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I need a vacation

Unhappy's picture

And that's an understatement. SO and I have been fighting a lot recently about his BS(4) almost 5. This little boy is stuck to him all the time. I mean it's to the point where it's not right. If SO sits down in his recliner in the living room that little boy knows it and is on him like white on rice. If and when I come into the living room to sit down does SO ever come and sit next to me? Never. After my several comments that I have made he did do it once last week and guess who came over and sat right next to him? That's right, his son. Why can we never just sit together while the kids are awake? Never. And he always has excuses for it. You don't know what it's like to only get to see your kids 6 months out of the year. He's only 4. I hate to break it to you SO but you chose to get a divorce. Your ex wanted to get back together with you and you chose to not do that and your son is almost 5. When is it acceptable to teach him how to be independent? 6, 7, 8 years old? It just drives me nuts. I keep telling him that the reason why it's important for him to at least sit with me in front of the kids, just the two of us, is to show them that we have a relationship. Last time we talked about this he told me that I am selfish and selfserving and that I don't like kids. His son knows that his relationship with his father comes before mine and SO that's why he treats me the way that he does. He just ignores me unless he wants something. I'll ask him a question and he just walks away. It's crazy. he wont listen to me for the most part either. I don't get SO. He thinks it's cute when he drops his son off at daycare and two daycare teachers have to restrain his son because he can't stand to be away from daddykins. At almost 5 he's still doing this. And you can't forget the 20 to 30 miniute bedtime routine. I am getting so fed up with this. SO has no idea.

Oh-yeah and another thing that I would like to vent about is SO's mother. She took both my BD(6) and SO's BD(6) for a week. Took them to Oregon and did all sorts of cool things with them. Bought my BD some new shoes and some cloths. The day we left her house when we went to pick up the girls I gave her a hug and said thanks for everything. Well apparently that thank you wasn't good enough for her. I'm not sure what exactly she wanted. Maybe I should have jumped around with a big fake smile on my face thanking her repeatedly. Maybe that would have made her happy. I'm just at a total loss for words. SO's father called to let SO knkow that I didn't thank his mother which is BS. So SO tells me that I need to call her and say thank you. I told him that I did. Then SO talked to his mother and she said that I did thank her I just didn't seem very appreciative of everything. Hello!!! I said thanks for everything. Then SO tells me that's just the way my mom is. I don't really care SO. I don't want her to do anything for me or my BD anymore. She told me a couple of weeks ago that the things she bought me for my b-day last year she technically got for the house because I told SO that I was leaving him and I was taking those things with me.So what does SO do? He calls the police on me for stealing my stuff and then calls his mom so she can tell me that. I'm sorry. But keep your stuff. I don't need it.