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here we go again with the monster under the bed

usmc1984's picture

I posted recently on this same topic. Sorry for the repetitive posts but.... It is almost 5 am and my wife isnt in bed with me. Why? Because a 4 and a half year old woke up for the second time wanting her mom to sleep with her because she is scared. The first time wife layed with her and then came and went to bed. This time she took the phone wich means she doesn't plan on coming back. Im pissed thehell off and awake. And if I bring it up a huge argument will happen just like last time. I cant say to much cuz the brat (I love her dearly but she is a brat) isnt my bio kid. If my in laws wernt here I would have said more. Im pissed beyond being pissed. }:)

jumanji's picture

I sometimes still think there is a monster under the bed - which is why my dogs sleep with me. And I make sure all lights are on in the room, and I don't stand too close to the edge getting into bed. And I'm well over 4 1/2. Some fears never go away.

jumanji's picture

True - have you talked to Mom how you can both help her child learn to sleep on her own? Maybe a sleeping bag on your floor for when she gets scared? A big stuffed animal imbued with "magic safeguarding powers"? Anti-monster spray? A puppy? (LOL j/k on the last... Kind of.)

usmc1984's picture

Yea I have but it is a sensitive subject. She used to try and get in bed with us that was an absolute no for me. Something has to be done. Im in law school. I need sleep.

IslandGal's picture

lmao!! This is one of my fave movies!! I loved that part!!

Hey, Op - maybe you could get a mock-gun or a replica or something and do the same thing..! Launch into full on combat mode.. sneak in..edge along the wall.. drop into the shooting stance..aim and...bang!! Major Payne rocks!

Anon2009's picture

Here's a suggestion for your wife (and sd).

Before sd goes to bed, they could pull out some stuffed animals of hers and put them around her bed to help ease SDs fears.

Rags's picture

Go to work late in the AM. When DW and the SKid(s) leave take the bed frame from under SD's bed and put it in the garage. When SD gets home show her how you took care of the monster problem. The mattress and box spring on the floor does not leave any room for monsters. }:)

Ya gotta get innovative to extricate some children from their mother's womb. Particularly when mommy is not wanting to give that final push and cut the cord and the kid is latched on to mommy's kidney.

Good luck.

Imastep's picture

I have an 10 year old who is often scared and anxious and has had sleep issues since she was a baby. I think it is a big mistake with these type kids to keep them out of your room. We tried that and it totally backfired, the problem just got worse. However, I don't advocate them coming into your bed and have never allowed my DD to do this. But she knows that anytime she is scared, she can come in our room and sleep in a sleeping bag on the floor next to our bed. We have asked her to try to do this without waking us up....sometimes she is successful and sometimes she does wake me but its no biggie, I just comfort her and help her into the sleeping bag. This has done a world of good for her, just knowing that she has the option. Save yourself a lot of grief and give your child this option. In the end it will be a much better outcome than trying to convince the child that there is "nothing to be afraid of" etc. We don't know what it feels like to be inside our children's bodies and minds. Negating their feelings is, imho, one of the most damaging things that can be done to a child. Plus, I'm guessing some of the sleep problems relate to the remarriage and the child adjusting to this.

Rags's picture

In all seriousness I had a monster problem when I was a kid. I fixed it by recruiting my own team of monsters that watched over me while I slept. My good monsters were more than a match for the bad ones out there. Particularly our 120+lb jet black Belgian shepard that patrolled the hall between my parent's room, my little bro's room and my room.

libra2libra83's picture

My parents got me a purple stuffed dragon that would chase the monsters out of my room. They would pick the dragon up, scare all the monsters under the bed, in the closet, behind the door, etc...and then I would sleep cuddling the dragon. If I woke up in the middle of the night, my parents would go through the routine again. It kept me in my own bed, and I loved my dragon dearly.

Something like this may help you SD sleep soundly.

Orange County Ca's picture

I was told to look under the bed and that was the end of that.

If all fails get ear plugs and sleep on the couch.

Better yet why are you putting yourself in this mess? With all the pretty young women out there postponing their families until after their and their future husbands careers are launched why don't you hook up with one of them?

Tell this girl you made a mistake, take the blame, you've just changed - its not anything she did. Now RUN. She'll get over it, the kid could care less, and you'll be able to raise your kids the way you want to with a woman who shares your parenting ideas. This woman doesn't probably because she's too young.

Willow2010's picture

Im pissed thehell off and awake.
Because your wife is soothing her 4 year old kid for the SECOND time? You need to let your wife be a parent to that child and let her figure out how to get the kid sleeping good before you go of on a tangent about how mad you are because she is being a PARENT and not warming your bed.

Damn your post really rubbed me the wrong way.

memyselfandi's picture

My hubby and I have this issue with his ten year old daughter every time her and her brother stay with us.

First of all..she doesn't knock but just opens the door slowly and walks into our bedroom..

"Daddy..I can't sleep..can you please come sit with me for a bit??"

So my hubby gets up and tries to get her to sleep. In the meantime..he ends up falling asleep himself and thus, doesn't come to bed until several hours later.

We've tried where he tells her, "Just try'll be fine.."

"But Daddy..I can't sleep..can't you just sit with me for a little while..I tried Daddy.."

So he again has gone and sat with her..falling asleep himself until morning.

Frustrating as it is and was, I get it..

I finally told him that he should just sleep on the floor next to her every night since he wasn't creating any boundaries regarding her walking right into our bedroom unannounced and his reply was, "What am I supposed to do??"

Again..I understood but this was getting ridiculous..every.single.night..

We eventually came up with the idea that maybe if she could text him when she was lying awake at night unable to sleep, it might help..but then it was,

"Daddy..I have to go to the bathroom..will you stand outside the door??"

Then it was..

"Daddy..I still can't sleep..could you maybe go downstairs with me and we could have a snack or something?"

He gets up..finally gets back to bed and in a few hours the door knob turns again..

"Daddy..could you sit with me for awhile..I had a bad dream.."

I know he's just being a dad and a pretty good dad at that..I just wonder if I should set some boundaries somewhere or just let things fix themselves??

abugandabean's picture

I didn't read all the comments so if this was suggested I apologize however my 4 year old was scared of monsters as well. We got him a "frankie" what it is is a turtle that plays music and has lights on it's shell that display onto the ceiling. We told him Frankie was a "monster guard" and that if he had Frankie that no monsters could get him. Since then he hasn't had an issue. We got it at Target it was 25 bucks or so.

jumanji's picture

At the end of the day, the kid is 4. It's not an unusual fear at that age. If you're going to be mad - be mad at Mom, not the little kid. You don't want to sleep in a cold bed - why should she?

usmc1984's picture

Of course im not mad at the child I wish this wasnt traumatic for her. Im mad at mom for feeding into the problem. I am a retired usmc and can be a hard ass and not sensitive at time...but I will say with my own child when rhis happend I nipped it in the bud and a month later the issue was gone. In response to a comment sd dad was never around she barely knows his the main financial provider and in law school so I feel as if my sleep needs are bot important. This woman is the love of my life wevhave history I would have married her a decade ago if life didn't happen. For the person who didnt like my post I will say I love my sd but she is a brat mom agrees with this and has learned how to manipulate. She throws horrible tantrums whenever she fors not getbher way or us told something she does not like. The sleep issue happens more when we enforce rules tv or cookies after eating on the using the furniture as a launch breaking sisters stuff..being told it's bath McDonald's...ect ect.

hereiam's picture

When my niece was young, I made her a magic wand to keep all bad things away. Worked like a charm.

When my SD was young and afraid of the dark, I wrote her a story about NOT being afraid of the dark. She still wanted to sleep with a flashlight sometimes but it was better than leaving all the lights on!

Delphi's picture

I think the idea of you sleeping in a guest room or something until your wife comes around is a good one. You could sit your wife down, and say something like "look honey, why don't we try such and such instead?" and see what she says. Try some of the ideas folks already mentioned - you know, like using some toy or song or whatever it might be and pretend it has special "powers" against monsters...then put her to bed. If she wakes up scared, she'll remember the toy will protect her or whatever, and hopefully that'll suffice. If mom can't handle that, then sleep in the guestroom or on the couch and tell your wife it's 'cause you appreciate her feelings, but you need your sleep and you don't feel her method is the best way to handle it. Honestly, it's just about practicality at this point - like you said - you need your sleep and there are other ways to fight "monsters" aside from having mom cave on the issue night after night.

SanAntonioSoccerMom's picture

Last weekend I was setting our home alarm in our bedroom. I suddenly felt that Freddy Krueger was going to reach from underneath my bed and snatch my feet. I jumped from where I was, accidentally landed in the laundry basket, cracked said basket fell and hit my head on the ironing board, and jacked me knee all up. I am 38 and my husband was in the room and I still freak out over Freddy Krueger. If it is midnight or around that time I won't look in a mirror. If someone says "redrum" I send myself into a panic.

My son wanted to sleep with me til he was about 6. There were nights when if I planned on getting any sleep at all my son had to sleep with me or vice versa. Don't get so mad about it, she's 4.

Rags's picture

Being married to you would be sooooo much fun. I will occassionally freak out my bride on a quiet evening when the wind is blowing by saying "Wait, did you hear that?" I will get her pretty freaked out occassionally. Eventually I can't keep a straight face and she will smack me and stomp off to another part of the house only to scurry back when she thinks she hears or sees something.

Too much fun! }:)

SanAntonioSoccerMom's picture

Rags, my husband loves to do that to me. I told him if he continues, he should expect to be tazed, pepper sprayed, or possibly stabbed at some point.

Rags's picture

My wife has responded physically upon occassiona when I have startled her or teased in to being jumpy about phantom bumps in the night. Fortunately I have avoided the tazer, pepper spray and stabbings. I do get smacked occassionally when I don't move fast enough. Wink

She will not watch anything remotely resembling a scary movie. I love them. My mom used and I used to watch Creature Feature and Friday Night Frights together. Great memories.

SanAntonioSoccerMom's picture

Weird placement of the posts, this is in response to Rags:

I will not even watch scary movie commercials!!! NOPE.

Rags's picture

Not a scary or spooky story but ..... The closest I ever came to getting punched in the face by my amazing bride was at a grocery store. She had gone grocery shopping while I was working on my truck. I found that I needed a part and ran to the part store next to the grocery store. After I picked up the part I ran in to the grocery to get a cold drink. As I was walking to the register I found myself right behind my bride and the Skid who was sitting on the child seat in the cart. I gave the Skid the Shhhhhh! sign and then I grabbed my wife's butt. She spun around with a full swing roundhouse that I was prepared for so I ducked out of the way. Not a scary thing but it sure startled her.

The reaction of the people around us was the funniest thing. Several elderly men started laughing and their wifes smacked them then started cackling at me about how mean I was. }:) Blum 3

It was fun and nearly 20 years later my DW and I get a laugh out of the memory.

usmc1984's picture

Update..I talked with dw again and we worked it out. We rid the room of monsters the nonster repellent worked wonders. So did putting the bed on the floor and making sure there were no shadows in the room. The kids (my bio kids included) understand now that mommy and daddy's bedroom is just that: mommy and daddy's bedroom. Dw understand I need my sleep as much as possible to provide for our family and one place in the house where I can be comfortable.we also want sd to have good sleep andbreak the pattern. Since the monster repellant she has only gotten up once during the night and mommy walked her right back to bed..comforted her and let her know that there was nothing to be scared of and that she can sleep alone in her own bed. no tantrums no disrupted sleepn im happy kids sre happy and dw is happy. To my critics in this post to each there own. Ibhad an over protective mother who Cottled me and that didnt do me any good in the real world. The usmc gave me a spine its a tough world out there so I am a stern parent.

Drac0's picture

>she has only gotten up once during the night and mommy walked her right back to bed..comforted her and let her know that there was nothing to be scared of and that she can sleep alone in her own bed.<

Nice! I do the exact same thing with my Bio-son. He's 4 now too and hardly gives us any issues. If he gets up in the middle of the night and cries, it is because there REALLY IS something wrong (i.e he's sick).

usmc1984's picture

Update: my wife and I came to an agreement and things have been much better.vwe have agreed that our bedroom is our bedroom and that everyone in the house needs as much un disrupted sleep as possible.the monster repellant was an awesome idea and has worked wonders along with playing sounds of the ocean in the kids room. Dw agress that we need our time for intimacy. Sd has only gotten out of bed once since the post and dw walked her back to bed gave her a hug and explained she has to sleep in her own bed by herself. No tears. No tantrums. Everyone in the house has been less cranky and mornings are less of avstruggle and so is are happy. My wife and I are happy.