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williams19's picture

Okay so my boyfriend has two kids, one is 2, the other 4.the two year old is biologically his the 4 year old is not his. I feel like he shouldn't take care of the one that's not his they got a DNA test and all i mean the little girl doesn't even have his last name! He said that he loves children thats why he still takes care of the one that's not his. But I feel like that's something you should do when you and your baby mother are together but their not. He's in a relationship with me. and then he just let's the baby mother throw the kids on him anytime. she leaves them over there for months and she doesn't have a job or anything. and he say he's stressed and I tell him to give the kids back to their mother because shes not doing anything. and you would have less stress not taking care of the one that's not yours. And also I hate coming to his hous cause their ALWAYS over there and then their both girls so its even harder to get along with thrm , their bad as hell and they don't respect me. Every time I come over all you hear is "daddy,daddy". Smh 3 girls competing for one mans attention but I honestly wanna know why he allows her to always throw the kids on him. Is he still in love with her?

AllySkoo's picture

In a lot of ways, right now, what YOU feel he should do is irrelevant. He's doing what HE needs to do. And honestly, that 4 year old sees him as a father figure at this point, sounds like that's all she's known. It would be cruel to tell her "sorry honey, I can't be your daddy any more because my girlfriend doesn't think I should".

I seldom recommend this, but I'd say break up and go find a guy without kids. You're not married, no kids together, you don't like this situation and I can PROMISE you it will only get worse as they get older - why do that to yourself? Go find a nice guy with no kids, you'll be happier for it.

williams19's picture

its not over attention I just feel like she knows who the other dad is and she's just using him because she knows he a good dad and then she drops the kids over for monthsss its annoying because hes always stressed but I wonder if he still loves her because he allows her to do it

williams19's picture

I love everything about him and I try to love his kids its just hard when their ALWAYS arnd and he wants me to come over his house all the time but their always there and i don't like to be in that stressful environment ALL the time I get stressed just like him.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

When my DH married his psychotic now-ex, she had a 2 year old daughter. Her father has ever been, part of her life. She sees my DH as her father and calls him Dad. He isn't her biodad, but he raised her and considers her his daughter.

williams19's picture

I mean its not like the 4 year old doesn't know who her dad is she knows they got a DNA test

twoviewpoints's picture

You can't change what your BF matter how many times you try and justify him dumping one kid. These kids, both of them, or there months at a time because he wants them there.

It's nothing to do with him still perhaps being in love with the mother. She's not there, the kids are. Having the children , though stressful, is what he wants.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

They got the DNA test, but it doesn't sound like the BF of the 4 year old is around. BF may not even know he has a kid.

abugandabean's picture

I will probably be the unpopular opinion on this one but I was in a situation that was similar. FDH's ex (BM2) had a child from a previous relationship and this childs dad was never in her life so she viewed FDH as Dad. However, he allowed BM2 to convince the child that FDH IS her BIOLOGICAL Dad (they are different races I felt that this happening was cruel to the child). Anyway thouhg after we got serious BM2 didn't want her child to be around me so she was trying to break us up using a child that was not biologically his. She wanted him to take her child when he'd take their child together for custody time but she said that I couldn't be around. Eventually he told her this was her choice and that he wouldn't be taking her child anymore. He eventually explained to the child that she wasn't his but he'd always be there if she needed him. He took a lot of slack from everyone in her family for this but I was happy. Of course I didn't want the child to be harmed emotionally but I wanted nothing to do with helping raise this womans child a woman who has made my life a living hell and still continues to do so after years. I was very relieved that she is no longer a part of his life. Apparently she's moved on and has adjusted fine. I mean we are a group of people that have step parenting, blended family issues and I couldn't imagine blending my family, his family, his kids from his ex wife and his kid from his ex girlfriend and this other random kid. It's hard enough as it is without mixing someone who isn't even a biological child. I have trouble bonding with my YSD let alone her sister from another mister.

AllySkoo's picture

Look, what it comes down to is this - your BF wants those 2 girls with him. Full stop. DNA doesn't matter, deadbeat mom doesn't matter, stress doesn't matter, whatever else you're throwing out there, just recognize that it doesn't matter. This is what he wants. Now the question becomes, can you accept it? Because it's not going to change, and if their mom already gives them to him for "months" then chances are he's going to end up with full custody eventually. Are you ready for having them 24/7? Forever? If not, get out now.

Orange County Ca's picture

I agree that thinking about asking him to stop parenting the olderer one is inappropriate. I also know that children should be told in age appropriate language as soon as they can understand what their real relationship with adults is. Adopted for instance or whatever.

Are you so desperate to be seen in public with a guy walking by your side that you'll put up with this for 20 some years?

Oh and longer because even high school graduated kids don't really go away. The ex-wife for two decades and the kids for the REST of your life. Oh boy, fun.

Come on girl there must be a million guys out there without children. Go and find one. Tell your soon-to-be ex-boyfriend that when he asks a girl out in the future first find out if she has children so they at least can be of help to each other.

Have you considered that his primary (but maybe subconscious) motivation may be the need for sex and someone to help with the kids? Unfortunately for you this is the underlying reasons many men to find a second partner quickly.

Don't walk - RUN.

williams19's picture

Thanks, I just feel like he let's his babmother take advantage of him. I do love him but I can't deal with his kids, its like they already their family and I feel like an outsider. But its going to be hard to let him go.

williams19's picture

they say if I can't accept his kids then I don't really love him but that's not true at all.

JingerVZ's picture

You may love him, but you don't want what loving him entails: him looking after his children.
Walk away, this is not a relationship that will bring either of you long term happiness.

williams19's picture

uqh I just wish their mom wasn't the way she is that makes me resent the kids even more. I hate that he allows her to do this when he's stressing trying to work and has to put up with them 24/7. He says that I don't have to deal with it so I shouldn't worry about it but I feel like if your gonna bring them to my house and you want Mr to be around them I have a say so.

missflo's picture

As usual dtzy is spot on. The truth isn't always pretty or easy but it is ... eventually.... unavoidable.

hereiam's picture


missflo's picture

Just read your own words... you resent them.
And I'd really question if he's "putting up with them" sounds more like he's parenting them. He's stepped up, into what he sees as a void. That's what a father does, whether DNA shows a link or not.
And parenting is stressful, steps, bios, foster kids, whatever. End of story
Like so many have said, I think you need to walk before any more hurt occurs, you, him, or the children.
It's probably best for all concerned.
You'd like their mum to be more active in their lives, but if she was and he were still involved as their father I suspect that would cause you resentment as well.
Not everyone is cut out for this, hell, even the easiest and most smoothly blended families bring moments that make step parents think it's time to go... Or so I've heard...our blend is not that smooth Wink
I think the most loving thing you can do right now is admit this is not for you.

hereiam's picture

You think he is still in love with BM because he wants to take care of his children? If mom is a deadbeat, he should step up. Even if she wasn't a deadbeat, it sounds like he loves his kids and wants to be there for them.

At 2 and 4, they need a stable parent. It's not like they are on the verge of adulthood and can just fly out on their own.

I understand the resentment and don't judge you for it. What matters is how you handle it. Walking away is okay (although very hard, I know). It's better than expecting him to not be there for his kids. It doesn't sound like mom is going to magically become mother-of-the-year so....

It's not the kids' fault that their mom is a deadbeat, nor that the 4 year old is not biologically his. He loves her like she's his, that's all that matters.

It does sound like he could use some structure and discipline in his parenting of them. Maybe you could turn him towards some parenting classes or info on the internet or something.

Orange County Ca's picture

You are an outsider and always will be to a guy like this and that will get worse as his kids pick it up more and more. Nobody doubts your love for him and nobody doubts you have lots of wishes. So what? You're not going to love or wish his kids or his priorities away.

Listen I know its tough to start over, sort through all those toads, but get out and ask every guy you meet "Got Kids". If the answer is yes then move on just like all the other smart childless women of your generation.

You're hearing it here over and over and just don't want to accept it. This will not solve itself and nothing you do will make it better. Bite a bullet, tell him you made a mistake, close your heart to his pleadings and for once do what is right for you.

williams19's picture

He brings them over to my house not her ... and one day he asked me to bathe/ chanqe them and I said no .. I feel like their not my children so why should I have to deal with them and be their MOTHER when they already have one. Theirs nothing wrong with her physically or mentally. My friend said that eventually he'll get tired of it but he allows her to stress him like he still has love for her. HEr ex boyfriend is my friend and he said that he got out out the relationship with her because she did the same thing to him, just threw the kids on him All the time so he left her alone. This also makes me resent her more because she won't give him a break. One kid is already enough to deal with but two is different. I feel like he shouldn't take care of the one that's not his they aren't together anymore... and that's not going to change so I guess I have only one choice

williams19's picture

yesterday he asked to bring BOTH of them over to spend the night and I told him no. uqh I don't get it why do they need to come over my house? When they can go to their mothers shes not doing anything at all, now the kids are right back over here AGAIN and he wants them to spend the night at my house, take them to their MOTHER and let her MOTHER them!why do they even have to be around me? Its not like we're married right? Some ody please tell me if m wrong

JingerVZ's picture

Be honest and tell him you are not interested in his kids.
Bioparents have this interesting habit of foisting their kids off on others - tell him you do not want to babysit his kids. They are his responsibility or the mother of the children. He didn't need your help making them so he doesn't need your help looking after them, but he will make it your problem.

don't let him take advantage of you by making his kids your problem.

williams19's picture

Exactly these are not MY kids, take them to their MOTHER.He also says he just wants me to have a bond with them. A bond with me is the last they need, they need a BIBD with their mother I still don't understand why their over every week I promise theirs nothing wrong with the another I don't understand why would he even suggest them coming to my house. Why can't he bring them to their mother how he tries to brinvg them to my house?

JingerVZ's picture

The mother and your bf are proof that some people don't want to take care of their own kids. Mommy shoves HER two kids on a dumb guy who is the father of one. He tries to shove the kids on you. They are both the same!

This guy only wants a new mommy for his kids and that looks like you. He should send the kids back to the mother but he wont.
Take note that if you don't look after his kids he will move on to a woman who will. This guy is a user, leave him.

williams19's picture

WHY won't he send them back to her she's not doing anything she has nothing to do this is why i feel the way I feel because he LETS her take advantage of him they already have a mom like I said I'm an outsider to them they don't know I'm their step mom. I honestly feel like I don't need to be around them right now because what role am I playing for them? They have a dad and a mom

williams19's picture

And I also think that he knows that their mother is a dead beat and he really does try to look for a new mom for them.

williams19's picture

Thanks guys I finally found the problem out he let's her take advantage of him because he loves his kids and he wants to make up for the love that she doesn't give them.that's why he ALWAYS has them. and as far as him asking me to bathe them and come over my house, he realizes that the mother is not fit for children and shes no one to look up to so he tries to find them a new mother ... ME. Noe I feel kid of bad because the kids really don't have someone to look up to but at the same time I don't because he knew what type of female she was when he

williams19's picture

had the first child. But I believe he was blinded by love and now that their not together anymore he finally realizes his mistake. So now its up to me to decide if i want to be someone they can look up to ...