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Does your BM have any relationship with your skid/skids

sunnyd's picture

Just wondered how many SM's here don't have to deal with the skids bm, and if not why. Also do you think it is better that the skids have a relationship with their bm, or are they better off without her?

dontcallmestepmom's picture

I do not deal with BM, because 1. my DH's kids are young adults, and 2. she is mentally unstable.

Our BM has no morals, values or ethics. She has never worked, and spends her days mooching off her aunt, sleeping, and gambling. Unfortunately, she was the "fun" parent, who did not believe in rules or boundaries. DH tried to raise them the right way, but BM fought him every step of the way. The "kids" have no concept of reality, and no coping skills. However, they love BM and think she is wonderful. They have pretty much disowned DH because he no longer hands them cash and has made it clear he will not support them for the rest of their lives. They should be as far away from BM as possible, but they all live together on Planet Nonsense. Since no one works, I figure they will be all living together indefinitely. It is really sad.