I am beyond pissed right now and not looking forward to my vacation any longer.
We are going camping for 5 days and I was really looking forward to it. This will be the first time I’ve had any significant time off of work for years. SD15 wasn’t going to be coming, which made it even better. We are taking DD and my nieces with us. Well, come to find out now, SD told my neice that she is coming until Friday night and then her mother is coming to pick her up Friday so that she can go to her softball games that weekend. This woman is going to drive 3+ hours to pick up SD. I know how much I would.
It pisses me off that this little brat doesn’t want a thing to do with us any other time but now she’s coming along because we’re doing something fun. When I was telling DH that skid said she was coming (he didn’t know yet that SD was coming) he said “wow, you really sound enthused that she’s coming”. I just said “well, frankly, I was really looking forward to a vacation without her drama, and without walking on eggshells because everything I do or say is taken the wrong way by both of you when she’s around. AND, to top it off, now I get to see BM when she comes to pick skid up….yay!” . I will just make myself scarce when BM comes to pick her up and try my best to enjoy my nieces and DD and ignore skid for the week. I wonder how it’s going to go over when I leave DH to pack skids lunches and snacks to take to the lake every day. I’m not doing it…part of disengaging }:)
Ummm, how is it SD just
Ummm, how is it SD just invites herself on the trip? She doesn't even bother to ask DH or you if she can come?
Come to find out it should be
Come to find out it should be DH only that I am pissed at. Originally we were supposed to go to a softball tournament out of state that week for DD, which SD was not going to go to. We have decided not to attend the tournament and go camping instead, so I guess DH invited SD. He then assumed she wouldn't come when BM said she had to "think about" picking her up. He just told me this weekend how SD was so upset she wouldn't be going. That was the first I had even heard of it being an option that she was going! I'm so mad at him right now. I guess we need to have a talk that neither of us will just assume that the kids will be going along on vacations anymore. SD has been to our house all of 3 times in the past 2 months, she would rather go fishing with her stepsister's (her stepfather's kids)grandfather, on their MOTHER's side...not her stepfather's side, but the MOTHER's side, than spend Easter with her father, after she had already said she would. My thought is that he shouldn't be inviting her to any damned thing. he just whines and pulls the typical crap of "Well, she's my daughter and I do still love her even though she's being a brat, so I want to spend whatever time I can with her". :sick:
In a blended family it hard
In a blended family it hard to say "my kids and my nieces get to come camping with us but your kid can't". That doesn't bode well with parents/spouses.
I think it would have been wise for the adults to discuss this ahead of time. Your husband should be on your "$hit list".
I agree, and I would never
I agree, and I would never tell him she couldn't come on vacation with us, if my DD is coming. We should have discussed it first, yes. I was in the wrong for assuming since she couldn't come to the originally planned thing because of softball then she wouldn't ge coming camping when the plans changed. You know what they say about assuming!
DH did ask me if it was going to be SD not being welcome to come along on vacation. I just told him I would NEVER ask him to do that, but that I also don't want to have to deal with the crap that is typical of her whenever we go on vacation, so it's up to him to deal with anything that comes up. I haven't enjoyed one trip that involved the kids in the past 8 years because of her having to have everything her way and him giving in. I was really looking forward to this one
Oh well, live and learn...and set plans in stone immediately!
We are going on vacation
We are going on vacation later this month and neither SS is coming. They are 19 and 20 and don't want to go, praise Jesus! I am looking forward to it.
You know Foxie, that crossed
You know Foxie, that crossed my mind, and it would DEFINITELY happen. He does that crap all the time. Luckily this time he can't as we're taking a motorhome, so unless he wants to pack everything up and unpack it when he gets back, he's not going...lol. Of course, who knows, if it means Princess gets what she wants, he might be doing that.