HATE the BM with an unholy passion!
I posted yesterday about my frustrations with DH's ex-wifes nephew who we are expected to take on the weekends with the other two bio kids, even though he is not related to DH, only the ex-wife has any form of gardianship, and he is not even mentioned in the court documents. Last night, DH and I drove an hour to drop the nephew and SS off at BMs house after BM threw an absolute fit that she had to drive them down to our house (the first time she has EVER driven them). BM then drove them to our house mid-day Saturday because she absolutely wasn't going to drive at 10 pm, when SD got off work (although there is no problem with me doing that with my 2 year old DD, she actually tried to argue that we should meet her half way that night). We then had the kids spend the whole weekend saying that BM wanted them home early on Sunday (meaning I had to get up at 6 am to drive them home), then BM changed her mind and yelled at DH that she didn't want them home until evening. We could hear the latest troll she is sleeping with in the background so I guess she decided she was occupied. Anyways, when we dropped the kids off at 8 pm yesterday, DH gave his daughter a hug in the front yard and BM (drinking of course) comes stumbling out yelling at DH.
Apparntly BM is pissed about our truck (meaning the truck that DH and I own). About two weeks ago, after we sunk about $3000 into his work truck for tires, alignment, tags,and insurance, he loaned it to his daughter and BM shows up at his workplace driving it. We promptly took the truck back - she drinks and we don't need her crashing it drunk. She didn't like that since it "isn't convenient for her to have one car at the house" - ummmmm....the world doesn't revolve around making your life convenient, you lazy harpy. BM was mad because DH hasn't driven the truck over the past week - he has his tools at his job site already - but decided not to give the truck back to SD because BM doesn't understand that she no longer owns it after the divorce. Although BM only works 30 hours a week and is off for this entire month (she works for the school system), and DH and I both work more than full time, she is mad that she has to drive SD 15 minutes to her PT job and back. This is a woman who complains about the house the DH and she still own, that she lives in with the SKs because it "needs so much work". Almost all it needs, now that I've been in there is a good scrub and a coat of paint. The toilet bowl literally has a black ring in it.
Anyways, after her little meltdown, DH and I had a long talk on the way home about how to continue to set up boundaries with her, disengage and generally keep our house BM free. I was totally honest with him and told him how resentful I was becoming because we are just expected to take her nephew for the weekend. He is destructive, doesn't say hi, bye or thank you, is a total slob, and doesn't even interact with us - just sits in the office playing video games. BM's family is a MESS and this kids mom was on drugs when she was pregnant with him so he is all kinds of screwed up. I reminded him that even if they raised the kid while they were married, he isn't biologically DH's, he is no longer part of DH's family, DH doesn't even have rights or responsibility for him, and basically the kid is BM's problem. If DH wants to be a father figure, thats great, he does that for my DD, but if we divorced, I wouldn't assume he was required to take DD every other weekend. If she wants to be a bitch, then she can darn well have that kid 24/7. DH let me know that the nephew's behavior is totally unacceptable, that everyone has had problems with him at one time or another, that he would talk to him, and that we don't have to have him down anymore if we don't want to! Whoop! Sorry all, I love, love, love my SD and SS, but I definately don't need to be doing any favors for BM, don't want to be around a totally messed up, rude kid that is not related to any of us. We have enough on our plate with just our kids. DH is totally coming around!
You should do "0" driving.
You should do "0" driving. Let your DH handle it. He WILL get tired of it and put her in her place...if you do any of the driving, it will just delay him getting sick of her...also, visitation should go on a schedule...she doesn't like it? Too bad. Period. When BMs are this way you cannot try to negotiate...they will win everytime, especially if she has custody.
DH was doing all the driving
DH was doing all the driving for a long time and he doesn't get tired of it. He would rather not fight with her and he wants the kids so he lets it go. Right now, we just have my car (his truck needed work) so I do the driving. I also felt for a long time like DH and I should support each other in our obligations - my DD lives with us full time and he helps with her alot - so I volunteered to drive them when he was caught up at work. I realize lately that I have been working so hard to make everyone happy - DH, SS, SS, nephew, and even BM that I totally hit a wall and burned out. It was a rough time for me and DH and he asked me to take it easy, not do anything that I don't want to do, and he has made a real effort to do even more than he was before.
In terms of your advice - would you recommend that we tell her she must drive them to us by a certain time each Friday night that we have them (unless SD works that night and we agree to another time in advance), otherwise, they don't come down that weekend? I feel like we have the upper hand here - BM is a drinker and the kids hate being around her when she is drinking, she is on the prowl for someone to "save" her with some money (lol), and the two boys can be a handful together. She has little control on them and is totally ready for a break every two weeks if not more - she wants us to take them for a week this month. When they are here, SS and SD are perfectly behaved and I am working on what to do about the nephew. The only hard part is that DH really misses them and its hard for him to say he won't see them, but he is totally willing to do it.
Only your dh knows this bm.
Only your dh knows this bm. If she is willing to trade them for a night or weekend of fun and you know she will go crazy and bring them to you if she truly doesn't want them. In my case it would be the opposite, my bm would say see I told you your dad doesn;t want you and I'm the only one that cares. My bm doesn't go out or do anything! No work no play NOTHING! So dh started off with putting boundaries up by going and getting the kids then making her lick them up. It was always that she is the mom and only she is the one that can parent them and she is the only that is there for them she the only one.. you get the pic.
If you know for a fact she would bring them to you then go for it. Sometimes you have to take a huge stand before the bm will stop her crap! You have to make her see that your dh will not give in to her and her crap. Limit contact and go by the CO only! We have to go by the court order only b/c if we try to go away from it bm will get her try to keep the kids away. Since we are going by it to a T she gets her panties in wad b/c she says they are the only ones that go by the CO and don't waver from it. NO DUH b/c every time we do she takes and takes!
That makes sense -
That makes sense - purpledaisies. The only problem is that when DH got divorced, he moved like two blocks from their home so the BM was used to just having them walk to/from his house and it wasn't inconvenient for her. There is no stipulation in their court documents because of this - it wasn't an issue so it isn't specified who will pick up/drop off. We plan to take her back to court this month to get support reviewed (he makes $70,000 a year before taxes and agreed to $2500 a month in CS and SS, for two kids!!!) Not good, I know, but he lived like a monk before I met him to make sure that the kids were taken care of and the BM didn't keep them from him. Took me a couple months to get him to see how crazy that was and now he is gung ho to get it taken care of.
Regardless, I am the one needing to do the driving so I won't be picking them up - she will and I will be setting boundaries. She will get them here FRiday night unless otherwise agreed and we will drop them off by 8 pm, or else they won't be coming over. She will totally give in.