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Desperate !!!! Help !!!!!

drkstr's picture

I am the parent of 2 BC and 1 SD. H and I have been together for 5 years and all along his BD has had some real problams. She was raised 50% of the time by her BM who is a crack addict. She did crack while pregnant with this child and this child has been a major issue in our blended family home. She lies, steals, cheats, and hurts myself and my kids, breaks and throws away our things and numerous other little things like using my tooth brush to swipe the toilet. Up until this point hubby has been pretty incapable of seeing her behavior because he dosent want to believe that her own mom had any influence in this childs personality, or that his lovely little beast is capable of the things she has done. In the last 6 months she pulled the worst manipulation yet and used a bic razor to put minor cuts on her arm in an effort to get daddy to leave our marriage by saying she did this because I am mean to her. The meanest thing i have ever done to this child is call her out on her hidious behavior. The lying, stealing and hurthing the kids and myself. She started her period last year and outrightly refused to wear a pad or tampoon cuz she dosent like it and bleeds all over my home so i made her scrub up the mess and help me do her laundry after the 5th or 6th time she bled through 4 pair of pants, underwear and pajamas. This has all been so much and finally after the cutting herself incident i convinced Hubby she really needs help. She started counseling and the counselor even told hubby that she simly hates your wife and her kids because she wants it to just be you 2 again because of her abandonment issues over her own mom who hasnt been able to see her for several years because she is a drug addict, and she also blames that on your new wife. After months of counseling and the counselor wanting to put the girl on medication because she is getting little if nowhere with her she suggests she see a psyciotrist to work toward those ends. She promptly went into the psychis office and told him blatently "I BEAT MY CHILDREN". Not only has this never happened which we both assure the psych but he imforms us that he is obligated to report me to the authorities. My own history is that of a hidioius divorce from an unstable man. who would love nothing more then to take the kids from me just to give them to his mom so he could a. hurt me and b. not pay child support. Hubby and I had a very long battle over last weekend becauise i told him that our marriage simply was not enough for me to loose my children and that is what could happen. I would love to be foolish enough to think that CPS is gonna come here talk to my kids and husband and myself and say hey that girl needs help and that would be the end of this but i know social services can really be jacked up and that i could loose my kids over false allegations by a little psychopath who after days of talking to daddy finally admited that is what she told them and it was because she wants me out of the picture. OMG Help me what am i supposed to do. i do not want my marriage over but i certinaly cannot put my kids welfare on the block for this. What do i do???? I am currently unemployed and applied for a disability because of my own health issues due to a broiken neck and degenerative spine issues, lupus and fromyalgia. I am a good mother and a good person. I think my hubby has finally seen just what she is capable of. I dont have any faith though after 5 years of being thrown under the bus for this child that he will man up and make her be responsible for her behavior. There have never been any consequences for her lies or stealing or any of the horrid behavior. What am i to do ????

not yet a step mom's picture

well, obviously the answer to this question has to come from you and what you feel is best for you and your family.
But, since you are asking for outsiders' opinions.... it kind of seems like a losing battle if your husband won't even believe you and back you up, no? i understand that you love your husband and have invested 5 yrs. into this relationship. But.. unfortunately you are not a single gal, you have kids of your own. So maybe you just need to think about whats best for them. And maybe thats removing the three of you from this situation, especially if your ex is just going to load your kids off on his mother and doesn't have their best interest at heart.
I read that you are unemployed.... so money might be rough.
But maybe you have some friends or family you could lean on for a bit? And maybe your husband and his daughter need some time to figure all this out, a little separation might put things in perspective....what do you think ? when you and your kids are out of the picture, your husband will see that YOU are not the issue for this kid, and that no matter who he marries, she is going to have a problem with it.
I am not telling you to throw ur marriage away, but.... it sounds like things are pretty bad...
Sending good vibes your way sister!!!!!!

drkstr's picture

Thank you so much. I agree and have told him as much that it dont matter where he goes or what he does she is gonna be a major train wreck if he dont do something about it NOW. Its funny ya know everything i have ever told him has unfolded over the last few weeks and blam hit him squarely in the chops and you would think thast would make him go damn i really need to MAN UP and stand with my wife who has been right all along. But i just dont get any warm fuzzy feeling like thast is what he will actually do. I know your right and i have to protect myself and my kids first. I have left for a weekend here and there to let him stew and think. This last week i went for a week while my kids were with their BD for his vacation time. Which they spent entirely with his mom. :jawdrop: Go figure. He is saying he will walk the walk and talk the talk and he has admitted i was right and she is seriously troubled. Funny thing happened. She had been with her grandma and grandpa for 2 weeks right before all this came down and she had grandma buy her a shirt at the mall. Grandma failed to notice that the back of the shit says "it your fucking nightmare" on it and boought it for her i gues many of their friends commented on it being quite the shirt but no one mentioned the profanity. These are really churchie people. when she came home with the shit on i mentioned it to hubby and he was floored. She told him grandma knew it said thast ( another lie of course) I told him he should dispose of the shirt immediately as it is not appropriate attire for a 12 year old girl. He told her not to wear it to school anymore cuz they can expell her for wearing it buit didnt take it from her. She wore it again the other day and i asked him that she not wear it in my presencxe nor the presence of my shildren because i dont want them to thisnk tyhat is in any way appropriate. He agreed and said i guess i should just take it from her hu??? DUH!!!!!! ok so i suggest he ask his mom if she knew about the profanity and of couse she did not so another lie exposed. What the hell is with him. He nees counseling more then she does. I dont want to loose my whole lifes work because of this my kids do mean everything to me. I know maybe i am being the most optimistic idiot on the planet but cant he figure it out and cant she be helped and cant things just get better???