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Feeling critical, judgmental and hostile towards SKID

Endora's picture

I know this is something I am trying to work on. I will be reprimanding SS for something, and DH will witness and say I am being too hard on SS 16. I realize I am doing it. And I try to not be that way, but it happens. I am trying to understand why I do it so I can move on. Something sets off in my mind that I just think it is okay to reprimand him to a different level than DH would. I have expectations for SS so to me it is justified...both his bio-parents have had their heads in the sand for the past 16 years when it came to actually parenting this kid-he is under socialized and just plain weird-and my DH see’s nothing wrong with this!

But this is related to a parenting of SKIDS that can upset the bio-parents.. Specifically your DH.

Does this happen to any of you?