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I am probably over reacting... but almost considering not locking the dogs kennel tonight.

lil_lady's picture

So, for some reason I am on a roll of not being able to post my main point on this comment box.

lil_lady's picture

You where all so right about separating myself and living my life. This has been such a breath of fresh air just living for me. Just making that decision has been refreshing!

I was walking my dogs a couple days ago and I was almost home when a truck came driving past me from the direction of my place. The driver waved at me which was really weird because I don't really know anyone here! Not to mention it was a guy and I only have one friend here and its a girl. I just felt really wrong about it like it was a sarcastic wave. Like that feeling in the pit of your stomach when you KNOW something is wrong! For some reason the first thing I thought was BM has a new bf... I bet its his truck. Once I got home I convinced myself I was being paranoid and ridiculous. When I called BF that night I asked BF if we knew anyone with a truck like that and he said no why I told him and he just shrugged it off and said no he didn't know anyone. I thought for sure after that I must just be paranoid. Last year BM was driving by our house when she was dropping the kids off at school to spy on us. I told SO I did not appreciate it and I deserved privacy in my own home so he needed to address it. I told him I didn't care how but I wanted it brought up. SO did and BM made it clear she was going to continue doing it. I went to the police station and filed a report just in case something happened and she pushed things to far. I asked that she was not contacted or confronted I just wanted it on record incase of future problems. I thought that this is why I was being so paranoid and dropped it.

I was out with a friend tonight waiting for our dinner to be ready for pickup and she was driving around wasting time. I wasn't sure if I felt right about it but I asked my friend to just drive by the road she lives so I could look down it and clear my mind so I could get this horrible feeling out of the pit of my stomach! I thought for sure I was going to see a truck that was no where near the one I saw I had myself convinced I was just being a crazy prego lady. We drive by and ITS THE EXACT SAME TRUCK that also has a slip tank in the back that I saw... I feel sick! I live in a small town I guess that there could be two of the same truck but its really not likely.

If BM can convince her brand new bf to do this to a pregnant woman who is on her own, what else would this guy do. BF works out of town and is away for a week right now BM knows this because its her time with the kids. I feel like they waved to scare me and tell me they are watching me. Not to mention my car tire is all of the sudden low.. I feel sick and scared and no clue whether to just ignore this or go add it to the file at the police station. I don't want to cause more drama but now I am scared to be in my own home. I also don't want to be the crazy emotional pregnant girl that over reacts because of all these hormones!

emotionaly beat up's picture

Well go to the police, tell it like you've told it here and let them make the decision whether its serious or not. Better safe than sorry I'd thnk.

Igiveupsotornupinside's picture

If you feel so much fear like that, which you likely should, I would consider getting a restraining order against her.

just.his.wife's picture

I think your over reacting.

You do not know for certain that this is BM's boyfriend. Your new in the area and know one person.

My gut instinct is you have a neighbor in the area that owns that truck and since this is small town USA where everyone is supposed to know everyone: He was being friendly and waving hi to the person walking on the side of the road.

If he lives in the area your GOING to see his truck driving around... he lives there. Take a deep breath and relax, if its bothering you that bad, go for a DRIVE, find where his truck gets parked aka where he lives.. and you will likely find out he is a neighbor, likely NOT involved with BM.

jumanji's picture

I agree. And at the end of the day? If it's a small town, you're going to run across the same people driving around more than once.

lil_lady's picture

Its not that small I think they just got city status so I would guess 5, 000 ppl. The live on the opposite side of town and I live in a culdesac completely tucked it at the end of a road! The is no reason but the fact that they are driving here to drive by my home. Also I have lived in this neighborhood for a year and a couple months I know the vehicles here.

nothinforya's picture

How would this man know what you look like? I think you need to calm down! I'm sure you have proper door locks and you can easily add motion-sensor control to your outdoor lights, and you have dogs that are a great early doorbell/alarm, so realistically your fear is not based on anything at all. It's just fear. Take reasonable precautions just as you would anywhere, but stop being in such a panic over nothing.

lil_lady's picture

BM was with him there was someone else is the truck and it looked like her. He has seen me because he was at the house when we dropped off the kids.

emotionaly beat up's picture

Ill lady, they probably just do it for a laugh and to bug you because they know it does. If it was them, they sound like a couple of immature smart alecs. But if you have any concerns, then as I sad before, I'd go and have an informal chat with the police and see how they suggest you handle it. Legally they have done nothing wrong, but you just having a talk with a police officer isn't going to do any harm, they might have a couple of good suggestions for you.

lil_lady's picture

That is a good point they started a file and said they would speak to her the last time so I think I will just go update the file. This is ridiculous!