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Hi :)

Peruvian StepMom's picture

I'm new to the site, just wanted to stop in and say Hi.

I'm a 46 yr old stepmother to two boys, ages 10 and 12. I've got sort of a different situation, in that when I first met my boys, we could barely speak to each other - My husband is Peruvian, and his boys don't speak English. Biggrin It was an interesting beginning, to say the least. But, five years later, we're still doing ok. I've been reading around the forum, and I'm so glad to see I'm not the only one that has crazy ex-wife issues!

anyway, it's nice to meet y'all, and I hope to get to know some of you soon.


Everyones Interest's picture

I read your article and enjoyed it!

I too get along with my SD, and only have BM problems. I hope you find this site helpful!

Peruvian StepMom's picture

That's exactly my situation - if the boys didn't have to spend so much time with the BM (and grandma to a lesser extent) we would have very few problems. Cultural difference here; in Peru, the kids are kings, and aren't disciplined the same as I'm used to.

I actually found this site doing some research for the article - hope to become a regular.

Crizzle's picture

Welcome! I hope you get some good advice on here; I have!

"One should examine oneself for a very long time before thinking of condemning others." ~Moliere