kept trying. I did everything from apologies to the ex, to biting my tongue, hosting them for events/holidays, taking back seats at his family's events as they still treated her like the wife/daughter in law and me as just a "nice guy".

Fast forward to last spring, the sd15 (now 16) exploded with lies and attacks and it has resulted in months and months of counseling for dh and I. We left one counselor and went back to the one that he saw when he was coming out that told him the "one family" shit. So I went to see her with him, after he confessed that she was the one that gave him the idea of "one family". I asked her what she meant and why - I said it seemed to go against everything that I had heard about divorced families.

She looked shocked and said, that "one family" comment was because there was no one in DH life at the time and that he and his ex seemed to get along so she had suggested birthdays/events one year at the ex's house and then the next year at his house. She said "of course when a new partner comes into the picture, then there are two families and all events are separate and I would never recommend that you and your dh attend parties/events/etc, under the guise of having one family. That diminishes your role as SP and your family. You would want your own things, traditions, etc.

So as of yesterday, his attempts to set boundaries after all this time, has resulted in the sd's cutting us off, his ex cutting him off, hurt, pain and anger on everyone's part, myself included. It has also resulted in him cutting the sd20's college money because of the situation. I can not even begin to tell you the pain and trouble you will have from trying to do it the way he wants it done. (It might seem ok on the surface at the mine did, but trust only goes up in flames!!!)

Sooooo....please, please, please, from one who knows the out come of where you are headed....get out now or get boundaries set before you go further. Make this a do now or die situation. Have the strength to walk away from your DP if he can't do this immediately and with conviction (key term there....please note it !!!) because you will only end up with no self esteem, hurt and betrayed.

Best of luck and many hugs from a wicked step mother (totally feeling like the evil queen in snow white...if I could only have a poison apple...LOL) who has lived where you are and is currently living your future if you don't change it now.


derb84123's picture

Im sorry but this counselor sounds nuts!!! I completely agree with the second half of her stance about it diminishing yoru role. But all this theory does is make it your fault. One big happy family until SM comes along and then change everything! WTF?! I personally think once divorced- divorced. No more happy family crap- that sends the wrong message to kids. And I am a Child of Divorce so I can speak from experience. When your parents are not getting back together, you need to make that clear to the childrne.

LibertyGirl's picture

" She looked shocked and said, that "one family" comment was because there was no one in DH life at the time and that he and his ex seemed to get along so she had suggested birthdays/events one year at the ex's house and then the next year at his house. She said "of course when a new partner comes into the picture, then there are two families and all events are separate and I would never recommend that you and your dh attend parties/events/etc, under the guise of having one family. That diminishes your role as SP and your family. You would want your own things, traditions, etc."

I agree with this. A long road ahead I feel. But thank you all for sharing, it's been quite a big deal to share all this and confront that maybe he doesn't (or can't) care about me as you all seem to think it should be.