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I got a good one for you all....

try2relax's picture

Tonight, I had to work. (purposely, I admit). My HUSBAND is trick or treating with his EX and the kids. Isn't that sweet? And to top it off, he told his mother (who hasn't talked to him in months because of "me") that maybe 'they'd' stop by.

life just keeps getting worse. just when you think it can't. ARGHHHH

sotired's picture

Wow what a issue. Have you thought about telling you husband that it is not right for him to go with his ex cause they are not a family anymore, it gives his child the wrong picture, not to mention make you uncomfortable. be nice about it. Kill them with kind kindness..

proud mom's picture

that would not be happening at my house either the kids go with us or they go with the other parent. There is no way in h*** I would put up with my DH doing anything with his ex and I know he feels the same there is no way he would put up with me doing something with my ex. As for the whole mom thing I would talk with him and let him know how you feel. Let us know how things go.

Live for today,you may not have a tommorow

Kim M's picture

Not appropriate!Sends the wrong message and false hope to those kids.Brings up fuzzy memories that are not the reality.We forget why they are ex now!How old are your kids?How long have you been married?I feel for you.I go thru the same thing and my DH looks like I am from another planet,but resists the invites.(of course the 22 year old punched me in the face)Thats disrespectful to your union!

Elizabeth's picture

On the condition that you were invited to join them. We used to have joint birthdays for SD with BM and family (her husband, SD's maternal grandparents). It eliminated the need to do two parties. I would have been OK with a joint Halloween event (trick or treating) as long as it involved me. Wouldn't have wanted my husband and BM to take SD without me (even though there's no chance in hell anything would ever happen between them). That just sends the message that you are NOT part of the family, only a peripheral member.

littlegrlzx4's picture

You could have gone with, like I did last night!

For the last 3 years my kids, my hubby's kids and the SK have all gone, TOGETHER. This has happened for a number of reasons (mostly DH not wanting to piss her off and tell her no) Told DH year is the LAST year I'll do this because it's just so damn uncomfortable. I told DH that I wanted to stay home and hand out candy rather than walk around as a group with her. This is the funny part- DH asked for my sister to come over to hand out candy so the "neighbors wouldn't think that the ex and I were married." Ummmm, not my issue.

I survived it though. The best was my 4yo who kept asking BM, "Why are you STILL here?" lol