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I need some advice for Thanksgiving!!!!

yesican's picture

With Thanksgiving coming up I am not sure what to do!!!???
This year my DH has his kids for Thanksgiving. I told him that when his kids were here that he is basically on his own, since the SK did not treat me decent or speak to me. Now my husband is all bummed out saying that he doesn't know what he is going to do for Thanksgiving. He could go to his families (but doesn't feel right without me there), I also told him that he could go to my families (since my family invited them too), or just stay home. I would like for him to be with me, but I really don't care to be with the SK's. I don't want him to feel like I am pushing him off on the holiday, but I don't really want to be with my SK. Should I just bite my tounge and not say anything and if he stays at home then that is his choice? This year my SK were supposed to be with their BM, but she changed the arrangement last year and he did not argue with her or consult me.

Elizabeth's picture

I totally understand your position. My SD14 will be with us this Thanksgiving. We ALWAYS gather at my parents' house (my brother and sister and their kids and me and my kids). SD is surly and unfriendly and doesn't talk to anyone. I dread having her around. Husband spends all his time entertaining her, so it's like he's not really even there. I don't have a solution for you. My husband would do the same as yours and allow BM and skids to change plans that affect me, without consulting me. Aren't holidays fun?!

stressedoutsm's picture

My SD's have come to my parent's house almost every year and they complain the whole time. This year will be different though-I am putting down the iron fist( or I will try to that is) I refuse to let my holiday be ruined by them!