I am a new Member
Hello everyone; I am a new member. I have 2 sd's and 2 bio with father of sd's. One sd is 17 and the other is 15. Our kids are 9 and 13 months. I have had some problems with the 15 yr old sd. She has always been my difficult one, not wanting dad and I togther. She is in therapy, bio mom has degraded me openly to her girls. Like I don't like her I tolerate her, you don't have to listen to her she is not your mom. The 17 yr old has had a very decent relationship with me not letting what has been said get into her way which has caused trouble with bio-mom. The 15 yr old sd has anew thing now not wanting to come to our house she hates me, no reason given. I have been with these girls since the ages of 3 and 5. So around 13 years. Trouble started at the age of 7 with the younger of the two. All of the talking and therapy haven't worked. Can anyone help me deal better? My husband is very suppotive of me and my sd hates it.
Unfortunately I don't think there is anything you can about it.... Fortunately, your husband is very supportive of you. I would continue on living life, loving, having fun, being a mom, and TRY not to let her get to you.... she can live in misery if that is what she chooses, your only choice is to not allow her to bring you down.
Thank you for responding. It is really hard to have sd saying hurtful things about me when they are not true and to have her say that she isn't coming to Dads anymore and she hasn't come in two weeks. Bm says that she isn't condoning the actions but she won't shut our her kids. My husband thinks that ex will take him to court for custody because she won't come over and says she won't. I told him that his daughter can say it but that I don't think it will matter to a judge because she really doesn't have a very good reason other than she hates me.
who has custody?
so does your husband have custody? I am a little confused, and if he does how did this come about?
who has custody
They have shared custody no support because that's the way NH works in shared situations.