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Dealing with biological parents that have poor communication

ase16's picture

I am in a situation where the parents do not communicate very much especially the biological father. This affects parenting the child because when it comes to school or visiting Arrangements the father is very uncooperative at times and is faultless in working with us in dealing with the child. Should I as a stepparent step in and speak with the stepparent or should I just allow out that stay between the biological parents?

Wicked stepmo.'s picture

I would stay out of it. If BPs have a hostile relationship there is a reason why. Often times if you try to be the good guy it just blows up in your face. 

tog redux's picture

Stay out of it - not your problem. Your partner married and procreated with this guy, she can deal with him herself. I'm going to assume you are a man as well - resist the impulse to "protect" your partner from this guy if he's being a jerk.  This is her problem to solve.

ase16's picture

I truly appreciate you all from my heart. I knew what I was signing up for by getting into this relationship, but it's been harder than I thought. thank you for your feedback. that's why I joined this site. how are you all doing in your situations?

Rags's picture

My DW and I have always been a team.  When the blended family opposition got shitty it was much my responsitlity to pummel them into submission as it was my DW's.  I had her back parenting and dealing with the SpermClan and she had mine. We both had SS's back and together we developed SS to viable adulthood.  

Toghether my bride and I forced them to remain under their slime covered rock at the bottom of the shallow and polluted end of my SS's gene pool so that he could thrive.  I had as much of a hand in that as my DW did.