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Holy crap I just ran into YOUR BM or maybe your DW?

20 plus's picture

Wow. While at my BDs activity tonight there was a mom there and I was thinking about alot of you all!!! She was talking about how she is MAKING exH buy a laptop for D. She was talking about how she has her D half time and makes it all roses and ponies (seriously we were at horse lessons). She said she never corrects or disciplines her kid because she doesn't want D to move to exH house full time. She also was complaining that the kid was getting mouthy and how do I deal with a teen (my BD 13) I just tried to divert and didn't really want to tell her that I parent my child. She also said she would never have another baby with her current H (poor guy) because BD would "flip her shit" Nice right. She then went on to rant about how she uses lessons as a reward for the kid if she behaves.... Umm ok but we use lessons as a reward BECAUSE my D behaves but to each their own. She was saying I don't want to pay for something and not have her come yada yada yada.

Earlier in the evening her snotty 10 yr old was correcting me and my BD13 and trying to boss us around and I plainly ignored her. She basically pushed her way passed all the other kids and had to be the first one mounted and riding. She monopolized the teacher and was smirking the whole time. You could just see the shitty attitude oozing off of her. My DD said she was happy that was just an occasional class and that she wouldn't want to be with her all the time. My DD usually ignores and doesn't even notice other people in the class, just snuggles the horses.

There is a bunch more the mom did and said but I just had to get that out.

20 plus's picture

It killed me not to put the little brat in her place. She really tried to tell me how it is. I won't put up with it from my bio I am certainly not going to with someone else's Disney kid. Holy crap I still can't believe some of the stuff the mom was saying. My SKIDs were ignorant jerks when younger to me but never would have acted like that with an adult. And the mom! We were all chit chatting and she kept trying to compare her kid to mine... like time we spend together, grades, behavior etc. I figured her out quick and stopped telling her stuff. I am not raising my kid as a competition.

JillianT82's picture

Sounds like my SD15s BM. ONLY BM doesn't spoil her rotten but she plays the whole "We're best friends" game with SD. Emotional incest to the extreme! Just SD's "friend" and "buddy", doesn't give SD any guidance, direction or discipline at all.