I blew my top
Well yesterday I finally blew up on both of them. My husband was picking at me about my weight. Yes I've put on a few pounds but he's got nothing to talk about. Then he made some stupid remark about me making a mess in the kitchen, I was baking and had spilled flour. Anyway I walk into the bathroom I had cleaned earlier, sd had just got out of the shower, and it was trashed. I came unglued, stomping and screaming, we've been married 9yrs this Jan. and I have never raised my voice in all that time. I've always tried to be calm and reasonable but I totally lost it yesterday. I wish I had a picture of the looks on their faces, it was priceless. I felt so much better afterwards!! At one point he told me to get my menopause under control but that just added fuel to the fire. Today I sat him down and told him either sd straightens up and he gets her behavior under control or I'm out of here. Plus I want us to go to family counseling to get this crap worked out. I think he may listen to me now, at least I hope he will.
Isn't it sad
That you have to resort to yelling and screaming and ranting like a crazy person to get any attention? I am not a yeller, but my husband is. So, in his mind, if I'm not yelling I'm not to the breaking point yet. So he can safely ignore me (in his mind). Which just pisses me off more and make me get even quieter (not louder). I think, after 10 years, he is finally starting to understand that when I get quiet is when he should start getting worried, and I don't have to yell near as much to get his attention. Good luck!
Tooo Funny....
Its crazy that you have to resort to yelling to get them to understand and see. I think that is disrespectful when DH talks about you in front of SD. You already are being nice enough to deal with the situation revolving around her...and he adds fuel to the fire. Good for you for saying something...It would have been funny to see the look on their faces :jawdrop:!
with one look...
my DH can tell when I'm going to the "bad side", ...my eyes turn black, and I just have that look....you know. God forbid I have to open my mouth! (ha-ha) It takes ALOT to get me to that point, and does not happen nearly as much as it did when we lived near BM....but man it was bad, truly evil!"~waiting on the world to change~"
dh just told me yesterday
that for as pretty as i am, i can give the meanest looks! too bad those looks are often followed by opening my unusually large mouth. lol!
"Given the right reasons and the right two people, marriage is a wonderful way of experiencing your life."
~the late great George Carlin
LOL, Bella..
you are to funny girl. I use a key sentence to start off such a tyraid (if the "look" fails)...." If it was not for"........ (the CS, skids , BM, the stress...etc.) Picking one is never hard, there are a million of 'em. But starting off like that validates my some times very loud argument, at least for me
"~waiting on the world to change~"
oh i do that too chel!
"well DH, too bad u didnt feel that way about BM when u were w her and before u got her pregnant" "well, if it werent for the $700 a month in CS u have to pay, we could get that new furniture"
of course, NONE of this is productive and only hurts Dh so im trying to keep the big ol trap shut lately...we'll see how long that lasts. probably til this wkend when we have SD again...
"Given the right reasons and the right two people, marriage is a wonderful way of experiencing your life."
~the late great George Carlin
u got a good point!
I think maybe an investment of some duck tape is in my future, does it come in pink???"~waiting on the world to change~"
if you find some send some to me
that way I can tape my foot to the floor too
to keep it from flying to my mouth!
"Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without one."
maybe we can buy in bulk...
looks like alot of us could use it...wonder why that is???
"Given the right reasons and the right two people, marriage is a wonderful way of experiencing your life."
~the late great George Carlin
Picture it: Chel Bell's house: 5pm. DH comes home from work to find me with pink duck tape on my mouth, and my hands taped to the wall (per Italian tradition, I use my hands alot when I talk, especially when mad) , and feet taped to the floor. I have a self written note pinned to my shirt, stating that BM has started her drama again.........and I'm taking the high road on this pending argument. Because I love him that much. (all is still quiet on this end....but may do this when/if this happens)."~waiting on the world to change~"
OMG Chel u kill me!!
i especially love the "golden girls" reference!
that is so funny!!!!!!!!! i am cracking up!!!!!!
bc we love them THAT much...!
"Given the right reasons and the right two people, marriage is a wonderful way of experiencing your life."
~the late great George Carlin
My sons told H all about the
My sons told H all about the warning signs when I've reached my limit. My oldest says the first is what he calls the Hairy Eyeball, then comes the jaw clenching. When is gets to the point where I won't talk and my eye is twitching RUN. I guess they should have listened. Sd is into a lot of passive/aggressive crap and I refuse to put up with it anymore. I told H since he was military he should understand when I say danger close he should take cover. I made the appointment for our first counseling session today and for sd to start therapy. They're going if I have to cuff and stuff them cause I'm not going to take it any more. Maybe I should apologize to Twisted Sister for stealing their line. LOL As for my weight I'm 5'4" and bounce between 130 and 140, I'm not concerned withit. I weighed 90lbs most of my life and I'm enjoying having a little meat on my bones. It's the first time I've really had boobs without being pregnant.