The last bastion of sanity.....
(oops! Posted this in the wrong spot a minute ago--sorry!), a couple of weeks ago, I finally hit my limit with the adult skids. Told DH that I think it's crap and I'm fed up with their total disrespect to him (and me!). Told him that I am DONE DONE DONE with their attitude of "entitlement" and especially that I'm done with the babymaking SD who quit high school and has made welfare her career of choice. SS works, but gets paid mostly cash under the table. Nice enough kid, but shows up for dinner with some girl he knows who is a LICENSED Pharmacist, working, no kids and is single, and proudly announced that she gets food stamps!!!!!! (a little bit of fraud going on there, ya think?) I came unglued, said my peace, and asked them to leave MY HOUSE (yup, it's MY house, bought and paid for BY ME--no assistance, just hard work). I'm the big green meanie....apparently I've "over-reacted" (according to DH and SS) and I am "obsessed" with those who do not work and are on Welfare. I cannot believe that I am the only person who gets tired of standing behind people in Walmart who have a cart full of food, whip out their food stamp card, and head out to their Lexus. I work, my child and her husband work, all of my friends work. Everyone I know is of the belief that, "if you want it, work for it". I also believe that you become what you hang out with. I am not against a hand UP, but am definitely against a hand OUT. Am I that far out of touch with reality to EXPECT the adult skids to work and take care of themselves? Are people really to the point of acceptance and approval of this practice?
Aparrently, DH and I are in two completely different worlds on this one.
I really do need some advice on this one because it could be the deal breaker in this relationship.
LOL! Just so happens I work
LOL! Just so happens I work in a position that deals with welfare fraud and abuse. Which is probably why I am so adamantly against it! Not to worry, the situation above will be handled by the appropriate channels. However, people have learned to work the system to their advantage in ways you cannot even begin to imagine.
As far as putting them out of the house...may not have been my classiest stance on this topic has always been known, his kids are at the house often, so it's not like I'm the "host" (more like the personal servant). I firmly believe this was more of an "in your face" kind of deal from SS.
How to explain SS...... If he
How to explain SS......
If he thinks he can get a "rise" out of you, he will. I do actually wonder if he was aware of friend social service situation, even though she mentioned it with such pride that I can't help but think she tells everyone!
And, not too sure the "guest" aspect applies as the kids (mine included) have always brought friends to the house whenever they wanted.
At any rate, I agree I could have handled it better. But, then again, rather than enabling, it would be nice if DH would just give me a LITTLE back up on it!
"Milking the system" - that
"Milking the system" - that should be our BM's nickname!
She got my DH to agree to pretend that he was renting his trailer to her while they were still together so she would get housing assistance and food stamps. What does she do? She files for CS WHILE the father (my DH) is living with her! Her justification to that is that if he didn't lie for her, she wouldn't have been able to do that!!! And she still expected him to buy diapers and formula.
She also defrauded FEMA by pretending that her basement got flooded when the area flooded and getting a new basement paid for! Skids were so young, all they remember is that they had to walk through water so they think their mom told the truth about the basement! DH said basement was crap when she bought the house and it never flooded.
As a former welfare recipient myself, who barely scraped by trying to finish college and be a single parent with no CS, I have absolutely NO sympathy or regard for people who defraud the system. I don't blame Eyes Wide for getting bent out of shape about it!
I do wonder if it's because I
I do wonder if it's because I see it and deal with it on a daily basis that I feel so strongly about NOT having to deal with it at home!
Thanks for the support!
APOLOGY!!! Is Luv nuts?
APOLOGY!!! Is Luv nuts? This criminal comes into your home and brags about the crime and you're supposed to make like she's Robin Hood?
I hope you've used your contacts to turn her into the authorities.