Help needed, can't stand my current marriage any more
have been reading some posts on steptalk for awhile now, which had helped me quite a bit, at least trying to make a decision on whether to stay or leave. (sorry about my writing, english is not my first language and haven't used it for many years)
I am 31 years old with a 3 years old daughter, have been married to my husband for 4 years. He has 2 other kids aged 8 and 10 , both girls. The biggest problem is that when i first met him, i wasn't interested in getting further with our dating due to his past. His ex was a high school drop out, wasn't even able to finish year 10 ( not sure how he got together with her as he is tertiary educated, so am i). Anyway, I am not trying to judge people by their educational background, but it does say a lot about a person's attitude towards life. She is a complete bullshitter and lair, and very manipulative. I never wanted to date a man with kids, but he assured me that i wouldn't have anything to do with them.
All my friends and family asked me to stay away from him, but i didn't listen, so we got married eventually. However things only went downhill from there. I don't even remember how many times we fought and separated already 4 times. His ex knew that i didn't have any family in that country where we were living, so she screwed me up completely upon giving birth to my daughter, she asked my husband to go on holiday with their kids soon after my daughter was born and left me completely alone to look after a new born for the whole month. She made sure that her kids will still get whatever they want and left my daughter with second hand and hand me down items.
I knew the reason she and her kids could treat me like shit is because i couldn't continue my profession at my husband's country due to language barrier, so we decided to move closer to where i used to live.
Fast forward 2 years later, we have been living in this country where i now call it home. I love my job and he is also doing well with his career, our daughter is a happy and well balanced child.
However, few months ago, the problem started again, my husband now has guilt dad syndrome and felt like he owes his other kids his life. He decided to use all his annual leave to spend a nice holiday with them and spoil them, and leave us here alone.
I have recently realised that this is definitely not the life i wanted, no matter where we live, half of him still belongs to his past, these two kids will take many of his financial possessions and emotional needs. My daughter and I will only get what is left. And as of today, I just remembered i haven't been happy for the 5 years we are together.
I am jealous of all my other friends who are in 'normal relationships', and all they could say is that ' I told you so'... I know the only chance for me to be happy is to have a divorce, I won't mind living alone as long as I don't have to love someone with everything but only could share him with other people. I need some strength to be able to do this...
Honey, it sounds like you
Honey, it sounds like you made some bad choices. It happens.
However, realizing that you made bad choices means you realize that you have the power to make good choices. Only you can decide whether you stay or leave, but you can certainly make some preparations (financial and logistical) that give you the power to leave if necessary.
You only have one child to worry about and it sounds like a good job and career path. You will be fine.
It is good that you have
It is good that you have arrived at this realization earlier rather than later. You are educated, have a career that you enjoy, and have the confidence to make a life for yourself and your child away from this toxic situation.
Being in a 21+yr marriage to a former single teen mom who made a mistake 16 and had a child with a dipshit I have some sympathy for the BioParents in a blended family situation. However, your DH's choice to abandon you and your young child in preference to his prior relationship spawn would be a deal breaker for me if I were you. For sure he should engage with and support all of his children but to abandon a wife and young child completely to vacation with elder spawn is not acceptable in my opinion. At the very least he should have reserved half of his annual leave to spend with his current family rather than spending all of it with his past marrital spawn.
I suppose I am fortunate that my bride has never picked either her X or my SS over me, ever. We are equity life partners, have been equity parents to our son (my SS-23)since we married the week before he turned 2yo, and I have never once been treated as an afterthought. That your DH treats not only you but your young child as an afterthought tells me everything I need to know to support your decision to leave.
As for your English proficiency. It is excellent. Do not sell yourself short on your English skills.
Take care of yourself and your daughter.
Making a decision to leave a
Making a decision to leave a marriage when you both share a child is a tough choice. You leave then your daughter will not have the day to day relationship with her father, eventually you will meet someone and remarry....who knows if that person will have children or not and you could be starting all over with another set of steps, your husband will likely move on and remarry and he may have steps or bios in the new marriage that your daughter will have to make a choice of accepting or all gets real complex. Sometimes we think the answer is walking away until you look at reality, especially when you share children.
Concentrate on you, your daughter, your family and try to not let the steps destroy what you do have.
Your husband should have the
Your husband should have the option of having his daughters come to him for vacations and holidays rather than him leaving you and your child and going to them.
Do you have an update on your
Do you have an update on your decision Lillion? What have you decided to do?
Have you tried to talk to him about how you feel?