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I Just LOVE when SD ignores me!!

hbell0428's picture

This past weekend SD turned 15......we let her have a few girl & boys over... we did cake, icecream and all that then we let them stay till midnight and watch a movie.....DH stayed up w/ them and the boys left after the movie; the girls actually went to bed after that! Anyway, during the movie one of the boys went on SD Facebook account and posted something sort of graphic and nasty about SD......dealing w/ boys; you get the pic?? It stayed on their for roughtly 8 hours.....for the night. We finally got a call about it and she took it off. Needless to say; it got around.
DH asked me to handle it or else he would. At times I do step in (not a lot). So, I figured instead of DH causing a scene I would ask SD for this kids number. Well, it's been 2 days and SD just acted like it didn't happen. WTH!!
Should I aks one more time or just let DH deal w/ it?? (95% of me says he won't do a damn thing about it).
So the questions are......

Should we let SD learn her lesson on passwords and let it go -
or press the issue about talking to this boy or his parents.

Have any of you dealt w/ this online drama before??

dreamingofhappiness's picture

1. DO NOT GIVE UP! You do not seem to be the one raising a delinquent for a child...

2. Change the password your self and go into settings and have your cell phone pinged and a code to be entered for every time she tries to log in...

3. Go to her page and BLOCK that person from her FB and then call the administrators.

4. This is something a female should handle with a female. Do not let Dear ole dad make the scene.

5. PUT Restrictions on the account.

youbetheparent's picture

I would (let DH) address this with the boys parents. The other child needs to know he can not do damage to someone else's reputation (it can have legal consequences etc.). On the other hand, unfortunately for your SD the damage is already done.

Jsmom's picture

Make sure you put restrictions on the account and she has to close her Facebook page when she goes off. But, this was supposed to be her friend that did this? I would pursue it and let the parents know what the boy did...

momagainfor4's picture

It's her facebook, she can go online and delete it. As far as anything else, who cares?
People that leave their facebook open deserve to have it read or snooped on. That is my thought. My daughters both know better now.
Plus my son. Don't leave your stuff open on my computer.

Also, don't leave your phone open in my space. I'll read it. Parental opportunity is what I call this Smile

But really, this kinda thing happens all the time. People write stuff on someone else's fb page..and obviously everyone knows that's what happened.
I don't know how the boy's parents feel about this but I don't really expect them to care. Not considering that he did it to begin with.
I would tell the sd that she needs to consider logging out from now on. Treat this as a lesson. Afterall, she might not have asked him to write on it she is still responsible for not securing her site.

duct_tape's picture

If she's going to act like a brat and ignore your requests, hand it to her dad. I think that's why skids ignore us this way. Would she ignore her dad? It's her reputation that's being ruined, not yours. We as parents, and step parents, spend so much damn time trying to save kids from themselves! Knowing how kids think (I have seven) she probably doesn't want to piss this kid off!! Kids have their priorities all screwed up. If this happened to my daughter, I would first of all consider this to be an insult to my family, not just my kid. I would do what you did and demand the info to find him. If she gave me nothing, I would not forget his name for one, and two never let him through my door again. Kids choose bad friends all the time, we don't have to make it easy. I tell my daughter (15) that she can choose morons and idiots for friends, but I don't have to let them in my house.

hbell0428's picture

I agree; it's too bad that DH and SD don't see it as a bigger deal. My BD would be mortified if something like that was said......I just think that daddy would stick up for his princess more. Some things just really shock me. I think I am going to tell dad that I asked SD for his number (the kid put his name at the end) - but she ignored me and that if he is that concerned he can put bigger blocks on her Fbook or handle it himself. I know it happens all the time......but I just thought it would have been handled differently. Family memebers noticed and said something; not to mention - other friends also stated that SD posts Shocked them!! I troll on my BD page......if I don't like it; it's gone!!

Thanks ALL!!

alwaysanxious's picture

Is there something new going on that I don't know about? SD had boys at a sleepover?

Sorry!!! Missread. But yeah at this age this is going to happen. I probably would have stayed out of it. DH should have handled it in his harsh way. That's how these boys learn. I'm the get yer shotgun, there's a boy outside type though Wink

hbell0428's picture

I was shocked DH allowed them over past midnight! But my BD is only 12 almost a lot of this "older" stuff catches me off guard. Anyway, in the end; he did NOTHING, he didn't even tell SD that when I ask for something she better do it. NOTHING

Then he wonders why I don't even bother w/ her..........why would I!

Thanks all

ctnmom's picture

Don't deal with the boy; just put restrictions on her account. This does happen all the time. DD#1 learned this the hard way when she left her FB open and her bff posted "Help! I can't stop shitting my pants"! DD is very careful now!

PeanutandSons's picture

Personally I think 12 is too young for a fb account at all. In fact you have to be atleast 13 to have an account.

hbell0428's picture

I don't think it's too young?? It's seventh grade? With proper monitoring and access to my BD account; it's a lot healthier then what some girls in seventh grade are doing?? I hear tons of things and her sitting on Fbook for an hour a night - is fine w/ me. I know what SD was doing at that thank you!

Peanut - you are right! I am not dealing w/ that boy. those 2 always make me look stupid whenever I try to parent SD. It's almost like she knows I have no say..............soooooooooo annoying!