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Don't get along with Step son

jtodd1967's picture

I'm John; I'm 41 living in Tampa, FL in an apartment with my Wife and Stepson. It is not going good at all. My Stepson is 22 yrs old and going to USf right now. My wife and I have been married since 2001. My Stepson(Randy) is legally blind but he can do almost all the normal things except drive. He has to sit close to TV to see it snd he has to hold a book really close to see it. Before my Wife and I got married; the stepson and his mom lived together for about 3 yrs alone before I came around. The stepson seems to want to still take control of everything. He tells everyone what to do and if he wants to go somewhere or do something..he says I want to do this or I want to go here...he doesn't ask, he just orders people around. And, he always has to correct you when you are wrong. If he has an opinion about something and you don't agree; he gets all smart assed and has this chip on his shoulder and thinks he has the only opinion that matters. His mother tries talking to him sometimes but it doesn't work. He gets everything he wants pretty much. He does help with bills sometimes ans I am very appreciative of him for that. But, he is just so controlling and demanding. I can't stand it around here...I love my wife but its just getting to be too much for me. It seems she takes his side most of the time over mine. I have gotten so stressed I had a heart attack about a month ago. I know also that I haven't eaten right either and that contributes to it also but, I believe the stress is a big factor also. I don't know what to seems like I am in my own prison. I can't be myself around him and I can't really talk because he ALWAYS has a comment. MY Wife and I have no privacy and we can never have our own discussion without him butting in all the time. The only time I get any alone time with my Wife is when we are either sleeping or when I go with her to babysit her grandkids. And even then, he is always calling her whenever she isn't home. He calls sometimes 6-7 times at a time.

vgill's picture

tell him to grow up, yes unfortunately he has a disability, but he has learned to live with it, and get his own apartment, if he wants things his own way and his own rules he needs to get his own place. If he says he can't, my aunt was extreamly mentally handicapped and she got a job( peeling potatoes for a catering business)and she got her own place, she was very proud of her accomplishments, yes she lived in an assisted living apartment, but it was hers, I'm sure your SS would not have as hard a time as she had!

MarriedwithChild's picture

You had a MI?! (heart attack) Oh my! That would take a lot of built up stress factors to cause such a thing. I hope you are recovering well and are on the proper meds?

Sadly, he is partially "disabled" but you have every right to lay down ground rules here too.

I agree with the above posts. Good advice.