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Good times with step kids!

staying calm's picture

I just wanted to start a positive thread about good times with step kids!(assuming there is such a thing!)
Since I'm starting it off I'd like to talk about something that made me feel good, and that came from SD7. When she was about 4 I got a ginger bread house at the store at Christmas time. I had never done one before and thought it sounded like fun for me and SD to give it a whirl.(this was in the before time when I still tried hard to do things to make her happy) So we did it. She seemed unimpressed, and was mostly into eating the candy before she put in on the house. With my stary eyes I forgot how little she cared the year before, and did the same thing next year. Once again we put it together, and although she was a little more interested at 5, candy was the big hit. Thinking it would be a treasured family tradition "someday" the following year I bought another one. We did it together, and she was much more interested in helping and decorating. Last Christmas her class made a list of favorite holiday memories. Number one on her list was making candy houses with me :). Just found that list on the floor in her room and put it in my drawer with cards and letters. For once, thank you SD7!

stepmom1989's picture

About a year ago when my oldest SD was in first grade. She had to name a person she wanted to be like when she grew up. I was that person!! Not her DH, not her BM, but me! She also didn't say my name, she said "my second mommy". Then she had to say why, she wanted to be like me when she grew up. She said "because she is funny, smart and teaches me cool stuff." Thought that was sooooo sweet!

Another thing that I love is when BM drops the girls off on Fridays for our weekend with them. They always come running, screaming "mommy!!!" with arms wide open, to me! Usually forgetting to give their mother a hug and kiss goodbye. Bahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!

SMof2Girls's picture

SD4 told me a few months ago that she wishes I was her "belly mommy" and she could live with us all the time. It was short-lived when she continued to tell us why BM told her that could never happen .. but for a moment .. it was precious!