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Gives insight to priorities

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

DH informs me yesterday that we are now a Nielsen Ratings family. He tells me, "We need to start writing down everything we watch on TV." Seriously? I look at him and tell him I'm not doing it...seems rather stupid to me when there are much better things to do with life, and things to be much more concerned about (you being a parent for those who know the whole back story). I tell DH that my life doesn't revolve around TV. DH actually seemed frustrated with me for not wanting to participate!! "Well, it's the only way to have a voice about what is on television. I'm tired of shows I like getting cancelled, and this is how to cast my vote." I tell him to me, TV is just entertainment. If a program gets cancelled, I'm not going to get angry about it...I'll go on. If I don't like what is showing, I won't watch. DH just got more frustrated with me and was like, "Fine, but I'm participating!"

Seriously, when TV is that important to your life, I think it is a problem! TV shows come and go. Yeah, there is a bunch of crap on TV, but what is on TV is what the MAJORITY of the people want, and most of the couch potatoes like crap! Sorry!

Really, there are much better ways to spend my time instead of sitting in front of a TV and writing down what shows I watch. I did have to tell DH, "You know, I find it funny you are so serious about telling people every TV show you person who always goes on and on about not wanting people to have too much information about you!" Yeah, his reason for not wanting to be on social media is because he doesn't want people to know what he is doing, where he is eating, etc....yet, he is going to tell some company that shares information with the world every TV program you watch?

Glassslipper's picture

When we did it, we had to write it down and mail it in, it was just a week or month long poll and then they moved on.
My Aunt was a neilson family for years, and they had the devices hooked up to the TV and you had to select who was all watching and they paid her family every month.

We would suck at it now, we do not watch TV.

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

My issue is more with how frustrated he got with me for not wanting to participate! I mean, come on! He just signed up without asking me for input, and then expected me to participate! He gets all upset about me not wanting to participate in some TV poll, but when I wanted him to participate in the parenting of his own, no big deal. Like I said...insight to priorities!

Disneyfan's picture

Tell your husband not to miss Empire or Scandal. I will hold him personally responsible if either one gets canceled.

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

DH watches stuff that is soooooooooo boring! I seriously doubt his input is going to change much of anything. How It's Made, anything non-fiction military, etc. I don't know many people who watch the stuff he does.

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

My biggest problem is how upset he was getting at me for not wanting to do it. When I've asked him in the past to get the skid to do this or make sure she follows such and such rules, not a big deal...and he couldn't see why it was such a big deal to me (i.e., make your kid clean up after themselves, make sure your kid is doing their school work, call your kid on the web of lies they just told to your face). But this nearly turned into a blow out fight from his side! If we weren't at his family's house when he told me, it probably would have turned into a major argument.

simifan's picture

Hmmm, my DH watches total crap. I wonder if I list something when his crap is on if his stuff will get cancelled. }:)

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

They cancelled both TopGears...the US one just wasn't bringing the viewers, and the UK...well, it would probably still be on the air if Jeremy didn't throw his little fit...LOL.

But exactly...get a hobby...get off of your back side!! I'm at the gym 4-5 days a week...I am a personal trainer and get paid to be there. However, he gets a free membership. He will go every now and then saying he wants me to train him, and then whines the whole time that he is fat and out of shape. Um, that means you need to get off the couch! He has a job in IT...yes, sits most of the day. Then, he comes home and sits. My day job is also IT, but I have my desk set up where I stand all day.

Don't get me wrong...I do watch some TV. I like the original NCIS, and it is that time of year again for So You Think You Can Dance (the later being because, well, I enjoy dance and I love watching the talent of some of these folks). I know both of these shows will come to an end at some point. That is what DVD and syndication are for...LOL. I have my two favorite shows from the 80's growing up on DVD...Miami Vice and Moonlighting. Probably should start getting the NCIS seasons so I have them when they are done. I've also gotten hooked on iZombie...the new CW show...but I watch it online every week because DH has so much crap recording on the DVR there is no room in the schedule. I also like Orphan Black, Falling Skies (which is back on soon), and Walking Dead. That is about it. I'm one of those people that doesn't have to be staring at the screen, and since I work from home, my shows I can have playing in the background, and I'm usually pretty good. Look up when a query is taking forever to run.

But DH gets hypnotized by TV...seriously! We were at X-Games on Saturday, and they have big screens through the whole place so you can see what is going on. Every time we walked by one, I'd nearly lose him...because he would stop and stare at the screen. I'd be like, "Hello? Do you want to get a seat for the next event, or not?"

And that is another thing...I can't stand sitting around all weekend! If I do get DH out of the house doing something, he starts moaning that this hurts, and that hurts, he's tired. Again, those are signs that you need to get off the couch more! I'm 3 years older than DH, and he acts 20 years older than me!

ChiefGrownup's picture

My career is in television. The Nielsen ratings rule the whole beast. There are hundreds of hours of free entertainment available from the hard work of thousands of people. Seems little to ask a few audience members for feedback.

So my thoughts are coming from a vastly different place than you were hoping for, I'm sure. Sorry!

Drac0's picture

>There are hundreds of hours of free entertainment available from the hard work of thousands of people.<

*looks at cable bill*

Explain to me this "free" entertainment you speak of.

ChiefGrownup's picture

You don't have to have cable. You will still get hundreds of hours of free entertainment, education, and what's going on in the world.

Drac0's picture

Okay, my idiot light is on.

How do you get TV if you have no cable feed?

How do you get free education?
(And please bear in mind not all of us live in Denmark)

ETA: As for world news, I could get that for "free" from borrowing my friend's newspaper once he's finished with it.

ChiefGrownup's picture

Broadcast TV is still free. The traditional major networks: ABC, NBC, CBS, and Fox. In addition, your market may have one or more independent stations although those are a dying breed. METV is also out there.

Yeah, the "free" newspaper. This is why my industry is in the most contorted mid-life crisis ever invented. "Content providers" can no longer find a way to reliably make a revenue model to support themselves. It's dizzying the way things have changed.

Drac0's picture

Broadcast TV? You mean like putting Bunny ears on my TV set? Last time I did that I got all of 3 channels and they were all snowy. Broadcast TV is going by way of the dinosaur. Anything analog is going by way of the dinosaur.

But yeah, I guess you can call a snow-laced TV program while doing a yoga pose on top of my TV set to make sure I maintain reception "free". LOL

Calypso1977's picture

i am a reality junky, so its pretty much known that those shows will end at some point when the interest wears off.

the only non-reality show i watch is Blue Bloods. best show on TV IMO.

im with you, cant - i dont even know half of what's on TV these days. most of it is garbage.

Drac0's picture

I was pissed at Fox for cancelling "Firefly". Even signed the petition being led by the "Brown Coats" fan club but I knew when I signed it, I wasn't going to get my precious show back.

That being said, I can sympathize with your DH on some level. If HBO ever removes Game of Thrones, I think I might grab a bastard sword and start swinging it at HBO executives' heads!