I need help
I need help my ss is 8 and has several behavioral issues in the last year they have gotten out of control to where about 6 months ago he jumped on me and hitting and wrapped his arms around my neck and tried to choke me then about 3 months ago he punched himself in the face leaving a bruise during one of his outburst and then went home to his BM said that I did it. My Dh and I have a 3 yr old son so authorities came and questioned me about the incident. Nothing came of the investigation. Since that episode I told me Dh that I was done that I could no longer live my life that way. Dh and I have been together 8 yrs I have helped raise my ss since he was 2 months old. I don't want to have anything to do with my ss my Dh understood and started attempting to spend time with his son outside of our home and his son refuses and the BM says that she is not going to force son to spend time with his dad and lies to Dh. My Dh is now going to go to court for shared custody and wants me to help and go back to him coming to our home and I am telling him that our bs and I will leave while he is here because I have to keep our bs safe and ss is unpredictable. Am I wrong for not wanting anything to do with ss? Am I wrong for leaving on the weekends he is going to be coming ? I feel like it's going to ruin my marriage.
Thank you it's not that I
Thank you it's not that I want to leave for good just pack up and spend a weekend at my moms with our son and let him deal with ss. Yes it is a bad situation and has been this way for a long time but in the last year it's gotten to the point that I can't handle it and don't want to anymore. I'm unhappy and stressed out by the whole situation.
Oh that's nice, allowing a
Oh that's nice, allowing a psycho child who tried to choke his wife back in the house and having her leave.
Honestly, if my Dh wanted that, he had better buy me an apartment or house to spend my time at when the kid is there.
He doesn't want me to leave
He doesn't want me to leave he wants me to stay. I am one who mentioned leaving while he is there. There isn't anything wrong with my Dh he wants to have a relationship with his son so he is trying everything he can to make it happen.
well then your DH should
well then your DH should leave to spend time with his son. why should you and bio child have to go.
He tried that and his son
He tried that and his son says he doesn't want to spend time with his dad and BM won't allow him to take him anywhere to spend time with him because she says she doesn't want son to hate her by making him spend time with his dad.