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Guys with SD's and your dealing ?

Richberg's picture

I am a BF of someone who has 2 girls 11 - 15 yrs old .. I feel the relationship between me & the kids have been a fake , The BM & BD have been divorced for about a yr now and separated for just over 2 , when he was in the picture he was a jerk to Mom and when I came into the picture he became even more of an Ass , towards my GF and how he Manipulates the girls with things that kids should have No business knowing , " adult issues " example = He doesn't support them financially unless Mom brings his ass to court and that becomes a battle all by its self , and he pays for a few weeks then back to the same ole shit , so what happens , she brings him back to court .. so this is on going all the time , but what he does to Manipulate the girls is he tells them Mom has been trying to have him arrested for not helping them out , but he doesn't need to give her $$ because he gives them $$ or takes care of them while they are with him , so the kids come back and will argue about how Dad takes care of them while they are over there so why does she keep trying to put him in jail kinda talk..
I am Like WTF ! ! what kind of Dad puts that shit into a kids thought process .. So I try to do my part of explaining certain things an adult need to do and be responsible for as they get older and have kids , and watch out ! , Now I am the bad guy because I am referring to their Dad and He can do NO WRONG ! !
I'm blown away with stuff like this from these kids and Have been in arguments with the GF because I feel he is a piece of shit .. and doesn't deserve these kids ..