H harassing me about SD
Last night at dinner it was me, my 9 yr olds, and our 8 month old. My kids were acting up, getting up from their chairs and telling each other gross poop jokes and laughing too loud. It was annoying. H said when SD does the same thing I get real mad. I said it's because with them I know I have the option to say whatever I want, whenever I want and no one will accuse me of not liking them, of picking on them. But when I know I can't ever say anything, it builds resentment. Then he stopped talking about it. He always has these little comments towards me about his daughter. When they were married and she was a baby her mother would go out more nights than not. He got tired of being home stuck with the baby so he dropped her off at her grandmothers, his mother in law. So both went out separately more nights than not. She was with a full-time sitter during the day from age 3 months or so and the going out at night more often then not and grandma watching her. Then from a year old to K full-time daycare with more evening than not with grandma. When I met her at four years old to now 10 years old, I would estimate that she spends 10 waking hours a week max with her mother, MAX on the best week. Mom has full custody. BM has a year and a half old, she took a job when that baby was none months old that requires travel, being away from home 1 week out of every 6-8 weeks. That is the woman he married, had a baby with. He admitted she had a 5 yr old when they met and that child was spending endless days with her grandmother. She had full custody of that child, and grandmother had her an easy 5 days out of 7. He said at first he liked it, but when the honeymoon phase wore off he would say shouldn't we go get her. BM would say she's
My SO is quick to jump on my
My SO is quick to jump on my kids about chewing loudly or with their mouth open or something (they are 4 & 6) but when his daughter does it? Ohhh no big deal. She's just so freakin cute it couldn't possibly bother him! EFF all that noise. At least my kids have learned the rules about chewing with your mouth closed and not talking with your mouth full. His daughter will just continue to be gross and without manners!
I hear ya!! If my sons even
I hear ya!! If my sons even burp too loud my H yells, , but if i mention something about his girls misbehaving, he tells net not to be petty.
Had to pause.baby.BM would
Had to pause.baby.BM would leave her oldest when they were dating with her mother for days and days on end. That's the mother he chose for better or worse. He blames me for his daughters problems. He is also delusional about his daughter. One small example ye thinks she is so neat but really she leaves a trail of mess every where she goes.
I have discovered that it is
I have discovered that it is common for divorced/split parents to blame the other parent (usually) for their child's misgivings. In this case, he chose you. It is much easier seeing what someone else is doing "wrong" than looking at yourself. This is a travesty for the child, though, because each parent blames the other, so nothing ever gets done to change the behavior of the child.
Yes. That exactly describes
Yes. That exactly describes both my H and BM. When SD was a baby BM went out more nights a week then not. My H said he was sickle being trapped at home with the kids, their baby and her older daughter, so he started going out too. Leaving SD with her grandmother. So both parents are going out like college kids. That was just the start. They ve been blaming each other ever since.
That is why I always say if
That is why I always say if you can't say the bad then you can't say the good either. I now stay very neutral . I refuse just to praise SD she already has inflated ego. Also how fair to my bios if I tell them the bad and the good but just prise SD? I used to tell SD when a outfit looked bad or whatever but I would get this look from her and DH. So now when she is dressed like shit I let her walk out the door. She is really into wearing leggings as pants with a short top. It looks plain awful. I say nothing. I go nowhere with her... If she was my kid I would not let her go to school like that. some schools banned leggings as pants. I did ask her that one morning if her school allowed leggings as pants. hoping her dad would see how bad it looked but I swear he dense in this aspect.