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Husband Left/Kissing Rear of BM

bpesmom's picture

I am new to this site. I found it many months ago then got a new computer and lost it. After searching again I am so glad I am back. I never posted before, I just came to read and feel Like I wasn't alone. Now I am wondering if I am asking to much from my husband. Long story short - BM has never treated him with respect. She is now in school for the 3rd time after dropping out twice before. Major loser!! BM asked my husband to watch SD in mid August due to her need to go to school for 7-9 days straight. We have an 18 wheeler as our source of income. I am a sahm to our 4 yr old. Husband said yes, he would watch her. I am livid!! They live over an hour away from us and to drop her at school and pick up everyday would be many hours on the road not to mention, the lost wages for the entire week. He never consulted me and only mentioned her request after some time. I blew up and asked why she could not take time away from her school to watch her own child. He said he did not question her. The SD stays with her grandparents during the week and they will be away on vacation that week. BM has sole custody. I love SD but I want my wimpy husband to get some balls and tell BM he will watch SD for some of the time but not all. So my question is, should I be mad about arrangements? Any other insight would help. Thanks.

Orange County Ca's picture

You married your husband because his personallity traits appealed to you. He's a nice guy right? He treats you with respect right? He like to make sure you're happy right? I bet he treats his mother well.

You can't complain when he exhibits those traits towards the other women in his life. You've made your feelings known and everyone is set to have the kid that week. So this is a done deal. Calmly make it clear to your husband that if he makes such committments in the future without consulting with you then you may not assist him in carrying them out. But don't make any threats you're not willing to carry out.


There's an exception to everything I say.