EX and child support
Okay so my husbands work is trying to go electronic on the child support- and b/c it is new they have late a few days not really because work has up to 10 to send it in. And also she just received a modification so they went all the way bac to January putting us 1600 dollars in arrears right off the bat. So i have been sending payments in every week- or they will send our arrears to the irs we only have 30 days to pay. Well one check of ours got lost and my husband only gets paid 2 times a month. the 15 and the last day of the month. Well she has called the child support agency, my husbands cell phone, work and our home looking for this money- now keep in mind- i started writing checks but did not send them in until i knew exactly how much we owed and when i sent them in i sent them one on monday and one on Wednesday so that i could keep track. so in the past 6 weeks she has received 8 of our payments and two work ones equalling around 1300.00 dollars. and she is calling around on the 16th looking for her money. Come on lady get a damn job. (she doesn't work) I mean i am pulling down two jobs to provide for my kids and to get her paid off by mid Sept. and this is what she does. It just makes me so mad she is going to be in for a rude awaking when Sept. comes and she is paid off and her payment drops the arrear payment they tacked on.
Has any one else have this problem.
so very greedy--
Thanks for letting me vent
We have custody and we are still paying
We have custody of stepson and we pay for pretty much everything that he needs. Biomom only has to pay for stepson's basic needs for 10 days out of the month. Even then, she doesn't have to pay for stepson's lunch on her days during the school year. We pay for all of stepson's school lunches.
My husband always pays biomom directly as they have never been to court. My husband has always paid willingly. However, stepson is getting older and we know that biomom is not saving for college. We would like to start putting more money into a college fund for stepson.
Biomom is not hurting for money as far as I can tell. She spends money like it is growing on a tree in her back yard. Personally, I don't think that she is depending on our money for anything that is related to stepson. I guess she just thinks that she deserves something for giving birth and hopes we will just keep paying. I don't know.
You allow this..
I am sorry if that seems mean.. But you actually have custody of the child and you still pay? I am not sure why you allow this or why your husband does. I am just confused. I would never expect my ex to pay for our kids if he had custody.
Question- Custody of said child, did that go thru the court?
Doesn't it bother you to pay her.. I would be very bothered by the fact that you are taking care of the ss.. but you are also pretty much paying alimony..
I would have that taken to court and stopped immediately..
This is all my opinion..
I am sorry that she the ex feels like you owe her this. Dang if we could all get money just for giving birth, noone would be having kids and all of us woman would be rich.. LOL thats funny..
Well, like I said they have never been to court. They do have a legal agreement that is signed by both of them and a judge and is filed with the court.
Basically, stepson started out being with biomom. Her lifestyle was giving stepson all kinds of problems. She was moving a lot, had multiple boyfriends, no structure, no schedule, etc. We got stepson into therapy and the therapist said that it would be best for stepson if he were to come live with us. We offered stability and structure, which is what stepson needed. To make a long story short, we basically offered to keep paying biomom X amount of $$$ even if stepson came to live with us. We thought that at that time, the only way to get her to agree to the custody change was to keep giving her money. It worked and here we are today.
I am bothered by paying her when I am doing most of the work! I think that that may be a part of why I can't respect the woman.
well you are doing all the work.
i wonder if this woman is my sisters, family. they sound a lot alike. my sister has 7 kids and the oldest is now 21. my grandma took him when he was 5 and starting kindergarden she raised his thru high school, he graduated and his mom my sister thought that she was going to get all "job well done" and our mom had it out with her. My grandma did all that work. she has since passed but when he graduated she was 76. my grandma payed for everything..
you will hopefully get all the gratitiude in the end..
i know my nephew though still thinks his mom is the greatest i think all that comes from her not being there he wants her approval and love. i hope he is awesome to you.. you deserve it thats for sure. and your husband should be drawing you baths everynight and just take care of you because it sounds to me like you are awesome..
Thank you for the kind words. It makes me feel better just to hear that!
Hi Dawn
Is it possible to change the support at this point? The current financial arrangement seems very unfair to you and your spouse and really only benefits his ex.
We are trying to get it changed but until it is signed on the dotted line I won't get my hopes up. Plus we have to pay for a lawyer to see what we can do. Meanwhile, biomom just sits over there collecting and I'm workin my butt off. I'm tired!!
what a crock
i would like to ask her some question?
Not sure of the Laws in your State
But if you have a legal agreement on file with the court (at least where I live), you can go through the Department of Human Services, Child Support Division, to get a modification w/o any type of legal represetnation. They will base the support on your husband's income (not yours) and his ex-wife's income, and the amount of days each parent has the child. In my State DHS monitors all child support enforcement. In fact, I can not even receive my check directly from the ex. His support is taken automatically from his check by his employer and sent to DHS. DHS deposits it and writes me a check. I don't necessarily like that, however, if the ex ever quits his job, or stops paying, they will hunt him down red flag the IRS so any tax returns are diverted to DHS on my behalf. You may want to go online and look into your city's DHS Child Support Enforcement.
Good luck!
Good luck...I wish you success in gettings some changes in place!
Thank you. We will be working on it!
Seems to me......
Seems to me a judge would see what an extortionist she is, and make her pay back all that money, for a child that didnt even live in the home. If you took her to court, she would be in trouble I gaurantee you!! Are you in the US? My heart aches for what you are going through on this one!!! You are one awesome woman!!! Kudo's to you!!!! But all in all she is extorting money from you 2 and thats against the law. She committing fraud!!! Save that child support money and get an attorney. Show documents, that the child has been living in your household. Thats all it takes!!! What a loser she is.
Department of Human Resources and the Child Support Enforcement,
De inimico non loquaris sed cogities.
Are in most states utilized for the garnishment of wages of the N.C.P for the child residing with the C.P. Because Dawn's dh made a legal agreement to continue payment's though the child resides with them now, it is not and will not be seen as extortion, nor will it be made to be paid back as it was a legal agreement by both parties who were clearly aware of the terms. Nor will the Department of Human Resources touch this case,as it is not one of payments not being made. Dawn, at this point your's and dh's only legal recourse is to retain an attorney to ensure dh has and remains legal custody of ss and then seek a modification in the legal agreement requesting A discontinuance of the payments dh is now making to bm and seek a new order that BM start paying X amount for childsupport. Papergirl, yes, what the courts ordered for your dh to pay to bm in regards to his arrearage is perfectly within their rights and very common. If he does not keep up with those payments as well as keeping current on the ongoing c.s payments he can be found in contempt, IRS can be notified , He can have his drivers license suspended and can do jail time.
ex and child support
my DH was paying as much in child support as she makes on disability(RUTHLESS HONESTY TIME:HER back "problem" doesn't keep her off it or from sitting at computer for hours on end but work would be too much???)BM had become so reliant on the amount that when DH was laid off she fought the reduction until the just was discusted w/her. Then when we got custody she flipped not over child leaving as much as money leaving. BM actually had to move again when cs dropped. I have two primary feeling on the subject:1) How do they justify giving a person the amount in child support that meets or exceeds their income.2) Some counties(not mine) require proof of spending for that money and I really feelthat would kill alot of misuse and anemosity for these situations. My big stink was that the BM would be dressed well but the SD would be in tight, out of style, raggy looking stuff and at her age looks are more of a topic than a 2nd grader would.
I am amazed at how easy it
I am amazed at how easy it is for an individual to claim that s/he is "disable" and therefore incapable of working in any capacity. In this day and age, you cannot tell me that sitting at a computer AT HOME doing data entry, or making phone calls from a call center is too much for a person to handle, yet s/he can retain custody of a child. So you're telling me that the CP's injuries are so extensive that s/he cannot earn a salary in any capacity, but s/he can do all of the things involved in caring for a young kid? What a total FU*KING joke. BB in my case claimed that she was injured in a car accident last year and therefore had her hours cut in half. Yet, she also coincidentally got pregnant around this time, was able to lift her *VERY* big 4-year-old in and out of the car AND take him to the park, swimming, etc. while 8 months pregnant, sing at church three times a week which entails standing for over an hour straight each time, etc. But don't ask her to work (she had her Associates in some kind of finance and sat at a desk all day)--she's INJURED!! And hey, she just filed for ANOTHER increase in CS and--shockingly--she's rpegnant AGAIN!! You'd think that someone with terrible back injuries wouldn't be able to have two pregnancies back to back, but hey, I'm no doctor so what do I know? All she needs is a note and some records of her visits to the physical therapist (which is SUCH a joke that I can't even go there) and she is no longer responsible for earning an income.
I don't agree with the idea of providing receipts for CS but I do have a problem with people that scam the system so as to totally rely on the NCP's support for all expenses. It's unfair and WRONG.
Paying for Childcare at 14 & 16
I can so relate to what you all are going through. I have been with DH for 8 years and we have been paying child support & "child care" the whole time, for goodness sake, they are preparing for college, they are 14 & 16!! We have tried the whole "modification" and not once but twice retained a lawyer because she agreed that we are paying too much and then once she saw the papers that she needed to sign, backed out and said she is going to fight it, which we don't have the money to fight because we are paying for her Escalade while the kids wear crappy clothes!!! So frustrating! It's bad enough that we only get to see the kids when it is convenient for her, during holidays and their birthdays, etc. I haven't been able to form a relationship with them (not without lots of effort) because I see them once/twice a year and they won't talk to me when they come over; I try and try and then only get one word responses. I feel like such an outsider. Does anyone else have this problem? I get so upset and I feel like my DH should tell them to at least have manners here, but then it would cause problems and I don't want that, so I just do my own thing when they come over and accept that we will never have a relationship. Any suggestions?
My Partner just pays n pays.......
Even though my partner pays his EW a basic salary in child support, she still bleets to his family that he "makes her buy the children clothes she can't afford" while she sits around and does not work herself. I have noticed that the kids are now turning up at our house with virtually no clothes or shoes - is this a ploy to 'force' my partner to pay for more things?
The saddest part of all of this..
Lovers do not finally meet somewhere, they were with each other all along.
Is that in getting a reduction in c.s payments(which we too are currently trying to do, as bm gets at least 1/2 of dh salary per month)(In Georgia, they do not take into account the mothers income just the N.C.P) is that you have to fork out even more money to even get the modifications heard in court..for us we had to retain our attorney at almost $4,000.00. Then we have the expenses of having to travel 10 hours one way because the case has to heard in the county/state that the child resides. So now we have fuel, hotel stays ect to add to what ever else our attorney charges us. The worst part, bm has already stated she isnt giving an inch when dh and her have to go to meditation(before a court date can be set) and yet we still must attend...just more money out the door for nothing!!!! The plus side for us is that the state bm resides in now takes both the dh and bm's salary's into consideration..as my dh income is half what he was making when going through divorce with bm,(and bm's has not changed, she makes a decent income) we are hoping and praying for a good outcome.Taking into effect also that bm has withheld visitation with ss for over a year and half all the while recieving her alloted c.s.
My fiancee and his ex have 50/50...but in North Dakota whoever makes more has to pay the child support, here's the clincher...she doesn't even have the kid 50% of the time!! Fiancee and the Ex Monster verbally agreed that whoever recieved the support payments would return it to to the person who paid. She has never given him the money. So he's in the hole big time cause he's taking care of his son full time while she's out buying a new car, taking her friends out to dinner,and traveling all over the state. So this whole time he's been playing stupid and he got himself a lawyer to nip this in the butt. PLUS she's been recieving food stamps and housing assisstance with the child on her cases when she doesn't even have him half the time. I'm so frustrated by this I could just scream!!
Hey S.Graham39....your post
Hey S.Graham39....your post didn't say whether or not you actually lived in GA or the BM did but either way if that is the state that the CS order is in....she can't withhold visition just because they are in a battle. I got divorced in GA and my attorney told me that "Visitation and CS do NOT go hand in hand" he said that I could potentially lose custody (worst case) if I denied visitation. My ex didn't pay CS for at least 3 years (at $40 per week) and I have sole custody. I never one time denied him visitation.... I know...not all ex wifes are that smart or nice....trust me I deal with my husband's stupid exwife... I'm just saying that maybe you should have your attorney push harder to enfore that visitation law.
You Are Not Alone
Honey, you are not alone. My husbands ex moved her child support case around three times before she got stable for the moment that is. The second place she moved the case to lowered the payments so I guess she got pissed off after a while and decided to move it again this time to DHS. When they took up the case my husband ended up having an arrears balance of 3086.00 that we had to pay back she got it in June. She also gets child support every month from us but this particular month the kids started back to school. You say that you are pissed the reason that I say that you are not alone is because she just called us and said that she didn't have the children's shoes for school!!! WTF she just got over 3500.00 in two months what does she mean she doesn't have their school shoes. Not being funny I love my skids but, she didn't get the money broken down into payments she got it all at one time oh yeah did I forget to mention that she's supposedly an LPN and her husband works offshore. So honey just take a deep breath in and let it out you are not alone when it comes to dealing with a greedy ex that doesn't want to work and uses her child support for her support. Keep your head up things will get better you will see.