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DH and DD

evewasframed5's picture

About six months ago, DH bought me a new laptop and I gave my old one to DD. I allow her to use my laptop on occasion (mostly for school projects). DH doesnt like this at all. He's afraid she will break it. I understand that and, as a courtesy to him and his concerns, I don't let her use it much.
On occasion, he lets his boys use it. I've never said no. Keep in mind, the reason they need to use mine, is because theirs have either been broken or they've downloaded things that have put viruses on the machine so they no longer function. My new laptop is also fully covered for drops, spills, etc.
Today, DD asked to use my laptop so she could access my Amazon account (she got a gift card for Xmas).
He said i should work on hers so she won't have to use mine (clean cookies, etc). I said I would, just not today, as I have too much to do. I told her she could use the laptop at my desk ONLY.
He got upset and was a bit snarky. He said, "Its YOUR laptop, do what you want. But I won't be buying you another one."
My DD, at her age, has NEVER destroyed a laptop like his teens have.
I felt like he was bullying me to get me to tell her she couldn't use it. I was soooo mad and he knew it. He got angry that I was angry. Now we aren't speaking.

Disneyfan's picture

Return HIS laptop to him. Then purchase a laptop for yourself and do with it what you want.

When he complains about your daughter using it, tell him to shut his trap.

evewasframed5's picture

I wish he could see how nasty his comment came across.
He lets his teens drive his nearly new truck. His 18 yo has caused two accidents, has three tickets and even hit MY Jeep in the driveway.
The 16yo nearly got them all killed on the interstate because he failed to look before changing lanes. I don't tell him not to let them drive it because it's HIS truck. They don't drive MINE however. Blum 3

evewasframed5's picture

He pays the insurance. As for getting a new laptop, that would just piss him off. He'd see it as me doing it for spite.
It's tough to admit that most anything you do manages to piss off your DH. I was hoping we'd make it until they moved out or whatever but it's getting harder and harder. He definitely holds my DD to a different standard than his own kids.
Wonder how he'd feel if I simply stopped talking about them and stopped asking how things are going with school, job hunt (kind of a joke for the 18 yo), etc. Maybe our lives would be easier. It's difficult not to be concerned for the 16 yo though. He does live here.

evewasframed5's picture

She generally uses the old one. Once in a while she uses my new one. He says something about it pretty much every time he catches it.

CANYOUHELP's picture

I would go buy my daughter a nicer laptop and dare anybody to touch it at this point,I believe.

still learning's picture

Buy your daughter an inexpensive Chromebook with your own money. Got mine at Walmart on sale for a great price. I bought one for my 17 yr old so he could do his homework without stealing my computer all the time.

evewasframed5's picture

Very good points. My child is mostly insulated from this issues we're having. She sees the unfairness in how the boys are allowed to behave. She knows why I don't let her behave like they do. I've explained to her why she is held to a different standard than they are and she understands.
I've a bit of hope that we might be moving to the state my husband works in when school is out. The SS that lives with us doesn't want to move and says he'll remain with his mother. That puts a lot of distance between them and myself. I'm hoping things could improve.

sammigirl's picture

He sounds like a control freak! If I give someone something or sell something to a person, it is no longer mine. It is theirs to do as they please.

What's up with stingy people?

evewasframed5's picture

I married, in part, to give her a better life. You know NOTHING about our situation.
He doesn't treat her abominably either. He's never said an unkind word to her.
You don't know my daughter either. She's kind and has a huge heart. She knows the sacrifices I've made to ensure her happiness and wellbeing since her father left when she was five - she'd be the first one to say it.
She goes to bed every night KNOWING that her mommy loves her and will always take care of her. She does not fear the future because she knows her mother will do anything in her power to keep her safe and happy.

Disneyfan's picture

"I married, in part, to give her a better life." :sick: :sick: :sick:

Call me crazy,but I furthered my education and worked my butt off to give my son a better life.

Any man I dated who didn't treat my son (or I) the way I believed we should be treated, was out of my life ASAP.

Just because your jerk of a husband is wearing a flashing neon sign, doesn't mean your daughter doesn't know how he feels about her. Hell, a bunch of strangers who simply read the words you posted here have figured it out. Surely, the poor the kid stuck living this has figured it out.

evewasframed5's picture
