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Do you ever not do things you want to do because you don't want to hurt SD?

OptimisticMe's picture

And then feel ticked you can't do what you want? For example, I want to make one of those signs with all of the family's important dates. You know, DH's birth date, my birth date, wedding date and kids' birth dates. If I put SD's birth date on our sign, it will look like I was sexually active at 14 and I don't consider her a part of the family like that anymore, so I wouldn't want her on it. If I don't put her on it, she and my inlaws will see she was left out (possibly hurting SD and making inlaws think less of me). So I guess I just won't make the sign or will leave it in my bedroom. I raised SD for most of her life (she now lives with inlaws because she became "too horrible"), so most see her a bit like my daughter. So if I "leave her out" it seems to look even worse than if she was a
"typical" SD.

UGH! Sometimes I get ticked I even have to think about this stuff. Why can't I just do what I want for MY family and not worry about someone else's kid!?

dragonfly5's picture

Echo, what sign is she talking about? Sounds cute, I want to look it up on Pinterest.

christinen's picture

Ugh I know exactly what you mean! I want to make a sign like that too when DH and I have a child together but I sure as hell don't want to put SD's info on it! Yuck!

hippiegirl's picture

It's your house, hon. Do what you like. Don't worry about hurting SD's feelings.....does she worry about hurting yours?