Does this seem strange to anyone else?
I have two stepkids, a boy 14 and a girl 11. we get them every other weekend. They seem to be clueless as to personal hygine. They come over with greasy hair and smelling of BO (on friday) and when I ask them when they took a shower last they say Tues or Wed! They also have a habit of not washing their hands after going to the bathroom. Their BM house is super clean (cleaner than mine) and she even works in healthcare! We have talked to the kids repeatdy and explained they are old enough to know when to shower, brush their teeth etc. but they just seem "dumb" (for lack of a better word.) do you feel 14 and 11 yrs olds should KNOW better hygine? This is literally driving me nuts!
I know that at 14 I was super
I know that at 14 I was super concious of hygiene. No one had to tell me when to bathe or wash my hair. Yuck!!!!
In THIRD GRADE, my teacher
In THIRD GRADE, my teacher had a serious discussion with the entire class about having to take baths more often. We all KNEW the kid(s) it was directed towards! :jawdrop:
My daughter is 7 is knows
My daughter is 7 is knows better hygiene...
I believe it is taught in the home..
thats what is SO
thats what is SO strange.....their BM is super neat and clean (almost OCD) does she not see this? we tried to bring it up to her and she claims we are lying......they are DIRTY and its gross.
That does seem strange. We
That does seem strange. We have the opposite happen at our house. SS is always showered and clean (of course he is with us every 2 days so he couldn't get THAT dirty) but BM's house is always FILTHY, like make me want to vomit filthy.
I've raised 3 bios and at
I've raised 3 bios and at that age they did take good care of their hygeine.I have 2 skids around your skids ages. They are pretty good about showering but brushing their teeth they are terrible at doing. It even grosses me out that they see no problem using each others tooth brushes!
I chalk it up to lack of mothering at BM's house. She is so self centered she can't be bothered with her kids.
My SS is 7 yrs. It drives DH
My SS is 7 yrs. It drives DH crazy that Dh has to tell every night to take a bath and brush his teeth. I'm sure SS does the same thing as your SS Draco26. There are always big globs of toothpaste in our sink too. Sometimes we do a smell test to, just to see if SS is washing with soap. LOL. I was about 12 yrs when I started really careing about keeping my hair clean and my teeth brushed. I was not tought good hygeine. But I remember a girl saying to me "You breeth is bad don't you brush your teeth?". I was so embarrassed. That was the start of my twice a day brushing. Leave it to a kid to tell it like it is.