i am a woman on the edge
ok, so SD behavior has improved since last time i posted here but today we got weird texts from BM and SD and somehow now we have SD every weekend and neither of us agreed to it, they just said thanks and left it at that without us discussing it :O I dont mind it too much i dont guess but the problem i am having is BM asks me to watch SD extra days, which doesnt bother me, the part that bothers me is when i go to pick SD up, it looks like SD stepdad is preparing for a day/night at home.....so why cant he watch her now and again so i can have some alone time with DH??? so theres that, then theres my in-laws
I am about to have to clean my house like its the freaking four seasons hotel because DH family is coming down and MIL is critical of every little thing i do (this is why i am on the edge) I say if youre coming to see my house and not our family, and all you are going to do is criticize , dont come at all. (she actually came down and cleaned my house when i was away once, I THINK I KNOW HOW TO CLEAN MY FREAKING HOUSE WOMAN, because i wasnt doing it to her standards :jawdrop: , NEWS FLASH, its NOT YOUR HOUSE!!!) you come to see me and my family, not my house. MIL has also turned DH side of the family against me because i have stood up to her on more than one occasion for butting in and for starting WW3 between mine and DH family, with the assistance of my sister in law who now bends over backwards and does everything MIL wants, or agrees with everything she says, case in point--i got on my husbands FB (he doesnt care) and MIL status said "thanks to "insert SIL name here" the best daughter in law in the whole world We love you so much! yadda yadda yadda...." thinking i would never see it because she will not add me on FB neither will DH brother or SIL because she has turned them against me because i dont do every little thing she says, and she butts into mine and DH marriage constantly, and i do mean CONSTANTLY. i ve just had it, and DH is starting to buy into the whole mess, im almost ready for a divorce, i am seriously thinking about getting a steady job (i stay at home right now) and just up and leaving one day. I already have people saying they would come on the day he doesnt get home until real late and they would have me packed and out of here before he gets home. Im never good enough for him anymore it seems like.......or im not good enough for the MIL from you know where... :sick:
also did i mention MIL added
also did i mention MIL added DH ex-wife to facebook, one when we first met, she said she could not stand, but she wont add me, her current DIL to FB (the only reason i want them on facebook is so i dont have to burn a ton of pictures to discs, its easier to upload them to facebook and let them use the download feature) and thank goodness facebook has an option to restrict what certain people see so she doesnt butt in anymore than she already does...
This is ridiculous! Your
This is ridiculous! Your husband needs to put a stop to it and stand up to his mother. He needs to point out all of the inappropriate things she has done, then he needs to tell her "I love my wife, I picked her out of all the other women of the world...I picked HER. SHE makes me happy. If you cannot treat her with respect and respect the fact that she is my wife and I love her, then YOU will no longer be a part of my life".
I would approach him as a hurt little puppy dog. Cry to make it look better. Make sure you convince him that you don't have bad feelings towards his mother, but that she hurts you and it makes you uncomfortable and it kills your heart because you love him and love his family and want everyone to be happy and get along.
You dont wanna be on her
You dont wanna be on her Facebook if she has got BM on there. Iv had this with my ex and certain people were reporting back to him what I was upto. Keep your setting's private and the less will get out to BM
Turn FB off, all it does is
Turn FB off, all it does is start problems or escalate them! I wouldn't be so sure that she doesn't think you can see what she is writing. She most likely put it there bc she knew you would see it }:) How long have you been married?
Wow. What does your husband
What does your husband say about all this??
It seems to me, like someone above put it, that your husband needs to put his foot down and support you as his WIFE and PARTNER. I don't think you have to over dramatize, just be REAL with him, authentically share how this has you feeling...I mean- you're comtemplating divorce, having someone come and pack you before he gets home from work...I don't think you need to pretend- I think this pretty much sums it up for him. And you may cry your heart out when you're telling him this. I can imagine how badly it's hurting.
And BTW, I can totally get why you're thinking of leaving. If your husband doesnt' support you, with regard to ANYTHING, whether it's kids, stepkids, mother in law, whatever, it feels very lonely and rejected. Why would you want to stay.
Believe me, this issue may look on the surface like it's with your MIL, but I personally think it's an issue with your husband tolerating disrespect to his WIFE.