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Daily Phone Calls

rf79's picture

New to this site and so glad to see there are other people I can discuss my world with!

Custody is split 50/50 between the parents. Week on and week off. On the week that the opposite parent has the kids (aged 6,8) the parent without the kids will make a daily phone call to the children to check in. This all seems fine but what typically happens is that there is not a defined time to call and that phone tag ensues between the parents for about an hour until a connection is made. Then the phone is handed to the children who then many times begrudgingly talk to the other parent (prob because the call is not made on their terms, but because it is "time to call dad/mom" and seems like a chore).

Regardless of the conversation, its a constant interruption to the evening and usually interrupts dinner (either when we have the kids or are dining just the two of us). I can hardly take it! It just seems so rude! And its not like they haven't just talked to the child, sometimes they had the child that morning and the calls continue to take place in the evening.

Does becoming a divorced parent give you rights to lose all common sense of curtosey and manners around you?

Please - help me not feel like a StepMonster!

rf79's picture

Thanks for sending that link - and I take a bit of comfort knowing that I am not alone!! Thank you!

melis070179's picture

oh geez...every day??? Please, my dad lived on the other side of the country and only called us like once a month! DH calls SS once a week.

"I child proofed my whole house, but they STILL get in!"

Orange County Ca's picture

I assume you've tried to set a time to call. Mutually that is.

"When is a good time for me to call - it would be best for me if you called right after dinner say 6 PM. How about you". Work it out. Everything does not have to be a battle.

Wait - I didn't say you were making it a hassle but just a reminder that if you just stay cool about it then it'll work out.

If that doesn't work get a call I.D. phone that will recognize who is calling. Or just a answering machine. Either one will allow you to ignore the caller until an appropriate unilaterally pre-set time.

Which is to say you tell her 6 PM and don't accept a call except at 6 PM. If these are your spouses kids then of course he communicates with the ex - not you.


There's an exception to everything I say.