I don't exist when BM is around
Last night, BF and I were having a wonderful time at karaoke with a friend. We decided to move on to another local bar. I rode with my friend and he followed to meet us there. When my friend and I walked in, I spotted BM sitting at the bar. (We have run into her there before, so it really wasn’t that big a deal….at least I thought.) A few minutes later, BF calls and asks “is BM in there?” Well, maybe I’m wrong for this, but I played dumb and said “I really haven’t paid attention.” He says, “Hmmm, I could swear that’s her car.” I then said, “Oh, well there is her boyfriend (the man she cheated on him with for two years), so she might be. Is that a problem?” He said “no” but I could tell there was some hesitation. I said “well, you can go on home if you want and I’ll have friend bring me home.” He said “no, I’ll come in.” Now you might be thinking that his hesitation was because they don’t get along or something and he didn’t want a confrontation. But that’s not the case….they are very amicable. To be honest, I’ve had to explain to him multiple times that although I want them to be amicable for the kids sake, I am not comfortable with her calling for anything outside of issues with the kids. She wants to be “friends” with him, but I explained that as we try to build our life together (we started living together this winter) that she needs to back off and give us space to do such. She stopped calling as much and as far as I can tell, they both have limited interactions pretty much to dealing with things regarding their kids. However, I have noticed that anytime we are all around each other (soccer, baseball, etc), he distances himself equally between us. I’ve even inched closer to him sometimes and he will literally take a step away. Hell, they’ve even walked side by side down the sidewalk with me in front and I literally had to stop in my tracks in front of him to make him realize he was walking beside HER instead of me. Which brings me back to last night. He walks in and I hand him his beer. There is a third seat for him, but he instead stands about two feet away from me, directly behind BM. (My friend and I were actually sitting right behind her because there were no other seats.) By this time we have been spotted by BM’s boyfriend and he comes over and speaks. BM then turns around from the bar and speaks as well. My BF stands there and speaks to her (which is fine….again, we are all civil and amicable.) Because of seating arrangement, my back is to him and I’m conversing with our friend. After what I deemed to be an appropriate amount of time, I am expecting him to acknowledge that he is with me and to sit in the 3rd seat saved for him and join our conversation. Instead, he continues standing away from me and continues speaking with her. (At the bar we had just left he was very much into PDA, sitting close to me, etc. as he usually is….except apparently when SHE is around.) So I turn around, slide the chair out and give him that “ok, you’ve talked to her long enough now sit your ass down and act like you are with me” look. He actually looked at me and said, “that’s ok, I’ll stand” and he never moved and continued conversing with her. I turned back around and was LIVID. My girlfriend couldn’t believe it either. I asked her if it was too much to expect for my BF to act like he is with me when his ex is sitting right behind us? Again, I should remind you that he is VERY much into PDA, etc when we are out. I went to the bathroom and when I came back he could tell I was very upset. He THEN finally moved over and started touching me, but I pulled away. So he says “I’m going home” and asked my friend if she would bring me home. And he left. When she is around and he distances himself from me, it makes me feel like he owes her some type of respect that he doesn’t want to display any affection for the woman he is now with and claims to love with all his heart. Yet he can converse with her, her boyfriend (that she cheated on him with), and treat me as if I’m the girl next door. Last night, ESPECIALLY, made me feel as if he was with TWO women and he couldn’t show either one any favoritism. I’m very hurt.
Not sure
On one hand, it doesn't sound good but I can understand some discomfort with PDA in front of an ex. After 3 years, I till feel kinda funny grabbing onto my H in front of BM, I guess out of sensitivity to "rubbing her face in it." The same when we ran into my EX out a couple of times. DH is the same way, and believe, there are NO lingering feelings on either side for the EXS.
In my opinion, though, he should have sat with you. How long have you been together and BF/BM been split up?
I'm not asking that he make out with me
in front of her. But at least make it evident to others, and her, who he is actually with. He could have stood behind my chair with his arm on it, or sat down in the chair and pulled it closer to me and still been able to speak to her. They have been apart for about 4 years now. We met two years ago August 17th. But here's another kicker....they actually aren't divorced yet. He just never "got around" to doing it out of "laziness" he says. I told myself I wouldn't move in with him until they were divorced, but he kept telling me he was going to do it and I trusted that. He FINALLY went to see an attorney a few weeks ago, and he DID go sign the papers yesterday and they are supposed to be filed today or Monday. But because he put that off so long, I feel like he only did it to appease me.
does it almost feel like hes
does it almost feel like hes married to two people when shes arond? I get that impression when we are out in public too and we run into her. Almost like he still owes her that respect?
That's EXACTLY what it feels like!!! Their son started playing baseball this past summer and I can guarantee that other parents were probably quite confused about which one of us he was actually with. The only thing that might have caused them to lean towards me is the fact that he actually sat beside me. Of course, the minute I moved out of the chair, she was immediately over there standing behind his chair with her hands on it. Gggrrrrr!!
Hey what can I say?
Keep your eyes open for any outside sexual adventures on his part.
Sorry but it he sounds like he's willing and waiting for an opportunity.
I've heard say: Ex sex is best.
There's an exception to everything I say.
Way to kick her when she's
Way to kick her when she's down! Don't you know you can't say that on this site?! haha
"I child proofed my whole house, but they STILL get in!"
some men still like to be
some men still like to be the good guys when a relationship is over..they dont want to be the hated one, so for the sake of thier ego they play nice to everyone, now b/c I find myself in this same situation my dear and have had to deal with it and it has panned out sucessfully here is my solid word of advice
1 - tell him that you are proud that he still maintains a amicable relationship with the ex and that his kids will love him for that
2 - tell him how important it is that his child doesnt get the wrong image that his mom and dad are getting back together by being "overly comfortable" because you never know what the ex is telling her son
3 - THIS IS THE IMPORTANT ONE HERE: If he continues to make you feel like he is still married to her when you are out together and you rn into her then he can have her. By him doing that hes ptting her first and you second RECOGNIZE THAT and thats not how its supposed to be. IF hes going ot love you then he should be doing it 100% of the time. Your not saying they cant have a relationship for the sake of their son, your saying that he needs to look after his partner for the sake of his relationship.
I hope that this turns the light on for you it did for my hubby to be and he never acted like that again and we are stronger for it.
p.s - be very careful about
p.s - be very careful about what hes doing right now and make sure that hes doing all of this for himself and his child, because somewhere down the line hes going to throw it back in your face that you made him do this and you made him go to the lawyer and so forth and that whatever the outcome is you should be happyabout it becasue he did it for you...just trust your gut and dont be afraid to ask the tough questions
I agree with Angel Cakes
Ask the tough questions, and be careful with telling him what to do in regards to his X.
Honestly what it looks like to me is that her BF wants to look availiable, not attatched.
I don't think that's it
As long as she isn't around, he definitely has no problems showing everyone who he is with (me). It's only around her. And I'm tending to lean toward the fact that it's just uncomfortable for him and he's trying to be the "good guy" as Angel said. We talked about it the other night and he SAYS he didn't realize how it was making me feel and that he didn't intend to hurt me or distance himself from me. I know he would never go back to her, so that's not even a concern. I'm hoping it got through to him how it makes me feel and I'll just have to wait and see how he behaves the next time we are all around each other. Which will be in another two weeks once soccer starts. Ugh....
Saw the Ex at a bar...
One time DH and I were invited to a birthday party at a bar. It just so happened to be the bar that he and I met. So it was a known fact that it was our spot so to speak. Turns out one of the guests invited BM. When we walked in and saw her, we said hello to everyone (ignored her) and walked straight to the back of the bar and didn't hang with the birthday crowd. After a little while the birthday girl came to get us and we told her that we weren't going over there because BM was there. Apparently, she asked BM to leave so we could go celebrate with them. It was just a strange dynamic.
Literally Laughed Out Loud!
When I read this!! I REALLY like this idea.
Maybe I'm a
vengeful beeyatch but I think he should totally rub it in her face that he's with you. Maybe I have too much Irish pirate blood or something, but if my ex had cheated on me and I ran into them socially with my new love, you can bet your sweet pappy I would rub it in! There wouldn't be obscene tonsil hockey happening, but I would act just as loving and pda-ish as I usually was and would NEVER alter my behavior to make it easier for a cheating ex. I would feel just the same and be completely pissed if I was in your situation. Can he imagine what the scenario is like for you? Can you explain it to him?
"A lot of people are afraid to tell the truth. That’s where toughness comes into play. Toughness isn’t being a bully, it’s having a backbone.” ~Robert Kiyosaki
I think he's gotten the message
We did talk and I think he finally realized how I feel. I don't think that will happen again. His sister also slapped him upside the head and told him to quit running into the stupid tree, so that might have helped as well.
Of course after doing that, she actually offered us some really good advice. She suggested we have a code phrase that indicates to him I'm feeling slighted, neglected, or I think he's spending too much time with her, whatever the case may be, since we DO have to be around her quite often. We determined our code phrase and if I say that, then he knows to step away with me so we can privately discuss how I'm feeling. This was a result of him asking why I didn't just pull him to the side and say something to him. I told him "oh yeah, I pull you to the side, I tell you to STOP talking to your EX and come stand with me and pay attention to ME" and then we go back and you ignore her what do you think SHE'S going do? Turn around to her friends and giggle that I made you stop talking to her." Now I can use the code phrase, we can step away, and I can knock him upside his head....I mean discuss it with him.