How Rude!!!
So BM and her husband “Doofus” have been doing this pyramid scheme since January and continuously inviting DH and I to all these parties they are having at their house to “trap” people into sitting through the presentation...The last couple of weeks, Doofus has started texting DH and I asking us to come over and is even using SS as a tool to get DH to come over and watch the presentation, by saying things like...SS really misses you, why don’t you come over and you can watch the presentation and spend some time with SS….or if you don’t have plans why don’t you come over and play some b-ball and learn about our business ((I will add – DH has 50% visitation so it’s not like he goes on long stretches of not seeing SS and we live only a mile from BM – and SS does constantly call to spend extra days at our house so I'm sure the missing him part is true, but he’s never asked DH to come to BM’s so he could spend time with him)). Now DH has always politely declined, even though he finds it rude of Doofus to use SS as a pawn in this stupid little game. The other day Doofus sent a group text to DH and I again asking to come over and DH finally said... “I’m sorry but we’re just not interested in the business, but thank you for thinking of us” I thought he handled that very nicely, especially since he really just wanted to tell him to F*** off, but we have an approaching court date so we are doing our best to keep things least we tried...several days later Doofus responds with... "I’m sorry to hear that. I was hoping you would at least have enough respect to look before you said you were not interested but that’s cool”.........
I had the luxury of being in on that group message and just about died when I read. I could not believe it, so rude! Doofus has never been that bluntly rude to DH before and DH of course is SUPER pissed. Here he is trying to be nice, when they are being overly pushy about a PYRAMID SCHEME! Then to turn around and say he’s being disrespectful for not wanting to do it, or sit over at his and BM’s house and watch a video!!!!! Mind blown!
So far neither DH or I have responded to the message and I told DH he probably should just not respond at all…he said he’d think about.
I love my husband and he’s a great man and very kind….but when you push him too far he can completely shred you with just words…good luck to you Doofus!
"No one with a brain needs to
"No one with a brain needs to waste time investigating a pyramid scheme." suggested reply
Love it!
Ok, you're right, you've
It's the "new age" pyramid
It's the "new age" pyramid schemes. Everyone's doing it! LOL
Right! We're also not
Right! We're also not interested in helping BM make money. DH is a great salesman and could probably be in that 1% that actually make money on these....but #1 we don't have time for that crap and #2 if we did it under her, the more money we would make...the more she would make....NO THANK YOU!
I agree about the blocking
I agree about the blocking him part! Lately BM has been making Doofus do all of the corresponding with DH about SS and it's not doing BM any favors...I would never call/text BM asking when SS will be home....not my business or place!
You and DH should do some due
You and DH should do some due dilligence research on the particular "business" Doof is pimping. Then DH should respond with "My bride and I have enough self respect to have already investigated your "business" and we have decided it is not for us. As I have already told you, we are not interested. Thanks."
Or better yet. "Oh, we know all about it. We have been members for years with some close friends. It is great stuff. Our team is celebrating our 3rd $1Million+ year in a row in Hawaii in June. Good luck and thanks for the invitation." }:)
I have a cousin who has fallen for just about every get rich quick Multi Level Marketing gimic scam in the past 30 years. She is always lauding herself as a great business woman and referencing her many successful businesses (all the usual MLM model crap). Most recently she was pimping costume jewelry for a company that folded and left all of their reps/distributors out in the cold and then started direct selling their crap online without the distributors to pay.
Now she has joined an MLM business embroidering clothing for business and individuals. Apparently only distributors/reps can buy the automatic equipment. I have not completely figured out the hook/scam of that gig yet but no doubt it will go the route of the rest of her "highly successful businesses".
and if it was a friend
Exactly. Humoring friends is
Exactly. Humoring friends is one thing, but these people are nuts to think you would want to participate in their shenanigans.
I had a friend of DH's who
I had a friend of DH's who put on a full court press to get me to try her "weight loss" pyramid scheme.
She was using the product and had lost about 15 lbs...and was always bragging about it. Now she is a BIG woman so she really needed to lose 100 lbs to be healthy. We were friendly but not friends, I only knew here through our husbands. But I did like her.
She kept asking me to come to her house for an "open House" which is basically a pressure meeting to start selling.
I declined numerous times. Finally she called me one day. I answered and she was again asking me to come to an open house.
I again declined but told her I would be happy to have HER tell me about the products she uses. She said she would love to but she had to run her kid to whatever practice and asked if she could call me later. I said sure. I was thinking this was a better idea since I would not be stuck in some meeting but could still get some info on her products as I was trying to lose this last 20 lbs. We agreed to talk at 5 pm that day but I informed her I didn't have much time as I had to be somewhere at 6 pm.
She called me and we chit chatted, then she tells me to hold on a sec and the next thing I know she has conferenced in her District sales manager.
I was PISSED!!! The manager proceeded to talk for a freaking HOUR non stop and tried to pressure me into joining their team.
I ended up telling them NO THANKS and hung up. I could have been convinced to try a few products (she would have made money off of the sales) but she blew it by blind-siding me with her dist manager. Now I avoid her at all costs. She no longer uses or sells the products. She gained the little weight she lost back and from what I hear, she has alienated all of her friends to the point people are afraid to answer her calls.
Show up slightly drunk, dress
Show up slightly drunk, dress scantily, laugh and burp loudly, bring some items of your own to sell to their guests, and be sure to take at least half of that casserole home in Tupperware. You'll probably never be invited back again!