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How stupid does BM think I am?!?

Annoyed1's picture

A brief summary: I had BM and SS's on my facebook (Obviously I put privacy settings on all 3 of them as I know BM uses the skids account more than they do). About 4 weeks ago, BM got her bf to serve DH with court papers (the usual, wanting more CS) and deleted me off of all 3 of their accounts (no sweat off my back). Anyways, over the years that I had her on my Facebook, we were able to gather evidence of things (such as her driving around with no licence and much more) Just incase DH would need it one day. Well, DH filed court papers back to her wanting custody of the kids. he included many posts off her facebook wall for evidence on some concerns that he has in regards to her parenting abilities.

So, I'm sitting on the couch last night with SS sitting right beside me. He's watching his show and I'm sitting on the computer on Facebook. All of a sudden I get a new friend request from SS that is sitting right beside me, obviously NOT on Facebook! BM is trolling my Facebook wall, looking for something that she can use against us in court! We are clean as a whistle and she can't see NOTHING on my account! I just think it's funny how back and forth this woman is!! Obviously, I'm not going to accept the request! I did once and I'm not about to again.

Oh, and BM conveniently got a SD card for SS's phone so he can take pictures with his phone and save them. I told DH that I think we have a little spy in our house this weekend. DH then asked SS when his mom got him that SD card and SS says, right before I came to your house!!! LOL!!! How stupid does BM think I am?!?!

Annoyed1's picture

I know!! It's crazy! It's not like we have anything to hide, it's just the fact that its happening!!! It is turning into an all out war. DH doesn't involve the kids whatsoever but sadly BM does. I told DH not to say anything to SS about it. Just to look through the pictures after SS is asleep and delete any of our home. No harm no foul.

msg1986's picture

Wow that's insane. I'm with the poster that says that the phone is shut off when he's with you guy.