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Has anyone had iron deficiency anemia when pregnant?

flmomma08's picture

I'm 6 months pregnant and disgnosed with iron deficiency anemia. I had low iron during my last pregnancy too but it wasn't this bad and all I ended up needing was an iron supplement.

I'm constantly out of breath, rapid heartbeat, feel so tired and weak no matter how much rest I get. It's a little scary especially when I'm home by myself, which I am a lot since I work from home.

I've been taking an iron supplement for a couple weeks but I don't feel any better.

I have a doctor's appointment next Tuesday but was wondering if anyone has any advice? I've read about the different foods I can eat and all that but I am wondering if there is anything that helps quickly or is it all things that take a while to make a difference?


stepmominhiding's picture

Talk to your dr about ferrous gluconate. Some iron supplements don't get absorbed. Ferrous gluconate is still iron, but it gets absorbed better. 

DHsfamilyfromhell's picture

I had it in my first pregnancy but for my subsequent pregnancy’s I took liquid iron spatone (don’t know if they sell it in your country). But obviously check with your midwife/dr first, and it would be instead of tablets not as well as as too much iron is toxic. Liquid iron is more easily absorbed than tablets, - in orange juice for the vitamin c. I also had steak (not expensive bits) cooked properly with salad a few times a week. Steak is the same price as chicken here. That seemed to stop me getting it in subsequent pregnancies. 

I’m a little concerned for you though, please make sure you get your blood pressure checked regularly, and if you are feeling poorly maybe get checked sooner (not sure if you have to pay where you are?).  Rule of thumb- if you feel very poorly get checked out ASAP. Good luck. Very exciting for you! I hope I wasn’t too patronising Blum 3

flmomma08's picture

Thank you! Hmm I will check and see if there's somewhere I can just get my BP checked rather than waiting until Tuesday. Not patronizing at all, I appreciate the response!

GoingWicked's picture

I’ve lived with anemia most of my life.  I read an article about certain groups of people having a higher death rate when taking iron supplements over those that didn’t, so I researched.  Iron that comes from animals, doesn’t need to be converted, doesn’t need vitamin C, and is better absorbed.  So, I found that chicken liver has the most iron, so I have been eating 1-2 chicken livers per week for years, I’d chop it up and add it to soup, though if I didn’t feel well, I’d cook it over the stove, and I feel better almost immediately.

If you’re currently eating red meat, I’d have the doctor check you out as to why you have iron deficiency.  I lived with undiagnosed celiac disease and endometriosis for years because I was thin and very active and nothing on the outside seemed wrong.

flmomma08's picture

Thanks for the idea! I had low iron with my last pregnancy and it went back to normal after I had my daughter so I’m hoping that will be the same this time. I don’t eat much red meat at all but I am going to try to get more of that!

SteppedOut's picture

Definitely eat more meat - and if you like clams, they are super high in iron.

But also more veggies that contain iron: swap spinach for other types of lettuce, lentils, broccoli... you will need vit c with non-animal iron to help with absorbtion, but so many yummy fruits in the summer make that easy. 

Snack on nuts. Sprinkle sunflower seed on your salads! 

Being low iron makes you feel worn out! On top of pregnant tired. Get aggressive in trying to correct it. 

flmomma08's picture

Thank you so much! Yes it’s making me feel very worn out. I’m going grocery shopping tomorrow to load up on this stuff!

Newatthis55's picture

I have had iron problems for years. Have had iron transfusion in the past.

I miscarriaged 6 months ago, blood test after showed my iron levels were low again so i started taking Blackmore pregnancy, 3 months later im in the normal range. Please give a go if you havent tried them. They are low constipation.
If that dosent work, iron transfusions can be given after the first trimester. Also pregnant again, good luck xx

Dogmom1321's picture

Yes, at 28 weeks I had to start slow release iron. It has helped! It seems to be more common than people think.