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I am done doing anything nice for FSD

Unhappy's picture

On Saturday FSD(6) was following me around the house wanting me to put her hair in a pony tail. SO and I had been fighting for a couple of days so I wasn't really in the mood but I did it anyway. Come to find out Saturday evening from SO that after I had left to go and school supplies and some new school cloths for my BD(6) she went to SO bawling. Apparently she told him that after I finished doing her hair I slammed the brush down turned around and walked out of the bathroom and turned the lights out on her. I explained to SO that all did was put her hair in a pony, put the brush back in the drawer, and turned around and walked out of the bathroom. What did she expect me to do? Stand there and look at her in the mirror. I was done doing her hair and I had things that I needed to do. Yes I did turn the light out as I left but she was in the master bathroom where we have a big bay window that lets in a lot of light. It wasn't dark in there and had I not turned the light off it would have remained on until I saw that it was on and turned it off. Now SO does not believe her when she does these things thankfully. I am just sick of it. The last time she was with us she told SO that I was mean like mommy's BF because I told her to clean her room. She has also been telling us that mommy's BF has been physically aggressive to her little brother. This is who I get compared to? For asking her to clean her room? Really?Of course she will never do this infront of me.

SO did confront her infront of me and you want to know what she said? She denied telling SO that I slammed the bruch down. WTF!! You are the one that told him that and now you're telling him that you didn't say it to him. She also told me that when I shut the light off it was rude. We were done in the bathroom. It wasn't dark. What the hell is wrong with this child. All she wants to do is start crap. Everybody could be having a great time and here she comes with her sh!t stick ready to stir the pot. I don't understand why she does this stuff. Why she intentionally tries to cause problems. She never gets away with it. She doesn't get any attention from SO. Can anybody explaine to me why a 6 year old child is so mean. None of the kids in her kidergarten class would play with her by the end of the year because she was so physically aggressive with them. She's not allowed to be inside the daycare unsupervised because the people that work there think she is going to steal from them. She lies constantly, steals from other kids including my BD, yells at her brother and my BD, has to dominate everything or atleast try, and she is very emotionally abusive to everybody and anybody. She's the meanest little kid that I have ever seen. She even went as far as lying to the police saying that SO, her father, grabbed her by the face and slammed her head into the wall. Then the next time she came over SO and her were playing in the living room. She bumped her head on the foot rest and then sat up and looked at SO and told him, "remember what the cop said." WTF!! This came out of the mouth of a 6 year old. I told SO that she needs help. Serious help. She has no remorse for anything that she does to anybody. It's crazy. She's like pure evil.

At this point I'm done. No more going out of my way to do anything nice for her. She'll just try and throw it back in my face the moment my back is turned.

What do you guys think? Do you think that there is something seriously wrong with this child?

Unhappy's picture

That's a great idea. The thing is she doesn't care about punishments. There is nothing you can do, say, or take away from her. She just doesn't care. It's like she's a little sociopath. I have never seen anything like it. Regardless of what she has done there is never any remorse from her. Nothing. It's insane.

lmac's picture

I kept a little boy like this same age.

He was a sociopath as well. I left the family after 3 months, but the parents were both fucked up as well. I did feel bad for the older kid because he was the only one that had a chance to not be insane.

I made him write lines but he didn't care. When he'd get in trouble it didn't matter what you did, he didn't care about the punishment. The only time he would pitch a fit was when he wasn't getting something that he wanted.

Unhappy's picture

That sounds about right for her. There's always an excuse for why things have happened. "I didn't punch my brother in the face. He ran into my hand." If you ask her why she did something she just looks at you and shrugs. It's not a I don't know shrug. It's an I don't really care why I did what I did and the minute your back is turned I am going to do it again. Why? Because I can and I really could give a sh!t less what you think. I think that she has a behavioral disorder.

lmac's picture

The little boy I'm talking about would do the same thing.

I would get her to a therapist ASAP.

This is NOT normal behavior. Even my 5 yo can sympathize with other people and make up excuses when he gets in trouble.

Good luck...

Unhappy's picture

Thanks lmac for your reply. I don't think it's normal either. I think her mother is to blame. SO finally admitted that she's a little carbon copy of her mother, which was very hard for him to do. This lady has the same type of mantality. She doesn't care what she does to anybody. There's absolutly no remorse. No appologize. Nothing. She has personality disorders and I think that FSD has inherited the same thing either through genitics or from just seeing how her mother acts and treats people.

lmac's picture

Yes, I agree. With the little boy I'm talking about it was his parents. They would put him outside when he started throwing a fit and their favorite punishment was the silent treatment to the boys for days.

One time, my ex BF broke up with me via text (I was a live-in nanny), and I was crying. The older boy (about 9) came and sat with me. He said "I've never seen an adult cry, so you must be really sad, and stroked my arm." The little one took that opportunity to go and squeeze the dog's feet, and when I said "That hurts the dog; why would you do that when he's crying out in pain?" he responded "Because I like it."

But like I said, he really never learned any sort of love or caring from his parents.

I am almost sure he'll be on the news as a serial killer one day.

Unhappy's picture

I think both if her parents show her love and caring. I know that SO does. The thing is before I came into the picture there were no rules. She was just allowed to run wild. She would talk to her dad, more like yell at him like she was master of the house. I know that this is SO's fault as far as the rules and boundaries thing. But it's more then just getting an out of control kid back in line with her. She's evil. The neighbor told me that she has been like this since she was like 1. I don't know what happened to her to make her this way. She's out of control. It's not that it's not normal for little kids to lie and steal. Maybe even hit occasionally but she takes the cake. She stole some lotion from another kid in daycare during her mother's week which we had no idea about. Her mother made her return the lotion to the girl she took it from. She did this right infornt of one of the daycare workers and then turned around and stole it back out of the little girls backpack. We didn't know that she had done that until the next day when SO picked her up, FSD had brought the lotion with her and the daycare worker that had witnessed the return of the stolen item told him what happened. And then the next day I saw that she had some lip gloss so I asked her where she got and she told me that same lie she told SO about the lotion. I finally got her to admit up to it and you know what she told me, "I'm already in trouble for stealing so I can't get into anymore trouble for stealing the lip gloss." I have walked by the bedroom that both my BD and her share and listened to her telling my BD to shut her face because my BD was asking her not to take her money from her piggy bank. She lies constantly about everything and I mean everything. Like I said before, her physical aggression towards the other kids in her kidergaten class got so bad that they wouldn't play with her. Do you know how she handled that? She assaulted them. She even got detention for punching another girl in the stomach and calling her fat. Detenion!! In kindergarten. She has almost been kicked out of daycare several times. This isn't normal behavior.

lmac's picture

I saw that with the other boy too. He was getting suspended in kindergarten and his parents would say "He's having trouble adjusting," or "He's had a few incidents."

Like I said before get her to a therapist asap. Maybe if you can get her some help soon she will be able to change her ways. That's why I started asking families for references because I didn't want to be in that situation again.

What does DH think about her behavior? What's your custody situation? If you guys don't have her full time, I might have to disengage (which is something I never ever suggest).

Unhappy's picture

Is this normal behavior? To look your dad right in the eyes and say remember what the cop said. I think that there is something seriously wrong with her.