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I don't know if I can take it anymore....

kaseynboys's picture

I have just about had it. I am now at the point that I dread my sd coming over. Ok a little background... He had 6, I had 2 (twins), and we have one together. We have been together 4 yrs. 2 yrs ago we (my kids, our daughter, he and, I)moved across 2 states away from all my family, friends, and the hometown I love to be in the same town as his 6 children. Since then, we have his kids every other weekend, ALL school holidays and breaks, and whenever their mothers ask us to take them. Yes, I miss my family and do have days that I regret moving out here. However, I love my fiance very very much and I made a commitment to him and our family. I am very happy with him. My problem is his 12 yr old daughter. She and I have always had issues, but it has gotten so bad that now I dread her coming over. She makes me, her brothers and sisters, and my children absolutely miserable. I love children. I ran my own daycare for 10 yrs and I have been a mother for 12. I get along wonderfully with all 5 of my other step-kids. It is just this one. It makes me ill to even have this thought in my head, but I think I may hate this child. Of all the stresses my DF and I have in our lives, she is the ONLY thing that has EVER made me consider leaving him.... and not just once. I want to tell DF that I don't want her in the house when he isn't here. I don't think he will agree to it and I think it may cause the biggest fight we have ever had. (we have had only a few arguments in 4 yrs) I am with all the kids a LOT more than he is. I am a nursing student right now, so I have pretty much the same hrs as the kids do including days off/breaks from school. So 2 week x-mas break I am home with the 9 kids, he is working. Summer break same thing. This weekend was a 4 day weekend for the kids and I so I picked them up thur and they stay till mon night. He works all but sat and sun. Not complaining that he works or that I have time to be home with the kids at these times. Just trying to show amt of time I am with the kids without him. Anyway, if he is not here (and sometimes even when he is) this girl is horrible!! yelling, screaming, cussing, attitude, mouthing off, talking back, bossing everyone, being downright mean to her sibling and step siblings. I am so sick of it and sick of being angry at her that I just don't want her here anymore. Not to mention the kind of influence she is on my 3 yr old little girl. I think I am really at a crossroads here. Don't know what to do about this. DF is alllllll about his kids, which is a good thing, but it is to the point that he puts his kids above EVERYTHING ALL THE TIME! I think if I push it it could be the end of our relationship. What do I do? Continue on disliking this kid more and more, having her be completely disrespectful to me and all the other kids, and letting her influence my baby. or try to discuss this with DF and see where it goes? I really do not want to loose him and what we have together as a family, but I really can't take much more from this girl.

AVR1962's picture

That's ALOT of kids to be responsible for and if you are not liking being away from your own family to spend all this time with your steps I can understand where some of the hard feelings may come from. Every child's personality is different as you know being in child care for so long. I am a teacher and kids love me too but sometimes we have those that rub us the wrong way. Don't feel guilty. I went thru the same with my stepsons, and as much as I wanted to be fair there was so much going on that I finally had to just face that I hated them.

Have you ever thought of what lays at the root of your anger and hatred for this child? I really gave that alot of thought with my stepsons who are now adults. At the root of mine was first the lies the boys would tell their bio parents and then how the bios stepped in to coddle and protect rather than making the boys be responsible. Bio were fooled and manipulated. It created hard feelings on my part for my husband and his ex, as well as the boys, and in turn their were hard feelings back at me.

When I married my second husband I took his children on as mine and felt I could not treat them any different than my own. I also expected my girls to treat their stepmom and stepdad with respect. I never question their decisions with the girls. I never sided with the girls. If you don't have a joint effort of support among the parental figures kids will weazel in and destroy it. But I didn't get that from my husband or his ex and the boys knew they had the upper hand. It caused so much tension. I have no relationship with either of my stepsons today, this is 21 years later.

I hope what I have been thru helps you with your own situation.